I get this **** - we'll call it every 5 games or so.

"Are you just going to farm your jungle?"

No, but I am going to prioritize guaranteed gold and XP HIGHLY!

If in the process of farming a

-tower crash dive
-counter jungling
-warding to get vision on the enemy jungler

Opportunity presents itself and I recognize it then I will take it.

The problem is that laners are really asking you to win their lane for them and that is not strictly a jungler's job.

I have a lane. It is called the jungle. It is guaranteed gold and XP that is super low risk.

Once upon a time I had, what I assume was a smurf playing in one of my games. They noticed that I was two levels behind the solo laners. They told me to stop trying to make plays and farm. Thank you Mr./Mrs. Smurf.

Be efficient with your time. Try not to die while you have camps up. Clear efficiently.

You know why an early Tiamat is highly prized by a lot of jungle champs? Because it lets them farm efficiently while burning less mana and health because they can clear faster with fewer abilities.

Your opening clear

You first clear on most junglers can be an aggressive three camp clear.

Buff > Wolves > Buff > Scuttle

If your laners have pushed into enemy territory (past the halfway point in the river on your side of the map)

Get a ward down for them and be prepared to countergank

If their laners have pushed into friendly territory (past the halfway point in the river on your side of the map)

Get a ward down to spot a potential countergank and then setup to gank their overextended laner.

Your follow-up clears

Remember to base periodically to buy. Gold in your inventory isn't doing anything to enhance your combat effectiveness or utility and if a fight breaks out while you have a substantial amount (say 900-1200 gold, which is enough to let you pick up a component or finish many items) then you are at a DISADVANTAGE and league is all about creating mismatches!!! Do not forget to buy Control Wards. Buy two if you can afford it. Maybe you will have a chance at taking dragon soon.

Okay, so nothing exciting happened, but you got some wards down to spot out the enemy jungler and you have some additional vision via the scuttle crab shrine thingee.

If you went Red > Wolves > Blue > Scuttle and are Top side

Check the enemy Raptors and if your laners are pushing into enemy territory steal them. If your laners are sitting under their turrets, then leave the Raptors alone. Not safe! (their laners can collapse on you faster than yours can come to your aid).

Go clear Gromp > Raptors > Krugs

This should give you enough gold to pick up Enchantment: Cinderhulk or a Tiamat if you started Rejuvenation Bead or pretty darn close.

At this point in the game it is all about clearing efficiently and looking for opportunities to make things happen on the map.

The first camp that is going to respawn in the above scenario is Wolves so go there. At this point you are going to have a bit before anything else spawns. Check your lanes. Are any of them actively trading? If those lanes are trading head in that direction and get in position to gank/countergank. If nothing ends up happening Gromp is going to be the next camp that is going to spawn. Go there. Then Raptors > Krugs.

By this point in the game your Buffs are going to start respawinng.

In most situations you want to clear in this order

Raptors > Red > Krugs


Wolves > Blue > Gromp

But if your Top laner is actively trading you may want to go to the camp nearest them because that puts you in proximity to turn the tides if the trade goes South on them.

Or if your Mid laner is actively trading then you will want to go to the Raptor camp, because again it puts you in proximity of the action.

If you get grief about farming

Mute whoever is whining. If you have more than one person whining /mute all.

I'd also recommend having all-chat off just in general. The enemy team isn't ever going to type anything that is useful to you so turn it off from the get go.

You may find that you play better with /mute all from the beginning of the game. Try it out for a while an see. You can communicate most of what you need to with pings.

I don't use /mute all by default because very occasionally I have someone tell me something useful like the person telling me to go farm my jungle because I was behind in levels, but I'm very quick to mute individuals that rub me the wrong way.

Guard your time. Use it to farm efficiently so you can keep up in gold, XP, and items, while looking for opportunities to make plays around the map.

Sometimes you'll get it wrong. You won't be in a position to countergank or counter a tower crash dive. Honestly this is sometimes more of a problem in low ELO than in high ELO because you will notice things like their team diving Top when all their camps are up on the Bot side of the map and there is an Infernal Drake to be taken on the Bot side. I've died more than once when the right play is for the enemy team to be at Baron since your team can't really contest it due to them all being dead, but it turns out their team is not doing the right play, they are in fact camping a bush on the opposite side of the map from Baron. ***** happens. Just try and learn from it.

But because you have farmed well, you will be in a position to right the ship when missteps happen (guaranteed in soloqueue).

But what if their jungler is generating more pressure early game that you are

This is going to happen. Take Elise and Lee Sin. They are both at their best in the early game. You and your laners just have to weather the early game storm. Remember the wards I mentioned putting down on the aggressive start? Yeah, those wards and subsequent warding and incursions into their jungle are designed to keep tabs on the enemy jungler and minimize their chances of having early success.

If your laners are dying to ganks despite wards spotting an incoming gank and you being in position to countergank in some of those cases, you already did something about it, you warded and you were in proximity for a counter gank (you lose certain 2v2s, just try avoid giving them a double kill and learn the 2v2s you can and cannot win).

If your laners are getting solo-killed by their lane opponents before you have finished your second buff on your opening clear, there is nothing you can do about that.

So yeah, you do want to try and stymie an early game jungler from starting an early game snowball and vision, pings, and knowledge about jungle pathing are the ways that you accomplish that. But again, in some games you just have to weather it. And in some games your team won't handle those aspects of the game well. All you can do is do your part through warding and making sure you are farming up as best you can despite that early pressure.

;tldr no you aren't just farming. You are farming in addition to looking for or creating opportunities through vision and map awareness. Get your gold. Get your XP. Get your items. All so that you can have an impact at all stages of the game. Mute the haters that want you to win their lane/win the game for them. You know what you need to do and you are going to do your part because you farmed up phat stackz of cash and experience.