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Build Guide by Mr buckets
Lathyrus' OFFICIAL CHALLENGER Milio Support Guide (14.16) Item And Rune Section updated
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Recommended Items
Runes: Early Poke and Sustain
+8 Ability Haste
Ability Order Best Skill Order
Fired Up! (PASSIVE)
Milio Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Hello! My name is Lathyrus, although some people may still remember me as BardlyMissed. I started playing League of Legends in the summer of 2017, back in Season 7 where I started off as a Jungler. During the next preseason, I started experimenting with a lot of different champions, which eventually led me to Bard, where I fell in love with him and the support role. After picking him up, I started climbing and ended Season 8 as a Challenger. Currently, I have roughly three million mastery points on Bard between various accounts, which I used to climb to Challenger on the EUW, KR, and NA servers. During Season 11, I also managed to hit Rank 1 on my main server, EUW, at 1205 LP.
While I main Bard, I also enjoy testing out other supports. I always try to provide the best possible guides from the point of view of a support who regularly plays against the pros.
Milio is an enchanter, but a medium ranged Enchanter who needs to be in the middle of the fight to get the most out of his kit. That means he can't just build all the super glass-cannon enchanter items, or he'll be way too easy to kill. You need a mix of healing, tank stats, and ability haste to make use of everything Milio has to offer.
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Enchanter Items
You can get the item set for this build by clicking here.
You can either download or copy-paste the text and insert it right into your league client. (you can find your items section under your collection tab, then press on import item builds)
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Ionian Boots of Lucidity are perfect - the more you use your abilities, the more you heal and shield and buff yourself and your teammates. |
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Shurelya's Battlesong is an option because mobility is king. Movement speed for your entire team is a huge asset, and the ability haste early and mid game is super helpful as well. |
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Milio is a healer, so Redemption is a great option for him. Healing, shielding, and ability haste are everything that Milio wants. Combine this with his ult and Radiant Virtue and Milio's teamfight strength is just massive. He can make it incredibly difficult for the enemy to bring down his carries. However, Redemption no longer gives Ability Haste, so rather than being a great item for every game, it's more of a situational item in the 4th or 5th slot if your team needs more healing or there are a lot of big 5v5 objective fights happening. |
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Staff of Flowing Water is a viable option as your 4th or 5th item if you have an AP carry on your team that you want to support. |
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Mikael's Blessing is an option if there's just a ton of CC on the enemy team, and you need more than just your ult to keep your carry alive for a team fight. |
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In most situations, your standard elixir of choice will be the Elixir of Iron. Remember, Milio wants to stay alive as long as possible despite being in the middle of the fight. |
Tankier Items
You can get the item set for this build by clicking here.
You can either download or copy-paste the text and insert it right into your league client. (you can find your items section under your collection tab, then press on import item builds)
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Ionian Boots of Lucidity are perfect - the more you use your abilities, the more you heal and shield and buff yourself and your teammates. |
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We are taking Radiant Virtue since it works so well with Breath of Life and provides solid tank stats to keep you alive while you're in the thick of the fight. Breath of Life already heals and gives tenacity - with Radiant Virtue it will heal even more. |
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Milio is a healer, so Redemption is a no-brainer for him. Healing, shielding, and ability haste are everything that Milio wants. Combine this with his ult and Radiant Virtue and Milio's teamfight strength is just massive. He can make it incredibly difficult for the enemy to bring down his carries. |
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Building Anathema's Chains second gives you some great mid game stats, and the ability to reduce tenacity on the other team's big scary carry, which is super helpful. Your next item choice will depend on who you put Anathema's Chains on. If they only have one mid AP assassin and the rest of the damage is AD, go Frozen Heart. If they have one ADC and an AP mid and jungle, pair Anathema's Chains to the ADC and consider Force of Nature. There are no strict rules to always follow here, you'll have to look at your game state to make the best decision. |
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Mikael's Blessing is an option if there's just a ton of CC on the enemy team, and you need more than just your ult to keep your carry alive for a team fight. |
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In most situations, your standard elixir of choice will be the Elixir of Iron. Remember, Milio wants to stay alive as long as possible despite being in the middle of the fight. |
Aery Setup
Guardian Setup
Early game is all about bullying your lane opponents with guaranteed won trades using Warm Hugs. Warm Hugs has two charges, shields and gives movement speed, and also applies Fired Up! which enhances your next auto attack or spell and does a % bonus damage of said auto/spell and applies a mini burn.
At level 1 that's around 30 damage of burn plus 15% bonus damage on the auto/spell so Milio's trade pattern is simple: You E yourself, and go in for 1 quick auto for Spellthief's Edge gold. This is a guaranteed positive trade since you're shielded for around 63 effective HP and your auto with burn and Summon Aery will do around 100 damage to your enemy.
This is why we only take 3 points in Ultra Mega Fire Kick and then max Warm Hugs. It's a better and more consistent trading ability into the mid game.
Late game is all about the team fights. Milio's ult mixed with Redemption's active and Radiant Virtue's passive, on top of buffs from Cozy Campfire make him an insane carry buffer. Your entire goal is to keep yourself as alive as long as possible, and while doing so make your teammates have 2-3x the effective HP that they should have. You can be a huge nuisance to the other team as they try to kill your carries.
I’ve linked my Twitch below. I stream on a pretty consistent basis, and can usually be found playing Bard (when Jankos doesn’t target ban me), testing new builds, coaching, or answering questions from readers like yourself who can’t find their answer here. I’ve also included the obligatory OP.GGs as well as my Discord, where you can meet-up with fellow Bard and support enthusiasts or receive notifications whenever I begin streaming for the day.
I hope that you were able to either learn something new from the guide or were able to find the runes and builds that you were looking for. From the entire team, thank you so much for taking the time to read the guide. If you still have any questions you can always hop into my stream, my discord, or just in the discussion tab here, I am always willing to help you out! |
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