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Katarina Build Guide by mlodykubes

Middle [13.6] MlodyKubes Diamond Katarina Full Guide

Middle [13.6] MlodyKubes Diamond Katarina Full Guide

Updated on April 4, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author mlodykubes Build Guide By mlodykubes 25 2 49,501 Views 2 Comments
25 2 49,501 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author mlodykubes Katarina Build Guide By mlodykubes Updated on April 4, 2023
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Katarina
    ap (standard)
  • LoL Champion: Katarina
  • LoL Champion: Katarina
    tank (work but nah)

Runes: electro

1 2 3 4 5 6
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter

Coup de Grace

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2 3 4
flash + ignite
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[13.6] MlodyKubes Diamond Katarina Full Guide

By mlodykubes
Hello! My name is MlodyKubes.
I am from Poland so I apologize in advance for any language mistakes.
I've been playing this game since 2014, but with very long breaks...
I am a Katarina main since season 9 and in this guide I would like to give you my tips to play this champion
(The guide is still under development, but it is 100% ready for use and learning)
Pros / Cons


+ Highest possible mobility
+ Really high burst damage
+ Good Backline
+ Potential to 1v9
+ Great engage (matchup dependent)
+ Ability to quickly move around the map
+ Very simple possibility to counter ganks/roams


- Hard to master
- Squishy
- Easy to counter
- Requires quick thinking
- Does not forgive mistakes
- This champion is really powerful in low elo but if u get rank like d4+ u cant do 1v9
- Useless without Gunblade
Electrocute is almost best rune (easier and most popular) vs squishies enemy. You can easy use that rune for roams (4-9 lvl u deal mutch more dmg than with Conqueror so u can easy burst enemies).
Conqueror is best rune for playing soloq, cuz of Conqueror u can win mutch more games. If you choose Conqueror you will have really easy fights also in the late game. Of course Electrocute must be stronger in other things so you will be less useful in roams or early fights.
Dark Harvest is the most op rune when you want to smurf or when u play against squishies enemies. Dark Harvest is the most op rune in the laning phase because even if you are playing against tougher matchups, you can easily stack it and easily kill opponents on roams. Probably Conqueror would be better rune if u dont know how to play it.
We'll go with 18 ap and health points because 18 ap is a lot and health points stack up during the game phase.

Start Items

Long Sword
Starting with this item is in my opinion the best option, you will get the highest damage possible and you will sell this item for a reasonable price. To allow easy snowballing I recommend buying Dark Seal after first recall.
Doran's Blade
With this item you will get strong starting damage and 2.5% omnivarp. I recommend buying this item for aggressive matchups like Yasuo, Yone or Diana.
Dark Seal
This item will allow you to snowball easily. Choose it for easy matchups such as Lux or Neeko.
Doran's Shield
This item will allow you to survive hard fights. Choose it for hard matchups such as Tryndamere or Sion.

1st Recall

Blasting Wand
Starting with this item is in my opinion the best option, you will get the highest damage possible and you will sell this item for a reasonable price. To allow easy snowballing I recommend buying Dark Seal after first recall.
The last time you bought a Dark Seal, this moment buy Mobility Boots, which will allow you to snowball more easily. Also well idea are Sorcerer's Shoes!
Dark Seal
If u start with Doran's Blade, Long Sword faster.
Hextech Alternator
This item will allow you to poke easily. Choose it for hard matchups like Yone or yas.
Oracle Lens
Counter pick for vision :D Great for roams.




Sorcerer's Shoes > Magic Penetration
This item gives you 18 , after this one you can easily oneshot champs like Lux or Lulu.
Mercury's Treads > Tenacity
This item gives you a lot of tenacity. Choose it if you haven't chosen the Tenacity rune before.
Mobility Boots > Snowballing
This item gives you a lot of movement speed. It will allow you to roam much easier and gain more stacks on Mejai's Soulstealer

Mythic Items


Rocketbelt gives you great mobility, allowing you to dodge a large number of your opponent's abilities. With this item you will also get Magic Penetration, Health and some Ability Haste. Riftmaker gives you the ability to fight tanks, of course if you are very lucky XD. I honestly think Hextech Rocketbelt is a much more powerful item.
Summoner Spells

FLASH: can be used easy with Shunpo. When u dont have range for Shunpo u can just use Flash for it, also u can use Flash for jump to ur Voracity and do mutch combos with it.
TELEPORT: was best spell until Riot rework it. Now u can use Teleport like toplaner and after 14 minute u can easy roam with it.
IGNITE: can be used vs champs with high potential to life steal (smth like Irelia or Yasuo)
EXHAUST: is an easy counter to champions like Sylas who deal a lot of damage, also you can play with Ignite to counter his healing.
Voracity (Passive)
RANGE: 340
Takedowns on enemy champions within 3 seconds of being damaged by Katarina reduce her abilities' current cooldowns by 15 seconds.

Whenever Katarina retrieves a Dagger, she uses it to slash around herself, dealing 68−240 (+0.75 per attack damage) (+55 / 66 / 77 / 88% of ability power depending on level) magic damage (depending on level) to enemies struck and applying on-hit effects to all of them, as well as reducing Shunpo's current cooldown by 78 / 84 / 90 / 96% (depending on level).

Daggers take 1 second to land, and will disappear after being on the ground for 4 seconds.

Bouncing Blades (Q)
RANGE: 625
COOLDOWN: 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7
Katarina throws a Dagger at the target enemy that bounces to up to 2 nearby enemies, dealing 75 / 105 / 135 / 165 / 195 (+30% of ability power) magic damage to each target. The Dagger then lands on the ground 350 units opposite from where it struck the target.

The Dagger bounces to targets regardless of having sight of them or not.

Preparation (W)
COOLDOWN: 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 11
Katarina tosses a Dagger into the air above her current location, becoming ghosted, and gaining 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90% bonus movement speed that decays until it lands after 1.25 seconds.

Shunpo (E)
RANGE: 775
COOLDOWN: 14 / 12.5 / 11 / 9.5 / 8
Katarina instantly blinks to the target location around the target non-ward unit or Dagger, dealing 15 / 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 (+0.5 of attack damage) (+25% of ability power) magic damage to the nearest enemy in range and applying on-hit effects to them.

Shunpo resets Katarina's basic attack timer.

Upon blinking, Katarina remains unable to act via a cast time for 0.15 seconds.

Death Lotus (ULTIMATE)
RANGE: 550
COOLDOWN: 90 / 60 / 45
Katarina becomes a flurry of blades, rapidly attacking the three nearest enemy champions with a flurry of knives. Each knife deals 25/37.5/50 (+ 19% AP) magic damage and 16% (+ 12.8% per 1.0 total attack speed) bonus physical damage, 25/30/35% on-hit, and applies 60% Grievous Wound for 3 seconds.

Channels for up to 2.5 seconds.

U can max e (only 4 lvl)


Or also u can play normal Skill Sequence

in development
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League of Legends Build Guide Author mlodykubes
mlodykubes Katarina Guide
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[13.6] MlodyKubes Diamond Katarina Full Guide

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