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Rell Build Guide by BrunolfeQ

Jungle [13.24] Rell 🌳 JG 🌳 absolute beast 🐴👍

Jungle [13.24] Rell 🌳 JG 🌳 absolute beast 🐴👍

Updated on December 10, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BrunolfeQ Build Guide By BrunolfeQ 41 17 123,042 Views 2 Comments
41 17 123,042 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BrunolfeQ Rell Build Guide By BrunolfeQ Updated on December 10, 2023
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isaaclovesmilfs | September 19, 2023 4:57am
Build if you want to fight a scuttle crab
Sailor MOwOn (3) | June 8, 2023 4:46pm
LOVE this guide. I've been playing Rell JG a lot, and some games were great, others meh. I came across your guide and gave the Electrocute runs a try and holy moly, these runes are AWESOME and my fave for Rell JG by far. I do have a few suggestions, these may just be based on my personal preferences. I'd still rush Sunfire Cape for a few reasons: Let the enemy think you're building full tank, so the rest of your items are a surprise. Gives her a smidge of armor that she'd otherwise be missing, and it gives great proximity damage. I also think Horizon Focus offers more than ShadowFlame, since we have Cheap Shot * Font of Life. Plays off the immobilization buffs. So I go Sunfire -> Night Harvester -> Horizon. Other than that this is really fun and a good build. Thank you!!
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