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Kayle Build Guide by OTPAngel

Middle (S.14) How to Kayle - Farm your way to Master

Middle (S.14) How to Kayle - Farm your way to Master

Updated on May 28, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author OTPAngel Build Guide By OTPAngel 24 2 106,269 Views 2 Comments
24 2 106,269 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author OTPAngel Kayle Build Guide By OTPAngel Updated on May 28, 2024
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LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


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Champion Build Guide

(S.14) How to Kayle - Farm your way to Master

By OTPAngel
Introduction + tips.
Welcome to my Kayle guide!

I'm OTPAngel- the Kayle OTP since season 10.
I've peaked D1 and managed to get to:
TOP 10 Kayle's EUNE and
TOP 100 Kayle's WORLD.

Few quick tips:
  • Until 6 lvl you should play as deffensive as you can, unless you see, that your E shreds enemies. Before 6 lvl you shouldn't fight at all, but if you do make sure to use full potential of PTA: after 3 basics use Q+E in combination to deal the most dmg possible. Kite your enemy with Q slow and W MS boost.
  • At 11 lvl you should already have full Nashor's and Berserkers. You are still supposed to farm (9/min) but you are finally entitled to fight, use PTA, Q slow, W MS boost and kiting. Keep your lane constantly warded.
  • After 16 lvl it's free game. At the moment of you achieving lvl 16 you should have already bought: boots, nashors, rabadon and shadow. After that Lich Bane + Banshees and it's GG. Make sure to farm, kite and play with cold blood. Keep your R for the best player in your team (unless he's 10/2 you are the only target of your R).

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League of Legends Build Guide Author OTPAngel
OTPAngel Kayle Guide
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