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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Eleisa's Miracle

Eleisa's Miracle
Total Price: 1100 | Recipe Price: 400 | Sell Price: 770

LoL Item: Eleisa's Miracle
  • 10% Base Health Regeneration
  • 15% Base Mana Regeneration

UNIQUE Passive: Aid: Your Summoner Heal, Clarity, and Clairvoyance cooldowns are reduced by 25%.

UNIQUE Passive: Eleisa's Blessing: If you gain 3 levels with this item, you gain all the effects of this item permanently and this item is consumed.

(This item is unavailable for purchase)
  • 10% Base Health Regeneration
  • 15% Base Mana Regeneration

UNIQUE Passive: Aid: Your Summoner Heal, Clarity, and Clairvoyance cooldowns are reduced by 25%.

UNIQUE Passive: Eleisa's Blessing: If you gain 3 levels with this item, you gain all the effects of this item permanently and this item is consumed.

(This item is unavailable for purchase)

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codegreen03 | March 25, 2013 10:17am
Where are people getting this item has tenacity? I don't see it anywhere.
Meiyjhe (539) | March 24, 2013 11:36am
This item is only viable when taken one of the summoner spells noted in the unique passive.

That makes it a nice item for ARAM :P

For the rest of the maps it seems pretty meh though
ZaoZao (1) | March 24, 2013 11:25am
Wyneburg wrote:

Do you still get the gold?

The GP per 10 is lost but the Health and mana regen as well as the passive stays.

On another note, I have a guide that is linked in my signature for anyone who is interested in using this items. The build is viable and an interesting way to play Soraka with it. I don't really think this item is viable on anyone else to be honest!
Wyneburg | March 19, 2013 5:03pm
Do you still get the gold?
Xenomere | March 10, 2013 5:00pm
Hmmm if this item disappears after 3 levels and you goain said passives permanently like it says, could you buy another and have the effect stack because technically you wouldnt have the item in your inventory anymore.
Iris | February 27, 2013 4:47pm
MooseJoose wrote:

Ooh, they upped its tenacity. But it is still pretty useless late game.

It won't even be in your inventory so late game it's just free tenacity
sirell (400) | February 1, 2013 4:04pm
Kachompz wrote:

Do you still get the GP5 with this item or is it lost? I know its a noob question but it states nothing about Transmute as a passive on Eleisa's Miracle,

The GP10 is lost.
Kachompz (2) | February 1, 2013 3:54pm
Do you still get the GP5 with this item or is it lost? I know its a noob question but it states nothing about Transmute as a passive on Eleisa's Miracle,
LocCatPowersDog (1) | January 8, 2013 2:24pm
OK does that stats granted by the "upgrade" after 3 levels just hover invisibly? I have been trying out a new Cho build where among other things I upgrade the Stone into this at around 14 or 15 (maybe before). My Health Regen never got over 9 when I looked down but this has 10 by itself. I can't remember if I had a replacement stone in a slot when I looked down but if I did so it seems the only H Regen showing up was from that (or I didn't and it was just natural). Either way it wasn't showing up which was worrying b/c the 20% Summer Cool-down is useless for me.

edit: I'm a bit slow reading the entire buff sometimes, this is a per 10 sec buff like most regen/gold but the number by your health par is per sec. NvRmNd
bitpik (52) | January 8, 2013 1:58pm
I think it would be great if they took away the passive with 20% cdr on revive, heal and clairvoyance and replaced it with a 5% cdr over all summoners instead. Since then it would work well on champions who get harassed a lot early like for example Kassadin. Both clairvoyance and heal are support summoners but supports rarely get enough gold to invest into this earlygame.
AdrAlpha | December 9, 2012 2:18am
i like the three lvl passive buy it quick ad you have a non slot using item witch gives you permanent regen pls the other passive
TheDemonicDude | December 8, 2012 12:24pm
Just to let people know the stat increases stack however you can not get more than 1 permanent version of it.
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