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Master Yi Build Guide by Goffterdom

Jungle [S3] Master Yi, The Wuju Jungle Style (AD)

Jungle [S3] Master Yi, The Wuju Jungle Style (AD)

Updated on October 29, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Goffterdom Build Guide By Goffterdom 160 30 1,579,361 Views 85 Comments
160 30 1,579,361 Views 85 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Goffterdom Master Yi Build Guide By Goffterdom Updated on October 29, 2013
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Generic | December 18, 2012 4:36pm
You shouldnt level meditate until you absolutely have to on jungle yi. He can clear fine with machete + 5 pots, as well as staying over 70% hp so he really doesnt need the extra sustain. When you are meditating, you are wasting time that could be spent clearing camps. Also, since you arent putting points into alpha or wuju, your effeciency will be even more slow. This will mean a significantly slower clear time & you being underleveled.
AlgerienOo | December 17, 2012 10:16am
I like you guide a lot, it helped when i started as jungle yi but now you really should update it. there is that new item Hunter's Machet that is very useful combined with 5 health pot+ Lifesteal item(optional)+ Meditate+ starting blue buff ( with teammates ) you won't leave your jungle anymore.
i start at blue buff+ meditate and a health pot=>Wolf and meditate=>Wraith=>two golems and meditate=>red buff and meditate+health pot=>gank or repeat from step 2. I tried this around 10 times (5 with no masteries or runes ) and it worked every time.
and your skill build is not really conveniant to me. i prefer starting with Alpha strike than meditate ( the only point i spend on it really ;) ) and then i max out ulty and Wuju than Alpha.
I like all the rest of the guide,especially the importance you gave to defensive item since not a lot of peoples seems to buy them.
NicknameMy (155) | December 17, 2012 6:20am
You know that Alpha Strike deals nearly like 2 times the damage you could deal with Wuju Style at jungle and ganks?

Just calculate, you Alpha Strike instantly deals 300 damage to, for example wolves, with a chance to do even more. To rival this with Wuju Style, you need at lvl 1 10 hits with Wuju Style to be better. Also, Wuju Style has a longer cooldown and Alpha Strike has the now 50% proc chance.

Another thing is, at ganks, people don't let you attack them, so the damage with Alpha Strike is higher aswell.
KrazyKanuck | December 15, 2012 1:28pm
Interesting Guide..

Question. Why would you put 1 point in Tough Skin instead of Summoner's Resolve. While jungling, the extra 10g per use is a great help.
Xylarboden (6) | November 7, 2012 4:00pm
I had bought Yi and really hated him because I couldn't figure out how to use him and none of the guides I read really helped. Then I came upon yours and now I find Yi fun to play again! I think this guide makes the most sense out of the ones out there and I want to thank you for creating it :)
Gloriousdanceoat | September 21, 2012 1:09pm
Awesome guide man really helped my jungle.
linknich123 | September 14, 2012 8:00am
you're builds bad and you should feel bad
Goffterdom (7) | August 25, 2012 6:57pm
Guide updated.
Goffterdom (7) | June 19, 2012 5:14pm
Well Tiamat is just that kind of item that looks really well but that doesnt scale that well.

In a general manner you prefer to ensure a kill rather than spreading your damage output through different targets.

Nevertheless if you are really fed are dominating the battlefield, it could be a fun way to play and keep crushing the opponents.

I'd like to upvote this guide but I can't if you're leaving it to fall apart friend! Update it and I'd be happy to vote your guide up

Tell me what you'd like to see ;-)
zabernat | June 19, 2012 3:43am
I'd like to upvote this guide but I can't if you're leaving it to fall apart friend! Update it and I'd be happy to vote your guide up
Like4B0ss | May 24, 2012 1:47pm
I was just wondering, I've gotten two tiamats on yi and it works remarkably well. You do 100 percent splash damage, so on team fights I've gotten up to 4 double kills. I don't see any of the guides suggest tiamats, so is there a reason they are not viable? If so, can you please explain to me? BTW, im a fairly low level so my enemies just may not know how to counter it
love-ranged-ad-carrys | May 23, 2012 6:06am
lol i tried this build and they just surrendert at 20 cause i had 8/1/10
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