Game 34: Taric Support

What a stupid game. Last pick is ADC, so he picked Jarvan IV of course. Wants to find all lane because we running half bruiser, so I get beat up all game because they target me. Have a decent mid game but they have way more damage.

End Result: Defeat 0/1 in Gold III Promotional 210/178

Game 35: Zed Mid

Laning against a Fiddlesticks, and it was really lame. Could never go aggro on him. I outfarm him but rest of team loses lanes. Oh well back to Gold IV.

End Result: Defeat 0/2 5/5/4 in Gold IV Promotional 210/179

Game 36: Jarvan IV Jungle

Enemy team has a mid Soraka, so I focused that lane. Good teammates, forced them back, but they ninja'd a Baron at about 22 minutes. Do a great job of defending, then with 20 seconds left on Baron Cassiopeia gets hooked, end with a 3-3 fight. Baron dance ends when enemy Thresh facechecks us and Cassiopeia gets a 5 man Gaze, I follow up with my combo for an easy Ace and win.

End Result: Victory +14 LP 74->88 3/2/14 211/179

Game 37: Jarvan IV Jungle

Super frustrating game. They have Kassadin, so our mid goes Caitlyn. Does a great job zoning. We invade, get FB, I gank bot after red steal, kill Graves, gank again, get another kill. Bot still finds a way to only pull even in lane. Caitlyn gets mid tower, then gets caught out literally 10 times and we lose the game. Suicide farming all game, no wards. Such a lame game that we should have won.

End Result: Defeat -14 LP 88->74 2/2/4 211/180