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Leona Build Guide by Demonsedge90

Support 14.21 Chosen Of The Sun

Support 14.21 Chosen Of The Sun

Updated on October 23, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Demonsedge90 Build Guide By Demonsedge90 235 18 630,498 Views 17 Comments
235 18 630,498 Views 17 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Demonsedge90 Leona Build Guide By Demonsedge90 Updated on October 23, 2024
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Runes: Fighter Tank

1 2 3 4

Sudden Impact
Ultimate Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None
Hello there! My name is Demonsedge, and I'm a fan of League of Legends. I love this game and can't recommend it enough.

When I'm playing as a support, I tend to choose Leona because I'm familiar with her setups and combos. In this guide, I'll take a closer look at Leona's team and itemization and share some tips and tricks to help you get the most out of playing her.

I hope you find this helpful guide and follow my suggestions to improve your gameplay with Leona. So, without further ado, let's dive into my guide on playing as Leona - The Radiant Dawn!

Leona - The Radiant Dawn
Vanguard, Tank
Specialties: Durability, Engage, Lockdown
Why choose Leona?:
- A simple champion to pick up and can be fun to play.
- Provides effective crowd control engagement for teammates while setting up picks for her carries, and she can be that big damage soaker when you need to get objectives such as dragons or baron nashor.
- She has great potential to make plays, the odd time she can carry for her team while being a potent frontline team fight asset.

I always enjoy taking her on the rift when playing league matches, and I hope you will, too.

Pros & Cons
+ Strong crowd control effects (ex: Solar Flare & Shield of Daybreak)
+ Excellent team fight initiator
+ Very durable (with Eclipse)
+ Fits into most team comps
+ Great peel & engage tools
+ Great roaming support
- No sustain in lane
- Susceptible to constant harass
- Mana intensive
- Ability animations are easy to spot
- Team reliant
- No easy way to disengage from fights



Sunlight is a fantastic way to increase your allies' damage in fights with the enemy or when taking neutral objectives ( Baron Nashor or Dragons).

Sunlight works well when mixed with otheron-hit item effects.

Shield of Daybreak
| Cooldown: 5 | Cost: 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 Mana |

A great engage/interrupt stun tool that is effective to peel for your team or when getting ready to engage the enemy in a team fight, all-in, or skirmish. That helps lockdown your target and makes them easier to kill.

Additionally, when attacking with Shield of Daybreak, you will trigger anyon-hit effects ( Grasp of the Undying).

| Effect Radius: 450 | Cooldown: 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 | Cost: 60 Mana |

When playing as Leona, one of her most impactful abilities is Eclipse. Increasing her durability during combat and reducing the damage she takes makes it great to use when you are looking to start a fight or after you have stunned a target in anticipation of follow-up damage.

It is important to note that Eclipse has a self-slow attached, even though the ability description does not mention it upfront.

Zenith Blade
| Range: 900 | Width: 140 | Speed: 2,000 | Cast Time: 0.25 | Cost: 60 Mana | Cooldown: 12 / 10.5 / 9 / 7.5 / 6 |

Zenith Blade is a strong engage tool for Leona. It is an effective way to engage and lockdown isolated targets or eliminate specific targets. Remember that this ability targets the enemy at the back of the group, making it an excellent choice for hitting backline targets.

However, it is essential to be cautious when using it around a cluster of enemies because it may result in death if you cannot disengage from the fight you initiated."

Solar Flare
| Range: 1,200 | Inner Radius: 100 | Cast Time: 0.25 | Cooldown: 90 / 75 / 60 | Cost: 100 Mana |

This ability defines you in combat, allowing you to stun/slow an entire team while also dealing magic damage to all within its epicentre. It is effective when used on high-priority targets or targets who try to run away from you and your team.

Note that the animation time is slow, meaning enemy champions flashing out of your ultimate can be a scenario, thus wasting your engagement and making you lose a powerful ability.

Timing this ability is necessary and can make or break a team fight, and with its long cooldown, I would not recommend spamming just because you see a target in sight.


In this section, I will share some of the effective combos for Leona that are simple to understand and that you can apply while playing summoners rift (draft and ranked) games.

Auto - - Auto

- - - Auto - Auto - - Auto

- - - Auto - - Auto

Tips & Tricks:

Playing As Leona:
- Lead the charge and mark your foes with Sunlight before your allies’ deal damage.
- Shield of Daybreak and Zenith Blade form a powerful offensive combo.
- The damage reduction effect from Eclipse cannot reduce the damage below 50%.
- Save your Zenith Blade for targets recently using their dash/blink or Flash.
- Due to its high cooldown, Solar Flare should only pick off isolated enemies or foes you want to eliminate.

Playing Against Leona:
- When Leona activates Eclipse, you have three seconds to get away from her before she deals damage.
- Only foes in the center of Solar Flare get stunned, so you can often avoid this if you are quick.
- Avoid standing directly in front of Leona, so you are not being rooted by Zenith Blade and stunned by Shield of Daybreak.
- Have your Flash handy to dodge Leona's Solar Flare.

Game Plan

In this section, I will outline the things to focus on/consider at each game stage as Leona.

- Early game: Your primary focus as support involves establishing as much vision as possible to protect both you and your bottom lane partner from incoming enemy dives. Doing this will ensure that both of you are safe and can react quickly.

With the aid of your support item ( World Atlas), you will earn gold passively, and with the charges it offers, you will also be sharing gold with your team.

Be sure to gain as much gold & experience as possible to acquire your core items while also getting ahead in your matchup. Also, be sure to roam when you can (hitting other lanes or setting up deep wards), letting your bot lane know when you do so they can play safe while helping your teammates.

Setting up a freeze (holding the minions just outside your turret) or trading with the enemy can ultimately deny them gold & experience.

- Mid-game: By now, you should be gathering with your team and focusing on team fighting and objective securing ( baron nashor, rift herald or dragon). Continue to place vision throughout the mid-game, and always try to block as much damage as possible for your team.

- Late game: If your games reach this stage, you'll want to be with your team on the frontlines and continue to put up wards around primary objectives while also grabbing dragon soul, elder dragon & baron nashor, which are essential to close out the game if ahead. Make sure to deny your opponent these objectives.

Things to consider:

- Rotate towards early dragons or other objectives to assist your jungle. Also, be sure to gather enough experience so you'll be relevant to your team and be able to soak up the damage needed for your backline carries to take over the game.

- If a team fight erupts during your games, always consider the risk of the upcoming battle, meaning will you impact the outcome of that fight or objective, or does your team come out on top without you being there?

- When deciding to enter combat with Leona, you should be mindful of where you are during the fight (positioning) and also be aware of where the enemy is when attempting to engage with your abilities.

Always be mindful of this when playing Leona.

Summoner Spells


An essential spell for Leona that you should pick for your games 100% of the time. If caught out or stuck in a rough situation, having Flash at the ready can help when dodging a crucial skill shot or escaping your enemy's auto attack range. It is also effective when looking to make aggressive plays.

Secondary Options

Good against very mobile/ Assassin or strong mage champions that will burst you down quickly. Great when applied on targets, you need to slow down or reduce their incoming damage from all sources (includes bonus damage from Sheen-related items and abilities).

You'll only acquire Heal if your duo is opting into other offensive or defensive spell options such as Barrier, Exhaust or Ghost. With this in mind, you'll typically skip this option unless your duo suggests it during the champ selection.

It helps reduce healing, so you can finish off kills that your adc may not be able to secure immediately. With the damage it provides, you can secure advantages in team fights; therefore, I recommend Ignite as your other go-to spell in most games, as Leona. If your adc plans on running Ignite, let them take Ignite and opt for another option.

Vision Control

Stealth Ward

Stealth Ward is the default trinket as Leona, revealing units within a target location. With a maximum of three wards to place, you'll create sightlines for you and your team when roaming the rift. Great when side laning/placing deep wards in enemy territory or getting vision on objectives ( baron nashor & dragons).

Farsight Alteration

Farsight Alteration is a ward trinket that we tend to avoid with Leona when playing support since your job is to deny vision. Therefore, it's better to acquire any other of the other listed options instead.

Oracle Lens

Oracle Lens is your best choice for Leona and should be acquired on your first back so you can start denying enemy vision and protect critical areas of the rift while making dives more accessible for you and your team. Formidable when dealing with stealth champions who plant traps, such as Teemo, Shaco, & Nidalee. It's also beneficial against champions who use stealth as a means to engage/disengage, like Twitch, Pyke, Wukong or Shaco.

Control Wards

Control Wards can be placed anywhere on the map, revealing and disabling enemy wards. Control Wards function similarly to the Oracle Lens trinket displaying stealth & camouflaged based champions ( Twitch, Rengar, Evelynn and Senna) that approach them. As support, you will buy this most of the time since you want to clear your vision as much as possible.

Upon acquiring the final upgrade to your support item ( Celestial Opposition, Bloodsong or Solstice Sleigh), you're granted four Stealth Wards, giving you the option to mix and match between the different trinkets above, making vision placement and denial much more accessible to control around the map.

Stats To Consider
- Armor/Magic Resistance: The best stats to have on Leona. Both provide excellent synergy with Eclipse and offers additional durability in combat. Always get as much armor & magic resistance as possible to become very hard to kill in fights and skirmishes.

- Health: This stat is essential for fights, adding another layer of survivability when playing Leona. Always look to obtain this when itemizing for combat. Though we don't scale with it, having more on Leona makes you durable alongside your other necessary stats.

- Ability Haste: A useful stat for Leona when looking to use abilities more often. It is not something we aim for above all others, but it is still good to consider.

- Movement Speed: As Leona, it can help with roaming, keeping up with enemies, and dodging skill shots.

- Attack Speed: Not heavily prioritized on Leona outside the rune shard option we get (explained below), so we typically ignore this stat in every other way.

- Attack Damage: As the tank of your team, your main goal is to take damage and not deal it. As Leona, it's best to skip this stat and aim for a more defensive style with more defensive stats.

Which Boots & Why?
Boots of Swiftness > Slow Reduction
Your premier mobility option when roaming lanes or dealing with slowing effects like Ashe's Frost Shot/ Volley/ Serylda's Grudge/ Rylai's Crystal Scepter, or other movement impairing abilities that would leave you vulnerable when trying to escape.

Ionian Boots of Lucidity > Ability Haste
Grab this pair in games where ability usage will serve you more as Leona. Access to the summoner spell haste gives you more access to Flash or any other spell you currently have sooner, providing extra pressure in team fights.

Mercury's Treads > Magic Resistance & Tenacity
A strong option for Leona, helping to reduce the effects of crowd control from enemy champions while offering a small amount of magic resistance. Standard choice into teams with heavy magic damage threats.

Mercury's Treads are also great when combined with the runes ( tenacity & slow resist), or chemtech dragon's that improve tenacity for even more resistance to crowd control effects.

Plated Steelcaps > Basic Attack Damage Reduction
Plated Steelcaps is an excellent choice when playing Leona as a tank. The armor provided and the auto attack damage reduction passive make it easier to soak up from basic attacks for your backline. Great when facing heavy physical damage teams or auto-attack-centric champions.

Starter Items
Your standard support option for Leona, offering sustain and income gain over the course of your matches.

Then you might be asking: Well, Demonsedge, how do I complete the support item quest?

-> -> -or- -or-

That's a great question, and here's how:
You'll receive your first charge before the first three melee minion units perish.

When charges are available, always use them when possible, as it increases your gold gain and your teammates.

When executing cannon minion, melee minion or a caster minion, you'll gain a fixed amount of gold with each charge. At the same time, your nearby teammate will earn the total value of the executed minion.

Damaging champions will yield higher gold values (compared to executing minions), allowing you to quickly complete your support item.

Either strategy is effective when looking to complete your support item.

Core Items
With Jak'Sho, The Protean Leona builds durability overtime during combat with the enemy, granting increased frontline potential. A solid rush option as Leona to consider in every game as the resistances also aid in boosting Eclipse, allowing for more survivability from enemy abilities and autos.
Locket of the Iron Solari is a potent supportive option as Leona. The shield provided can help in near-death instances should they arise. Take this when facing burst heavy or damage over time champions.
A great alternative option for sustain and durability in team fights and skirmishes. Regeneration begins out of combat once you have acquired enough additional health (through keystones, runes, items, or levels).

Abyssal Mask is an excellent choice when dealing with heavy magic damage champions. It is also potent when you want to amplify the damage of your team's magic damage sources in combat.
It gives Leona mobility to chase down targets or when escaping dangerous situations. It is also highly effective when roaming or travelling to objectives/team fights. Also a great purchase to counter enemies who have movement slows built into their kits ( Ashe) or within items they purhcase ( Rylai's Crystal Scepter).
It synergizes well with Leona, due to how effectively you can apply shield during combat. I suggest picking this up if you need more team fight durability.
Very efficient when dealing with multipleimmobilizing effects or against teams with magic damage based abilities. Force of Nature allows you to sustain burst damage champions like Brand/ Morgana or Teemo with heavy-dot damage play styles.
Buying Frozen Heart helps to reduce enemy attack speed, effective against auto-attack-based champions ( Kayle or other auto-attack-heavy champions). It also reduces damage on incoming auto attacks you receive.
Using Heartsteel makes you exceptionally durable in team fights, allowing you to turn your health pool into a damaging tool against the enemy. It is an excellent buy when stacking high armor and magic resistance or other items that scale with health (ex: Abyssal Mask, or Sunfire Aegis).
Hollow Radiance is similar to Sunfire Aegis in every way. However, the main difference is that you'll run it when dealing with magic damage centric foes, and it scales nicely with any health items you acquire. Best taken on Leona against melee mage champions such as Gwen, Akali, Evelynn or opponents who love to get up close and personal. With the added health regeneration, you'll have an effective way to regain some health outside combat.
Leona, equipping Iceborn Gauntlet is an effective option for slowing down your opponents every so often. Items granting health, such as Heartsteel or Warmog's Armor, assist in amplifying the strength of the icy terrain created, making it more difficult for your target to escape you or your team.
When Leona is paired with Kaenic Rookern, she gains a shield similar to Galio's Shield of Durand, providing excellent durability against burst and assassin-style mages ( Aurora, Akali, LeBlanc, Kennen) on the rift. Also, it is an excellent option to consider when most enemy damage sources are magic damage.
An effective sustain option for Leona while being a strong durability option for her attached ally. It is helpful when taking extended trades or during team fights with the enemy.
Like Frozen Heart, you will reduce the damage of auto attacks you recieve, though instead of reducing attack speed, you will reduce the damage of critical strikes dealt to you. Especially useful when dealing with champions who build these items (the marksman class, Kayle, Tryndamere, Yasuo, Yone, or Master Yi).
Sunfire Aegis will burn enemies when you are near them, scaling with any health items you acquire. Best taken on Leona against melee champions such as Yasuo, Yone, Rengar or opponents who love to get up close and personal. It also helps against full attack damage team compositions.
Provides anti-heal, which is helpful against champions such as Nami, Sona, Kayn ( The Darkin Scythe: Rhaast) or to counter healing items such as Immortal Shieldbow, Bloodthirster or Riftmaker.
Similarly to Dead Man's Plate Leona, gains mobility to chase down targets or when escaping dangerous situations and damages enemies on with a follow up action, though with Trailblazer, you'll provide a trail for your allies to follow similar that is similar to Janna's Tailwind and the Elixir of Iron speed effects. It is helpful to get you and your teammates to important fights or objectives faster.
It is a great asset in vision control when paired with your Celestial Opposition or Solstice Sleigh support items. It utilizes all four Stealth Wards it offers and allows you to store three Control Wards within it and place two of them at any given time on the map. It benefits your team when opting for more vision control around important objectives and map locations.
Zeke's Convergence creates an area of effect slow (upon casting Solar Flare), while also damaging nearby targets. The slow field helps Leona stick close to fleeing targets.

If at any point you no longer require your support item ( Celestial Opposition or Solstice Sleigh) in your match, sell it and buy a situational item from the list above to complete your build path.

Also, be mindful that when you purchase Dead Man's Plate, you will not be allowed to buy Trailblazer; the same goes if you buy Sunfire Aegis you'll be unable to purchase Hollow Radiance. Therefore it's essential to determine beforehand which option will serve you better for your particular situation.

The following keystone and rune choices are great for Leona and will complement her in combat. Always pay attention to the enemy team comp, plus your item builds when selecting your runes to get the most value in each game.

Keystone Runes:

- Glacial Augment is an excellent keystone for Leona during team fights and short trades because of the slow it provides. This keystone is best when paired with other champions with slows or crowd-control impairing effects.

- After hitting any of yourimmobilizing abilities on targets triggers Aftershock, gaining bonus armor and magic resist and then dealing magic damage + a portion % of your bonus health to all nearby enemies in the shockwave—the standard option for Leona in most games when support.

Domination Runes:

- Cheap Shot is excellent for Leona, dealing bonus true damage upon damaging a target afflicted with crowd control effects. Great for Leona because of her many crowd control effects, meaning the extra damage application will be easy and allow for more efficient team fighting.

- After using Zenith Blade or Flash, we'll activate Sudden Impact, dealing extra true damage regularly during combat, allowing for increased damage on specific targets. It's an excellent choice for Leona when looking to be highly aggressive in fights.

- Relentless Hunter provides a smoother ability setup when engaging/chasing down the enemy with its out-of-combat movement speed bonus. Helps Leona get to lane faster when getting to team fights/reaching objectives on the map.

- Ultimate Hunter helps Leona gain more access to Solar Flare in teamfights and skirmishes. With the increased access to Solar Flare, you'll have more chances to isolate or subdue priority targets in teamfights allowing for the momentum to shift in your teams favor.

Inspiration Runes:

- Hextech Flashtraption allows Leona to channel a hexflash, travelling a short distance. Great for catching your opponents off guard if they aren't paying attention to your movement and positioning, surprising them with a cheeky combo. You gain access to hexflash while your Flash is on cooldown.

- Biscuit Delivery is helpful when you need additional sustain after trades and skirmishes while giving you more max health per biscuit (max 3). An optional choice for Leona, though helpful when dealing with poke matchups.

- Cosmic Insight provides access to more summoner spells ( Flash, Ignite) and item/ward trinket haste. This rune is excellent when paired with items like Iceborn Gauntlet or other active item effects. It is also beneficial for increasing your vision score.

- Approach Velocity is an excellent rune for Leona. It synergizes well with all her crowd control spells or those of her allies, granting you movement speed toward any nearby targets affected by crowd control. Great when paired with champions such as Ashe, Amumu or Lux.

Precision Runes:

- Triumph restores a % of your missing max health and grants additional gold upon getting a kill or assisting in fights with your team. In addition, it is a form of sustain for Leona and helps with faster item purchases in the lane.

- Legend: Haste is a very helpful rune for Leona to gain more access to your skills in combat. With the increased ability Haste chasing targets becomes a bit easier and also helps to improve your teams overall presence in extended combat.

- Last Stand offers increased damage when under 60% health. Further damage increases gained as you approach 30% health. Since we build minor damage with Leona, it won't be that noticeable in team fights with this rune. Compared to other Precision tier three rune options, it's the best for Leona's play style.

Resolve Runes:

- Demolish is a way to press lane faster because it will allow you to damage turrets based on a % of your max health. In addition, it allows for quicker sieging of turrets and getting the gold plates, thus giving you more freedom to roam sooner.

- Conditioning helps Leona by increasing her armor and magic resistance. It pairs nicely with Leona's Eclipse and can be helpful when you need extra survivability and late-game durability.

- Second Wind for Leona as an engage tank helps to regenerate missing max health over 10 seconds after a skirmish or team fight. Stacking health through items or runes in conjunction with this rune helps improve the regeneration effect.

- Bone Plating helps to reduce incoming damage from a combination of three instances of damage for 1.5 seconds (55-second cooldown). The damage reduction is excellent on Leona when dealing with burst champions ( Akali, Fizz, Sylas) or in tough fights and skirmishes.

- Overgrowth for Leona offers max health per monster/ minion death, then gaining a % max health bonus once 120 minions are absorbed. Though Leona doesn't scale with health compared to other engage tanks such as Braum, Nautilus, or Taric), I'd recommended talking Overgrowth with other health items or when taking Second Wind or Demolish.

- Unflinching is very potent for Leona against heavy crowd control teams increasing your durability. An excellent choice when fighting champions such as Fiddlesticks, Morgana or Amumu.

Rune Shards

When we are deciding on what rune shards (offensive and defensive) to pick for Leona, you need to factor in a few things in champion selection.

Offensive Shards

• Do I need attack speed on my champion? (Auto attacks on Leona can feel very slow, making it a good option when looking to chain autos after your combos.

• Do I need additional attack damage? For this Leona build, you can opt for it, but most might skip it when playing tank for your team.

• Do I require any ability haste? We can choose this option, but it could be more popular.

Defensive Shards

• Do I require movement speed? A solid choice for roaming supports such as Leona.

• Do I require tenacity & slow resist? Very strong into comps that possess multipleimmobilizing effects.

• Do I require more health? A viable option for Leona. With scaling health for late game fights/skirmishes, or the flat health for an early to mid game health boost. Both are helpful in games where only one type of resistance is needed. An excellent option when against mixed damage team comps.

Always pay attention to the team compositions you are fighting when mixing and matching the rune shards listed above with your Boots and items. It's a sure way to improve your overall survivability in games.

Upon reading this guide, I hope it has helped you understand how to build Leona. By explaining which abilities, items, and runes work well together, you should now be able to make the most of her kit. If you found this helpful guide, please share it with your friends and fellow gamers.

If you have any questions or thoughts you wish to share, feel free to contact me in the discussion section. I'll be happy to discuss anything with you and help you find the answers you need to the best of my ability.

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