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Teemo Ability (LoL): Move Quick

Move Quick Teemo

Teemo Ability: Move Quick
Cooldown: 14
Cost: 40
Passive: Grants 10 / 14 / 18 / 22 / 26 % increased movement speed until struck by a champion or turret. The passive is restored 5 seconds (static cooldown) after last being struck by a champion or turret.

Active: For 3 seconds, Teemo gains double his passive movement speed and will not lose it even if he is hit.

Teemo's Abilities

Teemo Ability: Move Quick Teemo Ability: Move Quick Teemo Ability: Move Quick Teemo Ability: Move Quick
Move Quick is used by Teemo

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gamebad | August 27, 2023 12:56pm
and 12 years later 4th comment, lackluster ability on a champ that wants to play the neutral game but sucks at it : (
Xcauliber (1) | November 25, 2011 7:53pm
D best skill eva...;)
Morluck (1) | October 19, 2011 4:33pm
Gotta love the quick get aways.
Note : First to post real comment :D
pejna | March 7, 2011 1:24am
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