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Garen Ability (LoL): Decisive Strike

Decisive Strike Garen

Garen Ability: Decisive Strike
Cooldown: 8
Garen removes all slowing effects on him and gains 35% bonus movement speed for 1 / 1.65 / 2.3 / 2.95 / 3.6 seconds.

His next attack silences for 1.5 seconds and does 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 (+0.5 per attack damage) physical damage.

Garen's Abilities

Garen Ability: Decisive Strike Garen Ability: Decisive Strike Garen Ability: Decisive Strike Garen Ability: Decisive Strike
Decisive Strike is used by Garen

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Multiface1997 | August 20, 2014 10:01am
remove slow, 2.5 sec silent, and a 1.4 ratio? and on top of that 8 s cd?
Not op indeed
Alessio | October 3, 2013 1:53pm
If you were running through an AOE slow (Such as Singed Mega Adhesive or Nunu's ult) how long would it take for the slow to reapply? Do you get a second or two of free movement before it slows you again?
KaMaRa | June 13, 2012 11:10am
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