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Vel'Koz Build Guide by iSoldMyMomForRP

[Patch 6.14] Vel'koz: Dominate the Game

[Patch 6.14] Vel'koz: Dominate the Game

Updated on July 25, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author iSoldMyMomForRP Build Guide By iSoldMyMomForRP 2,740 Views 1 Comments
2,740 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author iSoldMyMomForRP Vel'Koz Build Guide By iSoldMyMomForRP Updated on July 25, 2016
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Hello everyone! My summoner name is iSoldMyMomForRP and I'm currently Platinum 1. I've been playing League of Legends since Season 3 and my current favorite champion is Vel'Koz with 68 games played with a 66.2% win rate with him. A few other champions I love to play as well are Ziggs, Zilean, Anivia, Orianna, and Karma. I main mid and I have an overall win rate of 57.4%.
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Patch 6.9: Mage Update

The mage update came with a bunch of different buffs to champions such as Cassiopeia, Vladimir, Malzahar, Zyra, Brand, and last but not least, Vel'Koz. So I'm going to try to break down the insane buff the Vel'Koz received in his update.

Passive - Organic Deconstruction
DAMAGE 35 - 205 (at levels 1-18) ⇒ 33 - 169 (at levels 1-18)
NEWRATIO Now additionally scales with 0.4 ability power
Q - Plasma Fission
NEWMANA POSITIVE Refunds 50% of its mana cost for each unit killed by Plasma Fission (up to a max of 150%)
W - Void Rift
FIRST HIT RATIO 0.25 ability power ⇒ 0.15 ability power
SECOND HIT RATIO 0.375 ability power ⇒ 0.25 ability power
E - Tectonic Disruption
RATIO 0.5 ability power ⇒ 0.3 ability power
R - Life Form Disintegration Ray
NEWRESEARCH AND DESTROY Deconstructed champions become Researched for the next 7 seconds (refreshed by basic attacks and abilities). Life Form Disintegration Ray deals true damage to Researched targets instead of magic damage.
REMOVEDSTACKBOT No longer applies stacks of Organic Deconstruction
DAMAGE 500/700/900 ⇒ 500/725/950
RATIO 0.6 ability power ⇒ 1.0 ability power
COOLDOWN 130/110/90 seconds ⇒ 120/110/80 seconds
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League of Legends Build Guide Author iSoldMyMomForRP
iSoldMyMomForRP Vel'Koz Guide
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[Patch 6.14] Vel'koz: Dominate the Game

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