Somebody asked what the point of playing League was when it wouldn't matter in ten years anyway, if she was just going to be stuck in Silver anyway and not have fun playing.

This was my response to her.

"You have accepted the first important step to the equation. By recognizing that you are not the greatest player, you have acknowledged that there is room to improve and room to learn. You also humble yourself and take away the expectations to perform at a high level because really you know you aren't yet.

Now you can start to have fun with it while you learn. You can take your losses for what they are. Learning experiences, opportunities to improve yourself.

And, you can take your wins in that way too, because you will know that you did well, but you could have done better too.

The thing about League is that it has a pretty huge learning curve, so time invested will almost always pay out in Elo gains if you have the right mindset and try to learn and improve.

What does League matter? For myself, it was actually the first thing I was really one of the best at, in the world. It took me almost 3 years to make it to the top tiers of League (I wasn't much of a gamer before hand really.) but I made it and it was a pretty good confidence booster. It also taught me life lessons as funny as that might sound about being a team player. It's not about having a team as good as you, it's about working with whatever team you are given. Those skills actually translated into the workplace and helped me to understand the team dynamic. That is one of the things that allowed me to become a manager at my store working in retail.

TL;DR, League is what you make it to be. It's a video game that you can play to have fun, or a life event that you can take with you in life."