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Cho'Gath Build Guide by The Yertle

Support The comprehensive guide to eating adc's as Cho'Gath support

Support The comprehensive guide to eating adc's as Cho'Gath support

Updated on February 12, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author The Yertle Build Guide By The Yertle 6 1 6,654 Views 2 Comments
6 1 6,654 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author The Yertle Cho'Gath Build Guide By The Yertle Updated on February 12, 2022
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Runes: To never be stopped

1 2
Font of Life
Second Wind

Legend: Tenacity

+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+6 Armor


1 2
For an aggressive fellow
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



If you don't like taking damage
To be more tanky in general
If crit becomes an issue
If magic damage becomes an issue
If your adc can't keep themselves alive
Unproven hyperwin technology
If one guy is particularly fed
If you really just want to ruin an adc's life
If you really just want to ruin a mage's life

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

The comprehensive guide to eating adc's as Cho'Gath support

By The Yertle
After millions of escapades into off-meta supports such as Sejuani, Kled, Aurelion Sol, and many more, Cho'Gath is one of the few that stuck and actually worked, a surprise considering how much I suck at the game.

This led me to the conclusion that Cho can pull off the support role better than most people give him credit for. Hence, I'm making a guide to enlighten those with such a disposition.
While of course you can and will adapt your playstyle to the game at hand, I have found that Cho in support's lane phase tends to be played best in one of these two ways:

-Playing back and safe, acting as a slightly ****ty warden, mainly just stifling engages with your silence and knock-up, peeling for your adc where you can. Your main goal here is simply to skate through the lane phase as safely as possible and get to the beast mode stage asap, at which point you just tank and peel for your adc as one of the best scaling tanks in the game.

-Playing more for setting up engages, your knock-up and silence being used here as hard lockdown for your own adc to work their magic while the enemy adc is put at a large disadvantage. While there is inherently more risk to this playstyle, it also introduces much more rewards in the form of extra chomps that you may otherwise have missed with a more timid playstyle, thus allowing you to get the fun part of Cho support at a much more rapid pace.

Feel free to switch between these play styles depending on the state of the game as both have inherent advantages and disadvantages.

Mid to late game you are just a very large gentleman doing very large gentlemanly things, such as tanking damage and peeling for your comrades and walking down the enemy rapscallions with your multitudes of cc. An easy task for a gentleman such as yourself.
Maybe don't take your first few games of this magnificent build straight to ranked. A few games with buddies in a regular draft until you've gotten accustomed to the play style is suggested. However, I'm not gonna stop you, do as you please.

Generally however, this build is best enjoyed into an enemy botlane that is weaker early game, and thus if you are not confident, try something else against enemies that are stronger early.
What if my adc shouts at me?
While I'm an enjoyer of calling anyone who whines in chat a loser and engaging with them no further, you must look inside yourself and discover how you want to respond to the potentially angry adc.
If all that sounds like too much effort, simply muting the angry person tends to make them more agreeable.
Are you stupid?
Maybe. Why'd you ask?
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League of Legends Build Guide Author The Yertle
The Yertle Cho'Gath Guide
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The comprehensive guide to eating adc's as Cho'Gath support

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