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Leona Ability (LoL): Sunlight

Sunlight Leona

Leona Ability: Sunlight
Leona's damaging spells affect the target with Sunlight for 1.5 seconds. When allied champions deal damage to those targets they consume the Sunlight debuff to deal 32−168 (at levels 1-18) additional magic damage. The amount is increased every 2 levels. Leona is unable to activate the additional damage herself.

Leona's Abilities

Leona Ability: Sunlight Leona Ability: Sunlight Leona Ability: Sunlight Leona Ability: Sunlight
Sunlight is used by Leona

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n3mon3mo | December 18, 2014 4:01am
leona can solo top if she can activate the damage herself.

i think they should adjust the passive to,

Leona can activate additional magic damage herself (or perhaps 50% effect) if there are no ally champion in 1000 range.

Leona will never be a fighter if she cant activate herself,
SeaofGioy (1) | June 26, 2014 7:10am
The damage is considered done by Leona or by the RandomDude who procc'ed it?

and does the damage penetrate the enemy MR with leona's MPen or with the procc'ing champion's?
SeaofGioy (1) | June 1, 2014 2:33am
Can other Leonas proc it?
(in OFA i mean)
Meiyjhe (539) | April 12, 2013 10:49am
AS Darius ftw | April 12, 2013 10:43am
has it ad scale?
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