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League of Legends Red Brambleback


The Red Brambleback is a large neutral monster on Summoner's Rift. When slain, its killer gains a buff called Crest of Cinders, a buff lasting for 2 minutes which grants health regeneration out of combat and causes basic attacks to apply a slow and a burn that deals true damage over time. When the holder of the buff is killed by another champion, that champion gains the buff and the duration resets.
Level-dependent Statistics
Gold: 100
Level 1 3 4 5 7 8 9 11
Health 1850 2035 2313 2498 2683 2960 3238
Experience 110 112.75 118.25 126.5 137.5 148.5
Attack damage; Click to see

Other level values that aren't shown are always the same as its previous level.
Info from LoLWiki
CS Count: 4
Attack Speed: 0.493
Movement Speed: 275
Armor: 20
Magic Resistance: 20
Spawn Time: 1:30
Respawn Time: 5:00

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