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Ability Order
Bravado (PASSIVE)
Taric Passive Ability
Preface & Abbreviated Terms
This is a 5v5 build! Do not expect excellent results in 3v3!
This particular build revolves around excelling mid to late game since Taric rarely dies in early game and teams of equal skill will almost always take it to late game; early game is not as strong as mid and late game, but it's still very strong. Runes, summoner spells, masteries, and early item build order are all based around these statements. If you often overextend and don't know the range for every other spell in the game, this might not be the build for you.
Abbreviated Terms
AA = Auto-attack (Melee Attacks)
CC = Crowd Control (Stun, fear, slow, snare, etc)
AP = Ability Power
AD = Attack Damage
PD = Physical Damage
MD = Magic Damage
AS = Attack Speed
MS = Movement Speed
MR = Magic Resistance
ArP = Armor Penetration
MPen = Magic Penetration
LS = Life Steal
SV = Spell Vamp
DPS = Strong Auto-attacker
MDPS = Strong spells; casters
CDR = Cooldown Reduction
MP = Mana
HP = Health
MP Regen (or MP5) = Mana Regeneration per 5 seconds
HP Regen (or HP5) = Health Regeneration per 5 seconds
OOM = Out of Mana
FB = First Blood
- Great harass and farming with

- Great support and very bulky late game
- Amazing versatility - DPS and support; ability to keep

- Element of surprise using

- Confuses enemies on what the hell you're building
- Tanks and destroys towers easily with

- Might be a bit starved at low levels before

- Slightly mana hungry early game
- Needs a good team to fully utilize

First off, note that the skill sequence should never be set in stone for Taric, but generally the one posted as "official" works the best most of the time. Rushing max Shatter allows for an increase in armor while also allowing for you to harass, but your lanemate (if you have one) and you should know that your heal will NOT burst heal you, and will only heal a bit, meaning Taric is a hero that harasses during laning phase and does not commit to a kill until he is sure he won't need Imbue to get out alive.

Considerable Summoner Spells

Utility Tree (Sections divided by Tier Rows)
Tier 1 has the basics of Utility. Haste (1/1) and Perseverance (3/3) are a given since Teleport isn't used and you shouldn't be dying that much, meaning Spatial Accuracy (0/1) and Good Hands (0/3) are useless or less prioritized. Haste (1/1) boosts

Tier 2 masteries help either early game or late game. Awareness (4/4) and Expanded Mind (0/4) are both masteries that are very useful to Taric. Awareness (4/4) allows you to level faster, which means you can harass earlier and

Tier 3 has plenty of useful masteries. Greed (0/1), Meditation (3/3), Utility Mastery (2/2), and Insight (1/1) are included. Meditation (3/3) for increased MP Regen early game; Utility Mastery (2/2) for increased buff duration - Golem buff works wonders with this, allowing you to keep

Tier 4 masteries include Quickness (3/3) and Blink of an Eye (0/1) which are mobility related. Quickness (3/3) is maxed out to give Taric the chasing or escaping power that can mean a kill, stun, or escaping a gank. Since

Tier 5 masteries include Intelligence (3/3) and Mystical Vision (0/1). Intelligence (3/3) offers good early game CDR, it's not really required since this Taric runs across plenty of CDR items, but allows Taric to easier dominate early game; remember that

The Tier 6 mastery is the final mastery in each skill tree, and the one for Utility is Presence of the Master (1/1). Basically, this skill allows you to use your summoner spells more often with unique summoner spell CDR. This reduces the cooldown of

Offense Tree (Sections divided by Tier Rows)
Tier 1 masteries has the basics of Offense. Deadliness (1/3) and Archmage's Savvy (3/3) are recommended for Taric to increase his AP and allow him to hit harder once in a blue moon. Since

Tier 2 masteries focus on quicker actions. Really, the only reason I take Sorcery (4/4) instead of Alacrity (0/4) is the pre-requisite for the Tier 3 mastery. Both CDR from Sorcery (4/4) and AS from Alacrity (0/4) are useful for Taric, but in order to get the Tier 3 mastery of Archaic Knowledge (1/1), you must max Sorcery (4/4).
Tier 3 masteries focus on early game advantages, all except Archaic Knowledge (1/1). Archaic Knowledge (1/1) gives 15% MPen so that Taric's damage output late game isn't deterred by MR items or MR from leveling. Taric should not use

This item sequence allows you to gain amazing lane presence while almost never having to go back to replenish your MP after

Sight Ward is very important since Taric cannot take a well-planned gank that stuns him such as from Warwick's

Situational Items

When laning, it's best to lane with someone with a stun or snare so that you two can pile massive damage after

Early Game Phase
At levels 1-2, you should be trying to last hit all minions. If this isn't possible due to heavy enemy harass, sit back for a few levels - if you have full MP, consider using

At levels 3-5, you should be putting on a lot of pressure since you now have

At levels 6-8, you now have your ultimate,

Mid Game Phase (Gank Phase)
At levels 9-13, Taric has a wide variety of choices to choose from. Shatter on the four wraiths in the jungle should one hit all the small ones and the big one should die in one AA. Jungle farming when switching lanes at this point is very viable. At these levels, Taric can begin making good use of Blue Buff from Ancient Golem. Ganks are viable by activating

At levels 14-15, Taric gets higher level

Late Game Phase
At levels 16-18, Taric becomes a clear force in team fights by providing +45 AD to allied champions while providing +90 AD to himself as well as allied minions with

At this point, however, Taric also becomes a main target for enemy teams to target - if you built tank items already, go ahead and get into the middle of things by starting with

If you haven't gotten many tank items, you should stay behind most of your champions while supporting them with

When being chased, have

While attacking a tower with a lot of minions (1v1 or 2v2, not 1v2), if the enemy champion decides to foolishly attack you instead of the minions, turn on

Playing off the above fact, aggro outlines appear whenever someone is specifically targeting your hero. In this case, Taric can fake a


If you happen to see a lone character defending a turret and an ally (one or more) is nearby, feel free to ping that character and dive it with

When being turret dived by 1-2 champions, always do the following: Turn on

Taric has his maximized stun time from level one

After achieving level 5

If you lack survivability, build tank items as soon as possible; stay behind your team setup and provide

I hope my guide has shown you a new light to playing Taric as more than just the supporter he's known for being. A few things to keep in mind is that silence and reduced healing really take a toll on Taric's harassing abilities. If you're laning against anyone with one of these, take caution or ask for a lane change. Be smart with Taric, you should not die at all early game, maybe a bit mid game if the enemy team focuses you, and rarely late game due to how bulky you become. This Taric's not just support, he's not just DPS, and he's not just a tank, he's more than just your average Paladin, one with every trick in the bag.

Q. Is

Q. What if the core build isn't working out? I'm getting harassed too much early game!

Q. Why build

Q. Why not build

Q. Why is

Q. Why does your CDR from items surpass the 40% CDR cap?

Q. What exactly is this particular Taric's role during a team fight?

- Some sections renamed & reordered due to above change.
- Many little changes made to sections to clarify and add depth.
- Considerable Summoner Spells sub-section updated; now includes

- FAQs section updated.
- Mastery Trees section updated; Expanded Mind reduced to 0/4 (-4), Meditation increased to 3/3 (+1), Intelligence increased to 3/3 (+3).
- Core Item Build Sequence section updated; now includes

- Core Item Build Sequence section updated; Sight Ward icon removed as the description explain when to get it.
- Core Item Build Sequence section updated; Sight Ward description updated.

- Tricks & Strategies section updated; now has advice on harassing, zoning, & denying using brush.
- Laning & Play Style section updated; Early Game Phase subsection updated to more accurately reflect the metagame.

- Added "Recommended for" tag to

- Item Sequence Build section updated; now includes

- Core Item Build Sequence section updated; now includes

- Situational Items Section updated; no longer includes

- Tricks & Strategies section updated; now has advice on turret diving.

- FAQs section updated.
- Situational Items section updated;

- Item Sequence Build section updated;

- Item Sequence Build section updated;

- Core Item Build Sequence section updated;

- Core Item Build Sequence section updated; revamped basic item buying order.
- Core Item Build Sequence section updated;

- Item Sequence Build section updated;

- Table of Contents officially formatted for link usage!
- Skills & Rune Explanations section dissolved; now separated into their own sections.
- Sections switched around and renamed.
- Tricks & Strategies section added.
- Situational Items section updated;

- Changelog format updated.
- FAQs section added.

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