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Home // News // Best 10 Champions To Play in LoL Patch 13.19 (In Winrate)

Best 10 Champions To Play in LoL Patch 13.19 (In Winrate)

These picks are doing the best across all regions in terms of Win Rate in Patch 13.19. Find out who the best performing LoL champions are today.

Disclaimer: This article does not intend to be a tier list to follow blindly. Most of these picks are only played by OTPs who have delved hundreds of hours into playing their champs to perfection

Wth that out of the way, there are a few picks that are going to be highlighted. These picks are sleeper OP and many tier lists have them on their radar so look forward to that.

Without further ado let's jump into the list.

10. Soraka

Soraka Best Champions

Our 10th spot belongs to the Star Child.

Underrated in many eyes yet her numbers always tell a different story. Currently, Soraka is in a great spot in the game.

Soraka has an unmatched heal scaling which makes her one of the few champions to turn around fights much like a hyper carry through sheer healing.

Once she has her core online the amount of healing Soraka brings to the table is the best in the game.

However, she falls flat in the meta due to how aggressive supports are currently in the bot lane (And junglers like Nocturne being OP).

Yet, if you survive and scale, Soraka is easily one of the best healing champions to play from the support role. Watch the minimap every few seconds though, you should frustrate plays from the enemies with your Wish (Ultimate).

To learn Soraka's secret tech, check our recommended MOBAFire guides.

9. Maokai

Maokai Best Champions

Our 9th spot belongs to Maokai

Since his mini-rework back in Patch 12.17, Maokai has been one of the best Support and Jungle champions in the game.

Although struggling since Patch 13.15, in Solo Queue he's still going strong, mainly in the Jungle and Support role.

What makes Maokai so good is his reliability as a champion. There's no way to mess up an initiation with a point-and-click root in his Twisted Advance (W).

Add into the mix the game-changing Nature's Grasp (Ultimate) in team fights or the vision control with your Sapling Toss (E), and you have one of the best initiators in the game.

But everything needs to have a balance, and Maokai's weakness is the early game, he can be easily focused in the first levels to render him useless in the game.

Are you looking to play a reliable tank support? Maokai may be your pick. Check our recommended MOBAFire guides to learn the Tree.

8. Kled

Maokai Best Champions

Our 8th spot belongs to Kled

Kled is that champion when played by OTPs looks unbeatable, and when you use him you miss all your Bear Trap on a Rope (Q) and look silly.

Buffs to Stridebreaker have helped Kled to be more consistent in lane. The extra tankyness of the item in duels is great, and Stridebreaker's slow makes it easier to hit Q's.

Also Kled has good matchups against Renekton and Aatrox, two really popular picks.

Despite of Kled strenghts, he's not that easy to pilot and if you are new playing the champion, chances are that you will fumble your Chaaaaaaaarge!!! (Ultimate) a couple of times.

To learn the Skarll's way check our recommended MOBAFire guides.

7. Sona

Maokai Best Champions

Our 7h spot belongs to Sona

The second enchanter in the list is Sona

Always a sleeper pick. Sona is one of the best late game enchanters with her Massive AoE buffs in her Auras: Hymn of Valor (Q), Aria of Perseverance (W), and Song of Celerity (E).

Her biggest weaknesses are a lack of reliable CC (Your ultimate is your only safety net), and being one of the most squishy champions in the game.

Still, if you play your cards right (or auras), Sona becomes another win condition with all the utility she brings to the table.

One thing, do not expect to carry through Crescendo (Ultimate) + Flash combos, her AoE buffs are way more important.

To learn Sona, you can check our recommended MOBAFire guides.

6. Nilah

Maokai Best Champions

Our 6th spot belongs to Nilah

Don't be fooled by this spot. Nilah is a huge deal and one sleeper OP pick that even players from Korea are starting to spam more and more. You could argue that she's the best ADC in the game.

Her build with Navori Blades plus Collector one-shots most squishys in team fights with a good Aphoteosis (Ultimate).

Nilah when paired with strong duos gets to another level. Examples of great duos: Rakan, Taric, Alistar, Rell.

Even though Nilah snowballs hard, she does have glaring weaknesses that bring her down in the spots.

For starters, she does not like to face mages whatsoever. Her worst matchups are APCs, her Jubilant Veil (W) excels against auto-attack-based champions.

Second, unique playstyle. To pilot Nilah properly you need to invest in a few games.

Still, play her well and you will earn tons of LP.

To learn Nilah, check our recommended MOBAFire guides.

5. Olaf

Maokai Best Champions

Our 5th spot belongs to the Berserker

Go big or go home is Olaf's motto. He's one of the best top picks to snowball and crush the opposing laner's will to play the game.

Although Olaf is not in his previous GOD status after the Ghost Nerfs, no one can deny the strength of Olaf, especially in the early game.

Olaf is a signature pick from players such as BrokenBlade and he’s one of the meanest top laners if you have great wave control and know the depth of his limits (Lifesteal, True Damage).

To be fair, he’s niche currently and he still falls off hard in the later stages of the game. Yet, he has always been one of the highest WR champions in Solo Queue and one to consider as a top-lane player.

If you want to throw axes and be unstoppable, check our recommended MOBAFire guides to play Olaf.

4. Zyra

Maokai Best Champions

Our 4th spot belongs to Zyra

Since patch 13.18, Zyra has been in a tear in the bot lane claiming the title of the best Mage support in the bot lane, only really followed by Xerath which had her spot.

She’s oppressive in the laning phase and her plant's damage makes player question if they need to focus her down first instead of the ADC. With Zyra is not uncommon to end up topping the Damage charts.

Zyra has really hard counters though, Xerath and Heimerdinger come to mind in the support role. Moreover, because she does not have mobility, Zyra easily falls prey to the likes of Nocturne or Jarvan IV.

Also, Zyra falls off in higher tiers (Diamond, Masters+) but if you are not close to those, she’s an amazing pick if you like to carry as an AP Support.

To learn Zyra, check our recommended MOBAFire guides.

3. Taric

Maokai Best Champions

Our 3rd spot belongs to Taric

Taric has always been on the top picks in terms of Win rate. To explain this success it can get weird, he’s not particularly strong in regular play and once you consider his performance in elite MMR he drastically falls off.

However, he has really strong duos that take him over the top.

Taric+Nilah is one of the strongest duos in the bot lane. There are players in high KR challenger that found success with this pair.

Overall, a great pick but he can be quite difficult to play if you don't know how to properly use his kit.

An example of it is using Dazzle (E) synergies with champions to look for plays. Another one is Cosmic Radiance (Ultimate) usage, do it wrong and you can lose the fight easily for your team.

That's why is recommended to check Taric's recommended MOBAFire Guides, there's a lot that comes into play to pilot this champ optimally. But once you do, his highs highs are crazy.

2. Quinn

Maokai Best Champions

Our 2nd spot belongs to Quinn

Quinn counters most popular tops such as Renekton, Darius, and Aatrox. That's why she is among the most OP picks in the Top lane.

There’s a caveat in playing Quinn though, she does not play like many tops, she’s especially great in roaming with her Skystrike (Ultimate) and has a very up-front play style to punish the Top lane picks with her long-range.

Statikk Shiv + Youmuu's Ghostblade makes her laning and roaming even more obnoxious.That's why not many players like to face her.

This requirement to play her aggressively comes with a drawback, being that she ends up vulnerable to ganks a lot (And beng ganked) so do be aware of that.

As of right now, Quinn snowballs hard and can take over games by herself if the spots are right. Keep in mind that you are missing a frontline when playing Quinn so if you get behind you can become a big liability to the comp.

To learn Quinn, check our recommended MOBAFire guides.

1. Nocturne

Maokai Best Champions

Our 1st spot belongs to Nocturne

The Best champion in Patch 13.19 according to LeagueofGraphs is Nocturne. This comes as no surprise, the Eternal Nightmare has been tearing the competition in the latest LoL patches.

Since the buffs to Stridebreaker, Nocturne has been a solid pick in most games, but, what pushed him over the top in Patch 13.19 is the nerfs to other jungle picks as Jarvan IV and Rek'Sai that were dominating the rift.

The true strength of the Eternal Nightmare relies on his oppressive map pressure style that slowly suffocates the enemies, even more if you team up with a splitpush champion.

Once Nocturne has the ball rolling, enemies need to play his game or slip up and get picked by his ultimate.

There is not much to do against it, that's why he's at the top.

Nocturne does have weaknesses though, he can struggle against champions with a lot of escape, he has a one-dimensional playstyle that relies on using Paraonia (Ultimate) too much, and he doesn't have an in-built escape in his kit after going in.

The second flaw makes him weaker in high MMR where also picks such as Bel'Veth give him a tough time. (link to counter stats) 

Nocturne is not only a gimmick pick because of his Win rate, he’s the real deal and you should consider picking up before he gets nerfed (Spoiler: He’s not being touched in Patch 13.20).

To learn Nocturne, check our recommended MOBAFire guides.

Last words

In regards to the upcoming Patch 13.20 (which is game-changing), most of these champions aren’t being touched apart from Quinn so you can safely use them in your games and farm some LP.

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