I've been experimenting with my Support Morgana build in bot games.

And god, the WORST thing for someone who specializes in supports is an incompetent carry. My friends who normally play with me were asleep/doing homework, so I enter queue by myself.

I get set up with a solotop Irelia (Aviator skin btw...really like it!), jungler Nasus (who...never ganked? Not quite sure about that), LeBlanc mid (she did okay...I'm assuming she's learning LeBlanc, who requires a certain mindset to play), ...and Varus as my partner (I had called support in champ select).

I know I'm asking for it by playing beginner bots on a Lv15 smurf. BUT I WASN'T EXPECTING MY CARRY TO BE THE WORST ONE HERE! Carries are right-click and win!

I target an enemy. Throw my Dark Binding and Tormented Shadow. He just walks away. Doesn't even walk away to last-hit a minion. Just walks away. He wastes his Hail of Arrows to poke the enemies...he doesn't even follow up with an AA. Just spams his mana away, like a newbie Ashe. He NEVER uses Piercing Arrow effectively - he only uses it at point-blank range (when he should, yanno, autoattack).

I swear. *punts a moglin*

Dear carries,

Your best way to get feedback on how you played a champion? Ask your support.

