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Yorick Build Guide by Just GC



Updated on May 14, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Just GC Build Guide By Just GC 23 4 52,284 Views 2 Comments
23 4 52,284 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Just GC Yorick Build Guide By Just GC Updated on May 14, 2024
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Runes: AA Q AA AA

1 2 3
Hail of Blades
Cheap Shot
Ghost Poro
Ingenious Hunter

Minion Dematerializer
Approach Velocity

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport



build path example
shojin is funny and not broken at all
finally build fimble 4th
3rd item choices
maiden split push an general harrass
if super far ahead
last item choices
normal maiden push build

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide


By Just GC



this is an update to a s13 build i made that riot completely gutted with the new items. with this being said, the build i am showing here follows a similar concept with more focus on macro-pushing 4 lanes at the same time (im just that good).

My Terminology -

goon - madien
goons - ghouls
send goon - release madien by recasting r

Note that this build heaviley relies on map knowledge, specifically on how madien works when released down a lane, and how to use release effectivly. I will go over it a bit but prior know-how helps.

Item Synergy -


Eclipse with ingenious hunter is nuts, it has 4s cd and is disgusting in laning phase. I suggest really rushing for this item as it provides crazy poke and trade sustain when laning, this is why i only build tear after the rush. Eclipse is something you bearly need to be consious of, however if you play your timings correctly you may find greater value from the item.

Spear of Shojin:

Shojin got even better on yorick since last season, it is not the easiest thing to fully stack into some champs, but the damage increase on goons is well worth the item when dueling. yorick goons do area spell damage, meaning they benifit directly from Shojin's spell damage increase. Shojin is also still glitched on yorick, the Dragonforce passive (increased ability haste for non-ultimates) actually works on yorick's ult; this is great for my build as we will be releasing goon a lot mid to late game.


Much like eclipse, Fimbulwinter is nutso buttso with ingenious hunter. when fully built, it give mana to sustain your rampant Q spam because of shojin and the passive gives sheild when you E someone, This is an insane paring with eclipse and give you a suprising amount of survivability in the later game. This item also gives a bunch of health, which pairs well with the hollow radiance minion kill passive.

Hollow Radiance:

I get it, this is going to make some of your balls all fuzzy, but the amount of push this items give is crazy. Again the whole idea of this build is pushing side lanes with goon, this means that we need a shit ton of consitant push. Radiance lets goons push into big waves like they're nothing while still giving yorick a good amount of push. This item also works extremly well with Unending Despair should you decide to teamfight later into the game.

Rune Synergy -

(im only covering important stuff)

hobkins :

This rune if fucking nuts, its so much fun you need to try it even if not using this build. hob gives you a crazy amount of kill presure early allowing you to catch people off guard super easy. With the new ult auto cd changes hob allows you to auto champs 4 times in a second if properly executed, this is 15% max hp damage alone (more with eclise proc)

Ingenious Hunter:

Ingenious Hunter is nececcary for this build, it gives you a crazy amount of passive cdr on your eclipse, tear, and fimble. It is very very good for trades and consistant damage in teamfights.

Minion Dmatt :

I will defend this rune with my life. you do not need the ms from magic feet as you already have black cleaver approach velocity. cookies are meh, dont get my wrong they are good but yorick doesnt really benefit from the max mana and cpot helps with lane sustain. Dmatt is super good for playing back early as it gives a consistant way to kill cannons. The best part is the 12% minion damage increase. USE ONE ON EACH MINION. this gives the most out of the rune and allows you to oneshot casters with your Q (where you ohterwise wouldn't be able to).

Approach Velocity :

Approach velocity is also self explanatory, you do a lot better into range matchups as your all-ins are faster and you have more stick. As mentioned before it also allows you to run at lanes where your minions are attacking champs; which seems like a small thing, but has proved quite helpful to atleast me.
pros n cons of build


    1. Pretty standard yorick play experience
    2. Crazy map pressure
    3. Wins games xd (if not you bad lol)
    4. Allows you to win games that were otherwise lost.
    5. Decent kill pressure early
    6. Pretty consistant trade potential


    1. Quite imobile if caught out (just dont get caught xd)
    2. Requires some level of brain to use later in the game (hard for most yoricks)


You should play slow went fighting, look for 4 goon Es to widdle down your laner, then all in, it is good to make sure hail of blades in up when all inning. E, W, wait, walk up and proc Shojin, then win xd. Kite around your W as much as you can while playing around your items.

How to Skirmish :

hit E

walk up and W

run around for 2-ish seconds with occasional Qs if you can
(if you are strong block off escape | if you are weak wait kite around cage)

go in for the kill

get kill

type: "zzzzzz ggez ff dogs you have shit top."
(to win the mental game)
playing the build :0

Early :

early game eclipse allows you to play more agressive, look for early picks and solo kills catching people with off-gaurd with hob, we are yorick players, we dont need junglers. into winning matchups take lane prio lvl 1 if possible, if you get shit on play back and start e. If you happen to int a few times dont panic youre dog shit but you will prevail. dont forget to steal your junglers krugs when playing redside.

Midgame :

mid game depends on how well you play early. if you are fed look PUSH YOUR LEAD, run your lanner into the ground, steal camps, get both heralds, get all plating and if possible second turret. if you want vore further, kick bot out of their lane and take their second turret. if you are behind play around team looking to steal kills or at least get assists. if ahead i like to stay in lane and play for second turret. LOOK TO PLAY AROUND RELEASING MADIEN, ik it disables you, but its broken.

Late :

Depending on your build either play with your team or hard split while your team has a chace to fatten up. use your gamer macro 5 head knowledge to push opposite lanes from up comming objectives (e.g. send maiden top when playing for an elder to force a 4v5 or a lost inhib). again depedning on build you should focus on setting up good TPs to end, or just over power your oppoents in teamfight. idk just win xd.
hulbreaker is ok now but goon is better
Releasing madien at the right time is an art form, and it takes a lot of games to learn to do properly. You do it to early and the lucian will come top and kill her, then you have no goon for drake fight, do it too late, and she just sits top doing nothing.

So when should you release her?:
  • When fighting for an important drake when fighting for third drake or soul, its good idea to send goon down top around 1:30 before drake is up, this is very over simplifed and it matters alot more the place and what type of waves are top, but 1:30 in advance is a good starting point.
  • When super behind, when behind you are starved of gold, if this is the case, play back and look to push and leave lanes, i.e. throw madien in a lane that no one is near, then run to the opposite lane and push that using goons. You can slowly build up to a point where you can participate in teamfights to snowball further.
  • When your inhib is gone and and obj is up, if you dont want supers in your base when fighting drake, try dropping maiden to counter push into it, she should be able to at most stages in the game (unless youre super far behind)
  • When gungus gives you a little too much lip, and you gotta send goon bot at 9min to put him in his place.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Just GC
Just GC Yorick Guide
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