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League of Legends Articles

Check out all the latest League of Legends news! LoL updates, patch notes, and more.

Hwei artistic vision is coming to the Rift - Everything we know about the new LoL Champion

Aphelios meets Jhin… and Invoker? Learn everything about Hwei, the new League of Legends Champion.

Everything to know about TFT Set 10: Remix Rumble

Mix like a DJ or blast your heads with the Pentakill/Disco tracks. Learn what it means along with beat combinations, mechanics, chibis, traits, and...

League of Legends Early Patch 13.23 - Massive Ziggs nerfs, more Turret Gold and Vel'Koz buffs?

Vel'Koz discussion ended up with a odd buff, Janna is receiving more love, nerfs to two gods on Jungle (Briar and Jarvan IV). This is the last...

League of Legends Patch 13.22 Summary

Patch 13.22 is here with various champion changes, system updates, new skins and much more that we'll go through in this quick article!

All Traits for Remix Rumble - TFT Set 10

From Punk reroll extravaganza to the Maestro doing his thing. A lot is coming regarding traits and classes in Remix Rumble - TFT Set 10. Find the...

League of Legends Early Patch 13.22 - Graves nerfs and Janna's Mini Rework

Briar and Graves nerfs, huge Janna Mini Rework and Mid lane attack speed QoL. Follow all the details on the upcoming League of Legends Patch 13.22

5 Best Junglers to Climb Ranks in League of Legends Patch 13.21

Patch 13.21 brought Nerfs to the Rammus machine. Find out who are the new most OP junglers on this list.

5 Best Top Champions to Climb Ranks in League of Legends Patch 13.21

K'Sante is all-in on this list too. Find out which Top Lane picks join him on this list for Patch 13.21.

5 Best Supports Picks To Climb Ranks in Patch 13.21

These support picks will dominate (or Hook you to death) before the huge pre-season shake-ups. Find about the picks in this list.

League of Legends Patch 13.21 Summary

Patch 13.21 is here with various champion changes, item updates, new skins and much more that we'll go through in this quick article!

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide