Well first of all, Hi, my name is Zippownz and i play league of legends since October 2011 :D.
So yeah.... since I got to lv30 i've been trying so hard to get high ELO, without results... every 2nd game there is someone who really has a bad game, everyone has :), but why always in my team? My destiny is to stay under 1300 ELO I believe, I remember my first ranked games, it started all good and then....BAMMM, 15 games in a row lost, then 1 win, and then again lots of games lost, I know that not everyone is skilled, but the matchmaking system is driving me crazy D: And currently, under 1200 ELO there is ALWAYS someone who leaves, who flames, who feeds, etc... People are trying so hard to get higher ELO but it seems that other people dont care which is really sad...

Opinions or such?

Have a good day ^^