So here we go my first blog post on MOBAfire. The topic: the recently announced changes to the summoner spells.

#1. BYE TO FLASH: So looks like longer CD on flash and reduced distance.....wait, its possible to measure less distance on flash? Yeah great idea lets encourage agresive game play by eliminating escape mechanisms so we wont want to risk being aggressive. Am I the only one who sees a problem with this logic? Also since were talking about aggressive, I use flash to attack people. It makes a great gap closer or positioning for my combo. oh well new meta time :)!!

#2. AS IF HEAL WASNT ANNOYING ALREADY: So I have mixed feelings about this move. First off I was like YES now support champs can bring heal and actually be able to heal people despite the supporty move nerfs. That is when I realized that it means more annoying people bringing heal and never dieing cause they tank everything you got and then heal and tank it all again. So I would say 50-50 on this one and I'll live with it.

#3. SURGE AND PROMOTE: SO like the concept there using with promote to prevent what happened in beta but im not sure how well it will catch on since it dosnt seem to be overly useful right now. Well time will tell but I dont like them removing Fortify in favor of Promote. As for Surge, or whatever they decide to call it, its basically a mobile Rally. Which is like amazing, cause despite the global dislike of Rally, Rally was very useful at times when jungling or on Dominion because its all about team fights at the capture points so why not just throw down Rally and duke it out because we would duke it out right there whether rally was there or not.

#4. SUMMERY: DISLIKE: loss of Fortify, nerf to flash.
LIKE: concept of mobile Rally.
UNSURE: Promote, buff to Heal.

That wraps up my first ever blog post. Hope you enjoy it. Always looking to see your opinions so please comment. GL HF.......GG