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i start at blue buff+ meditate and a health pot=>Wolf and meditate=>Wraith=>two golems and meditate=>red buff and meditate+health pot=>gank or repeat from step 2. I tried this around 10 times (5 with no masteries or runes ) and it worked every time.
and your skill build is not really conveniant to me. i prefer starting with Alpha strike than meditate ( the only point i spend on it really ;) ) and then i max out ulty and Wuju than Alpha.
I like all the rest of the guide,especially the importance you gave to defensive item since not a lot of peoples seems to buy them.
Just calculate, you
Another thing is, at ganks, people don't let you attack them, so the damage with
Question. Why would you put 1 point in Tough Skin instead of Summoner's Resolve. While jungling, the extra 10g per use is a great help.
In a general manner you prefer to ensure a kill rather than spreading your damage output through different targets.
Nevertheless if you are really fed are dominating the battlefield, it could be a fun way to play and keep crushing the opponents.
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