Views: 2575 Throatslasher's S3 *DIAMOND* SOLO QUEUE Tier List 3/21/13
Hello. Here is my tier list, broken down by roles. Certain champions in a favorable lane matchup are better than they are depicted on this list. For example, J4 top would be heavily favorited against a higher tier character if he has a better matchup than they do.
When I write my tier lists, champions in a tier are considered of relatively equal power, unlike elementz's. So, a champion who is #1 in tier 3 is not necessarily stronger than the last champion in tier 3. That's just how I choose to do things. If your champion is not mentioned, it probably means they suck so hard I forgot to include them. If I DO forget a champion, please mention it and I will add them. If I don't mention a champion for a role, IE jayce in jungle tier list, it probably means I don't consider them 'competent' enough for that role, or maybe I just forgot them.
This tier list includes the BOTRK nerf
(^) - next to name = gone up a tier
(v) - next to name = gone down a tier
(^^) - up multiple tiers
(vv) - gone down multiple tiers
hai guize!
Includes patch 3.04
Tier 1: Hecarim, Xin Zhao, Jarvan IV, Volibear(^)
Tier 2: Nocturne, Lee Sin, Rammus, Olaf, Jax, Warwick, Skarner, Elise, Maokai, Amumu(v), Vi(v)
Tier 3: Zed, Fiddlesticks, Dr. Mundo, Shaco, Kayle, Udyr, Cho'gath, Nautilus, Pantheon(^), Trundle(^), Taric(*)
Tier 4: Sejuani, Rengar, Master Yi, Kha'zix, Shyvanna, Shen, Malphite
Tier 1: Rumble, Lee Sin, Nidalee, Shen, Elise
Tier 2: Olaf, Jax, Kayle, Riven, Yorick, Xin Zhao, Jayce, Renekton, Tryndamere(AP), Akali, Nasus, Teemo, Singed(v), Vladimir, Zed(^), Irelia(v)
Tier 3: Garen, Katarina, Kennen, Pantheon, Malphite, Darius, Kha'zix, Wukong, Fizz, Jarvan IV(v), Rengar(^)
Tier 4: Cho'Gath, Volibear, Vi, Tryndamere(AD)(*)
Fiora Tier: Fiora, Poppy, Gangplank
Tier 1: Anivia, Ryze, Twisted Fate, Kayle, Lux, Akali, Kassadin, Xerath, Zed(^)
Tier 2: Ahri, Cassiopeia, Karthus, Gragas, Katarina, Orianna, Kha'xiz, Rumble, Nidalee, Diana(^), Jayce(*)
Tier 3: Annie, Kennen, Pantheon, Swain, Veigar, Zyra, Evelynn, Syndra, Morgana, Master Yi, Elise, Cho'Gath, Fizz
Tier 4: Brand, Galio, LeBlanc, Talon, Vladimir, Ziggs, Zilean, Mordekaiser, Sion
Don't bother: Fiddlesticks, Heimerdinger, Karma, Malzahar, Teemo, Viktor
Tier 1: Caitlyn, Miss Fortune, Draven, Tristana
Tier 2: Ezreal, Varus, Vayne
Tier 3: Twitch, Kog'Maw, Graves, Ashe(v), Corki(^)
Tier 4: Sivir, Kennen, Urgot
This matters a lot on what support you have
Tier 1: Taric, Blitzcrank, Thresh
Tier 2: Leona, Sona, Lulu, Nunu, Zyra, Alistar, Janna(^)
Tier 3: Fiddlesticks, Nami, Lux(^^)
Tier 4: Nidalee, Soraka, Volibear
Don't bother: Karma, Kayle, Zilean
Singed nerfs!
Questions or comments below, discussion encouraged.
When I write my tier lists, champions in a tier are considered of relatively equal power, unlike elementz's. So, a champion who is #1 in tier 3 is not necessarily stronger than the last champion in tier 3. That's just how I choose to do things. If your champion is not mentioned, it probably means they suck so hard I forgot to include them. If I DO forget a champion, please mention it and I will add them. If I don't mention a champion for a role, IE jayce in jungle tier list, it probably means I don't consider them 'competent' enough for that role, or maybe I just forgot them.
This tier list includes the BOTRK nerf
(^) - next to name = gone up a tier
(v) - next to name = gone down a tier
(^^) - up multiple tiers
(vv) - gone down multiple tiers
hai guize!
Includes patch 3.04
Tier 1: Hecarim, Xin Zhao, Jarvan IV, Volibear(^)
Tier 2: Nocturne, Lee Sin, Rammus, Olaf, Jax, Warwick, Skarner, Elise, Maokai, Amumu(v), Vi(v)
Tier 3: Zed, Fiddlesticks, Dr. Mundo, Shaco, Kayle, Udyr, Cho'gath, Nautilus, Pantheon(^), Trundle(^), Taric(*)
Tier 4: Sejuani, Rengar, Master Yi, Kha'zix, Shyvanna, Shen, Malphite
Tier 1: Rumble, Lee Sin, Nidalee, Shen, Elise
Tier 2: Olaf, Jax, Kayle, Riven, Yorick, Xin Zhao, Jayce, Renekton, Tryndamere(AP), Akali, Nasus, Teemo, Singed(v), Vladimir, Zed(^), Irelia(v)
Tier 3: Garen, Katarina, Kennen, Pantheon, Malphite, Darius, Kha'zix, Wukong, Fizz, Jarvan IV(v), Rengar(^)
Tier 4: Cho'Gath, Volibear, Vi, Tryndamere(AD)(*)
Fiora Tier: Fiora, Poppy, Gangplank
Tier 1: Anivia, Ryze, Twisted Fate, Kayle, Lux, Akali, Kassadin, Xerath, Zed(^)
Tier 2: Ahri, Cassiopeia, Karthus, Gragas, Katarina, Orianna, Kha'xiz, Rumble, Nidalee, Diana(^), Jayce(*)
Tier 3: Annie, Kennen, Pantheon, Swain, Veigar, Zyra, Evelynn, Syndra, Morgana, Master Yi, Elise, Cho'Gath, Fizz
Tier 4: Brand, Galio, LeBlanc, Talon, Vladimir, Ziggs, Zilean, Mordekaiser, Sion
Don't bother: Fiddlesticks, Heimerdinger, Karma, Malzahar, Teemo, Viktor
Tier 1: Caitlyn, Miss Fortune, Draven, Tristana
Tier 2: Ezreal, Varus, Vayne
Tier 3: Twitch, Kog'Maw, Graves, Ashe(v), Corki(^)
Tier 4: Sivir, Kennen, Urgot
This matters a lot on what support you have
Tier 1: Taric, Blitzcrank, Thresh
Tier 2: Leona, Sona, Lulu, Nunu, Zyra, Alistar, Janna(^)
Tier 3: Fiddlesticks, Nami, Lux(^^)
Tier 4: Nidalee, Soraka, Volibear
Don't bother: Karma, Kayle, Zilean
Singed nerfs!
Questions or comments below, discussion encouraged.
Kayle support is even WORSE since she got nerfed.
what is wrong about kayle support? her heal is quite good, her ultimate is amazing and the changes to her slow helped kayle sup, too. ok, her e isnt that good, but same goes for things like sorakas q :)
Other supports have a better heal that costs less mana. Other supports also have better CC for less mana. Her ult is the only real reasont o have her around as a support. She auto pushes the lane to harass too, as well as being hyper squishy.
She's much better off in a utility-damage solo lane type role because she's incredibly outclassed in every scenario as a support.
Sure, he still gets kited to hell, but that just means you can't pick voli 100% of the time. You have to be smart about your voli pick. Never pick him into heavy kite teams, especially a team with anivia on it.
Once the rumble nerfs come through, expect him to take a nosedive. I need to bump hecarim back up because the nerfs haven't dropped yet.
Also, thoughts on new Karma and where you think she'll be on your tier list for support/mid? I played her the PBE, the damages... oh the damages.