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Vex Build Guide by FaXm

ADC Vex Good Multi-Kill build

ADC Vex Good Multi-Kill build

Updated on January 11, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FaXm Build Guide By FaXm 10 1 9,935 Views 0 Comments
10 1 9,935 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author FaXm Vex Build Guide By FaXm Updated on January 11, 2022
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Manaflow Band

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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Champion Build Guide

Vex Good Multi-Kill build

By FaXm
It's worth a look here :D

Vex is a very powerful character, I play this character from the beginning when she saw the light of day. Vex is able to defeat many opponents, it is created for fights with more than one person, of course, with my build, which I created on the basis of the first ones when the character came out and over time I changed it to suit me better, the build you see can deal 4200 damage with one combo, it is such a value to kill even a not average opponent. by one combo I mean the entire stage of the fight with the opponent, where quality matters. Combo is good for a fight with one person, but I will also describe what is best to do when there are more opponents.

The combo against one person is: E <Auto <Q <Double R <W <Q

it is the full range of skills you can perform to kill. in the early game, I recommend that you fight as follows

E (when character has passive charged) <auto <Q

In this way, we can deal a lot of damage to the opponent while he will not be able to hit us

if the passive skill is not charged, we can do the same except auto attack, approaching this distance is dangerous if the opponent is not scared. This is the most classic fighting style and the safest for us, which should be used with each approach, also in team duels.

During duels with more than one person, there is no room for such precise combos, so as a vex we have to beat the opponents until we are convinced that we will kill someone when we get close. So we use R on the opponent and depending on what the threat is, we can use either Q or W right away, W is safer, but during a duel with other opponents, W may be useful, Q will load faster. immediately after R skill either Q or W must kill, every second counts. I can explain it, but no one will fully understand it, so I recommend practicing on your own, I assure you that the build I presented is very strong and when you get pretty good you will see its potential. I wish you a nice game and good luck!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FaXm
FaXm Vex Guide
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