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Pyke Build Guide by duhnx

Middle s12-In depth guide for the best Pyke mid build

Middle s12-In depth guide for the best Pyke mid build

Updated on April 23, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author duhnx Build Guide By duhnx 10 7 33,423 Views 0 Comments
10 7 33,423 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author duhnx Pyke Build Guide By duhnx Updated on April 23, 2022
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Runes: Carry runes

1 2 3
Hail of Blades
Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

Legend: Tenacity

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
Almost everytime
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None
About the page
Hello! I started playing League since s10. I occasionally stream @duhnx on Twitch or post on @duhnxmage on Tiktok. This is my first guide so so please comment about improvements and ideas that I should add to it or just to discuss Pyke as it will help me out a lot. I will try to update this as much as possible but as school exists, I sometimes just won't have time. Pyke is a very hard champion to play sometimes due to the low health and cc vulnerability. He is very rewarding when you do well though, as when he gets fed, he snowballs like crazy.
Early Game
Early game for Pyke is his best point, he deals tons of damage out of nowhere. Play for hooks on your laner into E and all HoB autos. Once you hit six, this will get them to kill range. Roam early to help your jungler at scuttle as your early game 2v2 potential is high even with a weaker jungler on your team. If you're playing against a hard lane, farm in lane with Q, try to keep the wave at your turret and focus on fighting with your jungler. It's hard to dive Pyke and you can cheese with turret as well.
Mid Game
This is where you should be fighting in skirmishes as much as possible to get as many ults off to get your team ahead. Try to pick off side laners while they're farming and go start a fight, you should win the 4v5 and you have enough MS to get across the map.
Damage starts to ramp up at this point so pay attention to items, such as who's fed or who you can't kill (Someone with armour or stopwatch/hourglass).
Late Game
You should be max build faster than other people so build reactively and select your targets. You get killed very quick here so peeling for your adc is a good decision here as they can bait the enemy team in to. You can still go for picks but they will be harder due to high damage and more grouping. You fall off hard so be careful.
Here are some combos that I recorded. I apologize for the bad audio.

Q + AA + E + AA + PC + AA + R

E + AA + Q + AA + AA + PC + R

E + F

E + PC

E + R

E + R + F to the side

E + R + Q + AA + PC

E + AA + Start R + flash to the side while in air with ult

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League of Legends Build Guide Author duhnx
duhnx Pyke Guide
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s12-In depth guide for the best Pyke mid build

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