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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Ki Barrier (PASSIVE)
Shen Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Lee Sin
Lee Sin is probably Shen's largest counter in the jungle. However, when you complete your jungle item and get a Blade of the Ruined King, your dueling potential skyrockets. Lee Sin will enjoy his early and mid game, but later on, his damage output drops significantly.
Great Sustain in the Jungle! (Comes from passive shield)
Great Ganks! (Just make sure you ping)
Awesome Dueler!
Amazing gank set ups with your, ultimate

Super hard to kill late game!
Splitpush god!
Super Hard to KS with early.
The tankier you get, the more damage you do.
Low Cooldowns with a little CDR (except the ult)
E costs a lot energy at level 1 (use it wisely)
Ult has a long cooldown
Once your E is used in a gank, it't up to your teammate to finish the kill

After countless games of Shen, and extensive research, I have determined that when you play Shen, most of your teammates will develop a condition called I-Think-Shen-Ult-Is-On-A-10-Second-Cooldown-itis. This is a serious condition that if not properly treated, can lead to increased teammate toxicity, and potentially death of your LP. The only way to treat this condition is to rationalize then that mathematically, a 150 second cooldown is not a 10 second cooldown. In most of the cases I have studied, this reasoning will not work. If all else fails, and your teammate starts giving you a brain aneurysm, you must press the mute button. During this stage, they will wallow in their own toxicity, and then proceed to report your for Refusing to Communicate. And for a small donation of $420.69 a day, you can provide much needed funds for research and potential cures for I-Think-Shen-Ult-Is-On-A-10-Second-Cooldown-itis. Please, don't delay another minute. Pick up the phone and dial 1800-Lel-420-xD for more information on this horrible disease.

Second, your W can block monster auto attacks. Generally, you can only block one, however, if you W the split second before a monster auto-attack hits you, the W will last long enough to dodge 2 autos instead of one.
1.) You are squishy: Hunters machete doesn't make you the tankiest of champs at level 1.
2.) Ability Dilemma: Lets say you were to invade. You would have to start E in hopes that maybe you get a pick on an enemy. However, if you start E, you will have a miserable time clearing you camps since the only damage you will be doing to the monster will be your basic autos. It just isn't worth it.
3.) Clear speed: To be honest, Shen's clear speed is not the greatest at level one. This will allow a lot of time for the enemy jungler to move around the map and possible counter-jungle you as well.
1. Smite Enchantment - If you read the previous version of this guide, you may remember me choosing do go Devourer on this build. Unfortunately, Shen has no more meaningful on hit effects for Devourer to complement. So, it is only reasonable to go Cinderhulk now. Cinderhulk makes for insane scaling with your Passive,


3. Boots - To be completely honest, choose the boots that best fit the context of the game. I know that




6. Situation Item - This last item slot can include a few things. Items such as

- TheDirtyGuvnah
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