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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Cursed Touch (PASSIVE)
Amumu Passive Ability

Hey guys, NinjaNick95 here, back with my brand new, updated Amumu guide for Season 3!
These builds are all more powerful and more effective than my previous Season 2 build. If you did well with it then please, try out these builds and watch your performance skyrocket.
I hope you can all learn some valuable information about jungling with Amumu :)
Please remember to comment, upvote, and send me pictures of stats!
Here is the link to the old Season 2 Guide, in case anyone has any interest.
Amumu is currently the champion with one of the bhighest win/loss ratio in ranked games*, because of his ability to dominate teamfights and make powerful ganks while jungling. I highly recommend him to anyone looking to try jungling, as he is easy to learn, yet hard to master. Check out the video above and even other guides for tips!
*Changes on a daily basis, check here.
These builds are all more powerful and more effective than my previous Season 2 build. If you did well with it then please, try out these builds and watch your performance skyrocket.
I hope you can all learn some valuable information about jungling with Amumu :)
Please remember to comment, upvote, and send me pictures of stats!
Here is the link to the old Season 2 Guide, in case anyone has any interest.
Amumu is currently the champion with one of the bhighest win/loss ratio in ranked games*, because of his ability to dominate teamfights and make powerful ganks while jungling. I highly recommend him to anyone looking to try jungling, as he is easy to learn, yet hard to master. Check out the video above and even other guides for tips!
*Changes on a daily basis, check here.

Powerful Pros
- Huge AoE damage and a gap-closer
- Naturally tanky
- Deals mainly magic damage instead of physical (MR doesn't scale with level on most champions)
- Cries on your enemies
- Passive damage reduction
- Great teamfight capabilities
- Great CC
- Powerful ganks with
Bandage Toss,
Curse of the Sad Mummy, and
- A wide variety of powerful, viable builds
Critical Cons
- Needs to be up close to be effective
- Lots of MR shuts down his damage
- Squishy early game
- Is extremely dependent on Bluebuff without
Tear of the Goddess
- Slow if you don't take MS masteries.

Hunter's Machete
This has been a really controversial new item for junglers. Many people say that it discourages jungle flexibility, and I have to partially agree. The increased strength of the jungle monsters makes starting with
Boots an absolute no-no. This could be pulled off in Season 2, but no longer :( However, we also need to remember that it's meant to increase jungling performance during the very early game only. What this means is:

This has been a really controversial new item for junglers. Many people say that it discourages jungle flexibility, and I have to partially agree. The increased strength of the jungle monsters makes starting with

- Do not make upgrading it a priority.
- Rushing the upgrades puts you behind badly in terms of useful gold invested and stats.
- You may be better off selling the thing after your second or third clear or first few successful ganks. This way, you can free up the gold and put it into your core build!
Basically, what this amounts to is: Be sure not to overvalue
Hunter's Machete! It is a starting item, and a starting item only.
Jungle Changes
Amumu does admirably well in the new jungle. Unlike most, he does not require a leash for the first clear, assuming you plan on going back before ganking. You'll need to use a
Health Potion at blue, but once you've finished that, everything else can be cleared with no issue. As a side note, the wolves do noticeably less damage now, because their critical hit ratios were reduced (thank goodness).
I take the same route used in Season 2:
Blue -> Wolves -> Wraiths -> Golems -> Red -> Wraiths -> Wolves -> Back -> Gank
This will give you ~720 gold to spend when you shop, and level 4 for
Bandage Toss. Having someone guard your blue is still very important.

Jungle Changes
Amumu does admirably well in the new jungle. Unlike most, he does not require a leash for the first clear, assuming you plan on going back before ganking. You'll need to use a

I take the same route used in Season 2:
Blue -> Wolves -> Wraiths -> Golems -> Red -> Wraiths -> Wolves -> Back -> Gank
This will give you ~720 gold to spend when you shop, and level 4 for

Bandage Toss
Bandage Toss is arguably

Basic Uses:
Advanced Uses:

Despair is

We can also use this ability to gain stacks on a


Tantrum contributes to

To use it effectively, use whenever it's up and as soon as it's up in fights or while jungling. It doubles as a great last-hitting tool in lane.

Curse of the Sad Mummy

Basic Uses:
Advanced Uses:

To me, many of the Runes I give Amumu are pretty common-sense oriented, but I will explain both reasons and alternatives.

These runes really are irreplaceable. Armor penetration has little benefit on Amumu, unlike most junglers. Since the vast majority of your damage is magic, you should really be using these. I don't really see any alternative.
I have also seen people taking

I choose these for the little bit of extra damage while jungling and going for early ganks. Many people choose

Extra armor while jungling is invaluable. You really need these, especially since we have to start with

Probably the most unorthodox rune in my build, I use these to negate the need for a gold item such as
Philosopher's Stone. When combined with all 4 ranks of

These may be changed if the 'Jungle Starvation' issue is addressed. As of now though, these runes are extremely important and will boost your income by a fair amount.

Looking at the new Mastery trees, most of the jungle-relevant masteries are in the Utility tree, rather than the Defense tree. In fact, quite a few of the mid-tier defensive masteries only benefit lanes, such as
. Since
Tantrum gives us more than the effect of those two combined, I see no reason to go so far into the Defense tree.
Defensive Masteries

Defensive Masteries

Defensive Masteries I Don't Take

Utility Masteries

Utility Masteries I Don't Take

The focus of the Off-tank-AP build is sustained damage.
Sunfire Aegis,
Abyssal Mask, and
Rylai's Crystal Scepter all work together to increase the amount of sustained damage you can do to multiple opponents at the same time.
To complement that,
Despair is maxed second, after
Tantrum. It has good scaling (in both AP and per rank), and will contribute more to teamfights than
Bandage Toss does.
Why don't we buy
Liandry's Torment?
In my opinion, Liandry's is a great item overall, but a noob trap on
Amumu. It absolutely requires Rylai's to be effective, and every ability Amumu has is AoE (besides
Bandage Toss), meaning you would only be burning 5% of their current health, not 10%. If it was maximum health, then maybe it would be viable. As it is though, it doesn't output the damage it needs to to be worth the gold.

To complement that,

Why don't we buy

In my opinion, Liandry's is a great item overall, but a noob trap on



I favor

Your role in teamfights is to initiate. No matter the build you chose, you dive in with
Bandage Toss or
Flash, CC the entire team with
Curse of the Sad Mummy, and lock down their carries. Autoattack them and spam
Tantrum until they're forced to retreat! Without them in the picture, your team is much more likely to win.
Don't forget to use
Seraph's Embrace's active! Depending on how much MP you have, it can give a shield that protects you from 400-600 damage. However, remember not to use it while the enemy is still snared by your ultimate! To get the most use out of it, wait until you start being focused. The longer you can take hits, the longer the rest of your team doesn't have to! This takes practice, but once you have the timing down, you will destroy the enemy team every time.
If you're confident in your abilities, you can also purposely save the shield until your health is very low. If an enemy backs off after igniting you, guess what? You throw the shield up, and you live. Annoying Darius stacks his bleeds on you? No problem, just shield it. You can also use it to block a large portion of damage from his ultimate, among other things.

Don't forget to use

If you're confident in your abilities, you can also purposely save the shield until your health is very low. If an enemy backs off after igniting you, guess what? You throw the shield up, and you live. Annoying Darius stacks his bleeds on you? No problem, just shield it. You can also use it to block a large portion of damage from his ultimate, among other things.

Thank you very much for reading through my guide, it means a lot :) If you liked it and learned something from it, please remember to upvote the guide! If you didn't like it quite as much, please, leave a comment and tell me what I can do to improve it! Thanks again :)
If you wish to provide me with a picture, please leave it in the comments and use a image host such as puush or imgur, both of which are free of charge and normally don't take old pictures down.
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A big thank-you to jhoijhoi for her guide and separators!
If you wish to provide me with a picture, please leave it in the comments and use a image host such as puush or imgur, both of which are free of charge and normally don't take old pictures down.

A big thank-you to jhoijhoi for her guide and separators!
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