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Talon Build Guide by Talon Abuser

Middle [S11] Teamfight/Bruiser Talon

Middle [S11] Teamfight/Bruiser Talon

Updated on April 15, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Talon Abuser Build Guide By Talon Abuser 29 5 56,414 Views 0 Comments
29 5 56,414 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Talon Abuser Talon Build Guide By Talon Abuser Updated on April 15, 2021
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Runes: Conquerer

1 2
Legend: Tenacity
Coup de Grace

Taste of Blood
Ravenous Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


Flash and Ignite
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[S11] Teamfight/Bruiser Talon

By Talon Abuser
Build description
Unlike normal lethality talon, this is not a one shot build, it doesn't need a lot of weaving in and out and having to pick off squishes one by one. This is a teamfight build, made for ganking a teamfight midway through and tanking all damage done after cc has been deployed already by the enemy. Lots of splash damage and the more people you hit with goredrinker, the better. However it still deosn't completely eliminate the assasin idea, you can weave in and out of drag souls and rifts/barons while surviving the whole process even if you are alone. You can dive low players on towers with a quick w, ranged q, then proc passive and ignite on exit. Talon with a teamfight twist and a VERY heavy snowballing champ.
Summary of Abilities
Remember it takes 3 ability hits to set up your passive. You will see a red triangle around your enemy when its ready and it takes an auto attack to proc it, the damage it does is normally 1.5x that of your ad. This combined with ignite makes it almost impossible for enemies to escape you in a 1v1. (early game kill pressure) Some short and quick combos for early game would be w then ranged q to drag your second w back to set up your passive which you can then proc immediately and ignite, a lot of times this will kill your enemy early game at level 2. Another example is w, flash, melee q, which will also proc your passive and you get melee q damage however this is a waste of a flash and a lot better for electrocute builds. If I manage to kill the enemy early game and get ironspike before level 6 then I would use ranged q, w, and ironspike whip and stick on them until my second w hits and i get my passive. If you have the upper hand, you will win and not only will this mentally scar your opponent into playing safer but it allows you to push your lane harder until level 6 which you can then gank a lot more frequently. A full combo would normally be e over wall, w, ranged q, and then cast r depending on where they are. If I'm not full hp I would cast it the moment i finish my ranged q animation to get healed and to give me time to choose the best target of all of them. I would then follow this up with gore drinker if I'm below 60% hp, proc passive on my current target and then switch targets which I would then shoot a melee q, then ignite and switch targets again. This allows for a constant rotation between rake and diplomacy and you can get 2-3 kills easily if you are fed that is. This is the basic full combo. Asides from that there isn't much else to say. Ranged q is good for pursuit or escape by dashing to a minion, w is good for slowing running targets because on second hit it slows them, and e is good for both engage/escape. R is also good for escape or diving under tower for movement speed.
Summary of Early Game Items
Early game you will most likely find yourself with Ironspike whip and Boots of Lucidity until around level 6-8. Both of these items are strong enough to allow for 2v1s in bot lane if you dodge their cc. Ironspike is a very good item to make up for electrocute which you don't have. Boots of lucidity can help with fighting 2 targets and for keeping your enemy mid laner playing safe with constant harassments from your w.
Work in progress
STILL WORKING ON THIS GUIDE, build works though ^^
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Talon Abuser
Talon Abuser Talon Guide
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[S11] Teamfight/Bruiser Talon

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Teamfight Tactics Guide