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An Unexpected Journey - S6 Ranked

Creator: Nighthawk February 7, 2016 6:47pm
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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 7, 2016 6:47pm | Report
I've decided to play ranked again this season when I have time and inclination. League's been pretty enjoyable lately, so I've been playing a fair bit and wanted to chronicle my journey. I'll be playing more for fun and the competitive aspect, I do want to climb but I won't be focusing on that solely (seems to improve my play) and will mainly be focusing on how I do vs how my team does.

Posts in this thread will be sporadic but I'll be trying to leave a somewhat detailed chronicle of what is going on.

My goal will be gold, since I have yet to progress above silver 1, although I was close last year.

I was placed in Bronze 3 after going 1-9 in promo's, so I guess my first job is to climb into silver.


In terms of roles, I plan atm to mainly play ADC or mid, possibly top/jungle or support if I have a duoq partner I trust or climb far enough.

My champion pool is kind of weird but it should at least carry me through silver.

Mid: Jhin. Ahri, Morgana, Brand, Ezreal
ADC: Lucian, Jhin, Ezreal, Caitlyn
Top: Olaf, Poppy, Riven, Jax, Graves, Quinn, Fiora
Jungle: Olaf. Vi, Lee Sin, Jax,
Support: Sona, Morgana, Braum, Blitzcrank, Annie, Bard, Janna, Leona, Thresh,

Nighthawk's Forum Avatar
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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 7, 2016 6:54pm | Report
Got quite fed this game. Started seal + pots and solo killed TF at lvl..3? I think. Killed him once more before I roamed bot and picked up a double kill to start 4/0. Roamed top as well and got a kill on Darius as well.

Problem being that our bot lane was doing quite badly early game, and at one point I had all of our kills, was something like 10-8.

Darius picked up a quadra kill bot to go 7-0 and I died 3 times getting cocky and putting myself in the front of the fights for Darius to ult.

Eventually got a double kill with Malphite ult top while the rest of our team somehow got 3 kills bot lane and called for baron, resulting in us getting a 20min something Baron. They attempted to siege after that once they were all up and they were strong, but my waveclear was very good and we picked up a couple of kills by picking people off.

Eventually I started simply kiting people and not overextending and continued pressuring till we killed bot inhib and then went and got our 2nd baron of the game to push through and end the game.

Build order > Dark Seal > Frostqueen > Hourglass > Boots > Deathcap > Echo.

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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 7, 2016 8:02pm | Report
Game 2, yay.

Picked brand for AoE team comp. Died for fb against Ekko because I got greedy and stayed after he came back with items instead of buying cause i wanted large rod.

Made a nice outplay to go 1-1 by solo killing Ekko. Roamed bot to pick up a double kill but died again, got fairly fed off some teamfights but also got caught a lot more than I should have.

We eventually sieged and pushed down for bot inhib turret and won a teamfight there to take it, caught Diana on our way back and killed Baron since she was dead, then ended up with me sieging mid and keeping wukong busy while team took bot inhib, we won a teamfight in their base to end with Ekko essentially giving me a great ult by walking back into his own team, and then ended game.

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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 7, 2016 8:50pm | Report
Game 3:

Picked Lucian since I was finally not mid this time. Lanephase was pretty great, went 2/0 and had double EZ's cs at 10min.

Picked up some additional kills on Pantheon, Naut, and Morg in a bot lane fight. Unfortunately Nautilus became super tanky and Ezreal actually started doing damage so I did die twice to the Naut CC.

Fortunately, Kindred was superbly fed and although I got dived and killed by Pantheon several times, we as a team were doing well. Eventually we had an open inhib bot and a down inhib mid while the rest of the team was fighting mid I went bot and got inhib while poking Ezreal out, who had come to defend.

They also came down and joined me and we won a fight for 3 to continue pushing, and eventually aced them inside their base to win.

Jesus promised the end of all wicked people.
Odin promised the end of all ice giants.
I don't see many ice giants around.
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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 7, 2016 9:44pm | Report
Lanephase I went 6/1, transitioned that into teamfights that we won, got dove and died to Liss + Nunu a couple of times but all in all, ez game.

Thalia Kael
<Inhouse Addict>
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Dec 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 8, 2016 7:39am | Report
keep it up nightbabe
Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures
Predacon's Forum Avatar
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Nov 27th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 8, 2016 5:14pm | Report
You have quite a large champion pool, looks like you're gonna climb out of bronze pretty easy.

Humble Riven Main
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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 8, 2016 11:25pm | Report

This game was sad. Was 4/0 to start the game, yet their jungle amumu was 8/0.

Fizz camped botlane pretty hard and Annie never roamed. I unfortunately died to fizz ult quite often (morg never black shielded me, to be fair, but was more my own positioning). We did get 1 good teamfight off but our jayce and morg went off to split bot while they grouped mid 5v3 and we traded inhibs.

The game ended after their Amumu caught out Morg and Jayce again and amu zoned me out of the rest of the fight.
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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 9, 2016 12:08am | Report

2/0 in lanephase, 3-1 after teamfights, Vayne picks up 4 kills on bot lane and proceeds to carry game while Ahri cleans up fights left right and center after my team overextends and dives turrets.

I tried counter roaming but it never really worked and my timing on that was admittedly awful.

It is however quite frustrating when you solo kill the midlaner twice to start the game and it doesn't matter.

Jesus promised the end of all wicked people.
Odin promised the end of all ice giants.
I don't see many ice giants around.
Nighthawk's Forum Avatar
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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 14, 2016 7:49pm | Report

I got super greedy a couple of times, and tried to 1v1 Irelia (lol) but we had a huge advantage over botlane going out of lanephase despite my greed (and also because of it to be fair) and snowballed that to the rest of the map by winning teamfights. I did die a couple of times due to perma stuns and no peel in teamfights but my team still won the fight so it was all good.

Team pushed off a 4for1 with my death to take mid inhib, then jax splitpushed top inhib, we took baron, and then ended the game when I chunked out Kallista and got a triple to end.

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