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Shen Build Guide by Hanjaro

Support Hanjaro's Shen Supporting your way to Challenger.

Support Hanjaro's Shen Supporting your way to Challenger.

Updated on September 21, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Hanjaro Build Guide By Hanjaro 103 1 272,494 Views 9 Comments
103 1 272,494 Views 9 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Hanjaro Shen Build Guide By Hanjaro Updated on September 21, 2021
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ecl1p3e (8) | February 15, 2021 7:55pm

Really great job on the guide and all the info/coding/pictures that you have. It makes the guide seem very chill and comfy. What should you do if you're in a match up such as Janna? Her poke makes it hard to stack my support item and she can cancel all my engages with her tornado and ult. I try to roam as often as I can but then my adc has to play completely under turret and has a hard time doing practically everything.
BlurryBasmati | February 5, 2021 10:01am
Hello !

With the buff of the Frostfire, do you think it could be better than Locket (in games without ennemy big burst) and Sunfire ?
The AH gain is pretty neat for Ultimate, the slow contributes to protect the carry / huger your engages. The stat gain is nice for the item price too.

Tell me what do you think about it :) !

And thanks for the guide, I'm sure Shen can be a nice supp in this meta.
Tnock | January 18, 2021 3:00am
River Shen
TheMrDarkness (1) | January 18, 2021 3:06am
River Shen
Flamaethe | September 8, 2020 8:43pm
I'm not sure why Steel Shoulderguards is a good support item for Shen. He has no attack damage scaling, all of his abilities scale with either AP or Max Health. Wouldn't it be better to use Relic Shield instead, since the AP it gives makes the R shield all the more powerful, because of the bonkers AP ratio?
Just my thoughts on it, feel free to do any support item yall like
Hanjaro (8) | November 24, 2020 4:48am
Ad items are almost always better for the early game. Most trades end up being auto attack based and abilities are not the majority of your damage at this time. Later in the game the AP scalings will be worth much more.
Inky0800 (1) | September 16, 2019 10:15pm
I was wondering in what situations should you play support Shen like what kind of ADC would be better to play with and which champs aren't really nice to go against when playing support Shen?
Whitebane17 (1) | September 8, 2020 9:14pm
First one i can think of is Jhin, since he just loves having that first stun/root to combo with his W, maybe Caitlyn too if she can position well her trap or you make the enemy walk over it.
I guess you can also try the senna duo, sharing farm and getting big with her.

I have yet to start a series of Shen support tho, was training him jungle and man was it rough sometimes.
rraaffff3 | August 30, 2019 6:52pm
soooo good like so much ery cooolll willl being used on the rifttt
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Hanjaro's Shen Supporting your way to Challenger.

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