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You won't be able to 3 Star all of your Frontliners, so scout your lobby and see which units are worth commiting for. Once you have core setup you can push for Level 8 and add 6 Arcanist. If you find Sett you can also run 3 Fated or simply add Ornn/Shen for more Behemoth.
If you find an Arcanist Emblem you can give it to Amumu or Thresh. This should usually make it much easier to include 6 Arcanist in mid game. If you find the Augment Mind Over Matter make sure you take other Augments like Stationary Support to field more Dummies, which makes your Frontline much harder to deal with.
Arcanist Reroll
Team Carries
Recommended Augments
stage 2
Doesn't require specific opener, since most of the units you are looking for will come with Stage 3.
stage 3
Push for Level 6 in Stage 3-2 and roll to 30 gold to find upgrades and stabilize for Stage 3. Recover economy afterwards. Can run Shen instead of Thresh
stage 4
Should be Level 7 in Stage 4-1 or 4-2. Slow roll your gold for Lux*3 and Zoe*3. Try to upgrade either Illaoi, Amumu or Thresh to 3 Star. You won't be able to upgrade your entire frontline, scout your lobby and check the ones that are most likely.
stage 5+
Once you have your 3 Stars push towards Level 8. You can add 6 Arcanist or run Sett with 3 Fated or run more Frontline units like Ornn/Shen.
Alternative Item Builds
Lux can take same item as Zoe, though she did get nerfed a lot and doesn't work as well as a carry anymore. Syndra can also take leftover AP items. Can run Ionic Spark instead of Statikk Shiv.
Thresh or Amumu can take Arcanist Emblem, which makes fielding 6 Arcanist a lot easier later on.
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