Heya, MobaFire :3 Ready for a new blog dedication? This one is about comparing the top builds of different sites: LoLPro, SoloMid and MobaFire. I'll only be focusing on the build itself, the skilling order, the runes, masteries and summoner spells dictated for the chosen champions, as these are the things most people will look at/want to know before they try out the champion.

This blog is meant to achieve two things:
1) Compare how similar the top guides are of each site
2) Give readers an idea of an ideal build for the chosen champion

In the comment section, feel free to express your opinions, or nominate the next champion to compare builds for! Until a nomination, I will be going through the champions alphabetically. Next champion to compare builds for is Viktor, and if I have no more nominations, I'll go back to alphabetical.

Champions already compared:
Lee Sin

SPACEWelcome to Build Comparisons II - Lee Sin!



ACE ___ ___

___ greater mark of desolation

21 / 09 / 00

R > Q > W > E

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Firstly, one must understand that this is a solo top Lee Sin guide, and as such, the item build is far more expensive than what would be tolerated by junglers who don't earn as much gold due to less last hitting. Doublelift skills W over E for more safety whilst laning.

Interestingly he puts a point into AD over Vampirism . His item build is quite expensive and seems like a mismatch of AD and survivability. His build has lots of armour, damage and magic resist.


SOLOMID: Jungling the Blind Monk - by TheOddOne

ACE ___ ___

___ greater mark of desolation

21 / 09 / 00

R > Q > W > E

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

TheOddOne's jungle Lee Sin guide is somewhat different from Doublelift's solo top guide, but that's to be expected. Again, flat AD is taken over Vampirism and the return damage to minions is disregarded for 30+ extra health from Veteran's Scars .

The beginning of this build is very affordable for the average jungler, and the Wriggle's will keep his health up in the jungle to gank, not to mention having a ward to ward jump. Like Doublelift, TheOddOne specs Q > W > E, even when jungling.


MOBAFIRE: Listen to their heartbeat - by JakofAllSpaydes

ACE ___ ___

___ greater mark of desolation

21 / 09 / 00

R > Q > W > E

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

JakofAllSpaydes' set-up is somewhat similar to TheOddOne and Doublelifts, but it is significantly different in a few places. He sacrifices AD in the offense tree for Havoc and grabs Bladed Armor and Vigor in the defense tree to help his jungle. His build is expensive for a jungler, but feasible.

Perhaps most surprising is the use of Ghost over Flash, Ignite or Exhaust. There also seems to be a semi-late Warmog's in his item purchase.


Build Comparison - SoloMid, LoLPro and MobaFire for Lee Sin

Starting Items:
Boots + 3x Health Potion
Doran's Blade
Vampiric Scepter

// My Opinion: There are rare exceptions when one can start with a Doran's Blade in any lane. I'm a strong believer in Boots + Pots when starting in a lane without a support who has ample heals. As for the jungle starts, both Vamp Scepter or Boots work fine on Lee Sin.

Core Items - all three Lee Sin players have these items present in their build:
Mercury's Treads
Atma's Impaler
Force of Nature

// My Opinion: I find it interesting that one would choose Force of Nature over Hexdrinker upgrade, especially on Lee Sin who does a lot of damage and needs to be in the middle of the fight. Perhaps the guides haven't been updated since the introduction of the Maw.

Optional Items - these items were also suggested:
Doran's Blade
Frozen Mallet
Last Whisper
randiun's omen
Wriggle's Lantern
Warmog's Armor
Trinity Force

// My Opinion: As solo top Lee Sin, I would purchase a Wriggle's Lantern because it is such a valuable item. However, Doublelift doesn't have room for this item in his build, as he grabs Last Whisper. The other two authors don't have any armor penetration items in their build. I'm not certain whether a Trinity Force is worth the money compared to another survivability or damage item.

Runes - all three Lee Sin players had these runes in their build:
greater mark of desolation
Greater Mark of Attack Damage
Greater Seal of Armor
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist
Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage

// My Opinion: Both lane and jungle guides concur that these runes are optimal on Lee Sin. Some ArPen, some AD, some armour and some MR. Pretty standard tanky DPS runes.

Summoner Spells:

// My Opinion: A very diverse set of summoner spells here.
Solo top: Ignite + Heal = this is useful for baiting the enemy into trying to kill you.
Jungle: Smite + Exhaust = good for ganking/end game fights.
Jungle: Smite + Ghost = good for chasing. Personally I wouldn't get Ghost on Lee Sin. He is a high mobility champion and it seems odd to "waste", per se, a summoner spell on improving his escaping/chasing by increasing his movement speed when he's all about ward/ally jumping.

Skilling Sequence:
R > Q > W > E

// My Opinion: All three Lee Sin players concur on this skilling order, with only slight differentiations of the first three allocations (due to different starting items).

Masteries - all three Lee Sin players suggest:
- - OFFENSE - -
3/3 Brute Force
4/4 Alacrity
1/1 Weapon Expertise
3/3 Sunder
1/1 Executioner
- - DEFENSE - -
1/1 Summoner's Resolve

Optional Masteries - these runes were also suggested:
- - OFFENSE - -
- - DEFENSE - -
Veteran's Scars
Tough Skin
Bladed Armor

// My Opinion: The mastery allocation is very divided. Whilst the three agree with 21 into offense, they all spec differently, with choices of extra AD, life steal, precentage increase of damage and damage to minions. In the defense tree, passive life regen, extra armor and extra health are chosen in mismatched selections. I believe 21/09/00 is a fine set of masteries for lane or jungle Lee Sin, but I'd not choose Havoc . I would pick up 3/3 in Vampirism and I would grab 3/3 in Hardiness .

Until next time, MobaFire. In the meantime, disagree/agree with my explanations? Got any comments? Surprised by the similarities? State your opinion in the comment section below :) Or nominate the next champion to compare builds for!

- jhoijhoi <3

PS: As I've done two of these comparisons in quick succession I don't think I'll be doing the Viktor one anytime soon! ^^