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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Ivern Passive

Posted in General | Tags: Ivern 6,140

  • MyBloodisBlack

    Ivern Passive

    [Note] Assuming either Ivern is being played as a support or if someone else in the team has smite.
    Once Ivern uses his Passive on a camp - Can whoever has smite use it on that camp to instantly take it down like Ivern could if he had smite.

    If it is possible, Could someone from the Enemy team do the same?
  • Answers (1)

    Etyrnal (8) | October 9, 2016 5:47am
    No, it is not possible.

    Ivern is the only Jungler who can instantly clear a camp that has been affected by his passive using Smite.

    However, if Ivern has used his passive on a Blue or Red Buff and his teammates kills the camp, the double Buffs will still come out.
    MyBloodisBlack (31) | October 9, 2016 8:53am
    Thank you very much for responding
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