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Wayne3100's avatar


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Wayne3100's Mobafire Blog

28 Feb

Views: 3437 A Kiss of Fire

Hey guys,

Most of you probably won't know this, but a long, long time ago (November 24th 2011, to be precise), I wrote a blog on MOBAFire (now deleted) in which I said that I was planning on using my blog to write League of Legends fanfiction, because I enjoy writing and I had (what I believed at the time was) a pretty good idea for a story.

As those of you who do remember this happening will know, that never ended up actually happening. Like with all of my attempts to write a guide in the past, I ultimately reached a point where I felt like I simply didn't know how to improve...
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03 Jun
Hey friends,

Many of you have used MOBAFire blogs in the past to share a personal story, talk about goals they wanted to achieve in life and, in some cases, how League (or gaming in general) has stopped them from doing what they really should be doing. Today, it's my turn.

Those of you who know me well probably know that I've studied Game Technology at the Utrecht University for almost four years now, a study which should normally only take three years to complete. One would expect me to be close to being done by now, but I'm afraid the truth is far from it. In fact, the reality of...
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19 Aug

Views: 2711 Will It Top Lane? - Part 2

Hey guys,

After trying out three unconventional tanks in the top lane in Part 1 of this series, I asked you guys to name some supports that might be able to play in the top lane, and based on your recommendations & the limitations I had to deal with (aka not having all support champions on the account I was playing on) I picked three more to try out. If I didn't pick your suggestion, just assume that I realised it was a genius idea but I simply couldn't execute it :^)

As before, the number of...
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14 Aug

Views: 3722 Will It Top Lane? - Part 1

Hey guys,

When it comes to champion picks, I'm usually a very "meta-obeying" League of Legends player. My mindset, in short, is this: the meta picks are meta for a reason. If other, unconventional choices would be better, those would be meta instead. Naturally, this means I have the best shot at climbing in ranked (and generally becoming a better player) if I stick to these meta choices.

However, because I thought it might be fun to change that for once and experiment a little bit, I decided to start a little Good Mythical...
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11 Aug
Hey guys,

I'm writing this in response to the *****torm feedback we received in response to a recent news post about Syndra support. The general consensus seems to be that posts like this shouldn't be on the front page (which I'm perfectly willing to accept if most people feel that way), however I feel there are a few things that I should clarify/ask first. I decided to do it in a blog because I wouldn't want to unlock the thread just to leave a post of my own without anyone being...
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