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Bard Build Guide by SuperChicken144

Jungle [Season 12] Bard Jungle Guide

Jungle [Season 12] Bard Jungle Guide

Updated on February 9, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SuperChicken144 Build Guide By SuperChicken144 133 11 164,099 Views 5 Comments
133 11 164,099 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SuperChicken144 Bard Build Guide By SuperChicken144 Updated on February 9, 2022
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Runes: Sustain

1 2
Fleet Footwork
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand

Gathering Storm

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Chilling Smite

Chilling Smite

LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[Season 12] Bard Jungle Guide

By SuperChicken144
I have personally never tried this fun build but my friend who is a jungle main told me about it has played it with me. This is a fun, and very stupid jungle with not half-bad clear. If you like to play Bard support, try bard jungle.

Jungle Clear
1. blue Buff: Your CC and early Meeps help.
2. Gromp: The healing pads are very important to staying alive here.
3. Murk wolves: same as Gromp the healing pads and CC help.
4. Red Buff: Helps to have when going to first gank.
6. Rift Scuttler: go for it but if you see someone don't fight it.
7. Raptor Krugs: You can not do first clear but when you get Lost Chapter
or Noonquiver, you are able to clear.

When To Smite
Your early game is not that good even though you have a heal and CC. Your First
should be on Gromp, your next smite is on the second buff. If you can
try to keep your last Smite for Rift Scuttler. It is not as necessary as
some jungler's because of your CC.

Abilites Order
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


1. Cosmic Binding (Q)
This is bard CC and one of the main reasons he can go jungle. This ability works
well in the jungle because it works with walls, people, and minions.
2. Caretaker's Shrine (W)
The other reason bard can go jungle. The healing from this is very helpful with
staying alive while clearing the jungle.
3. Magical Journey (E)
A very helpful ability, this can be used to get to jungle camps or to gank very
4. Tempered Fate (R)
Bard's main ability for changing the way team fight will go. Also very good for
trolling your team.

1. Fleet Footwork
This is a great rune because of its sustainability and speed. Help bard a lot in
the jungle. I love the extra damage, it is also good.
2. Triumph
One of the best runes in the game. Can win you so many team fight that if you
didn't have it you would lose.
3. Legend: Alacrity
The attack speed you get is great because you are auto-attack-based. You're
passive work well with it.
4. Last Stand
This is generally a good rune. The damage from this rune is very good for having
a lot of kill pressure.
5. Celerity
When you pick up a Meep you gain mov speed. So this works very well with your
6. Gathering Storm
This helps with your infinite scaling. All your ability scale with Ap so this
helps alot.

Your Magical Journey (E) is the best way to gank. You can go right in front of them or even from behind with this ability. You can use your CC to help capture your enemy so they can not get away. I say bot is the best place to gank because there are a lot of places to use you Magical Journey (E) and CC.

Team Fighting
You have to play this just like support with a lot of damage. Try to hit your CC and use your Tempered Fate (R) properly. Also, heal your team and do as much damage as possible. If you hit your abilities, you can almost every team fight.

1. Luden's Tempest
You scale with a lot of Ap so this works well with your abilities. Also, the passive works with your autos because of your passive.
2. Lich Bane
Same with luden's it works with your abilities and you're passive. The speed is also very good.
3. Rapid Firecannon
Everything this gives you works for you. The range and damage are very helpful, the crit is useless but still good.
4. Cosmic Drive
Your abilities are very important. Having the ability haste is very important. More CC and healing are always helpful.
5. Demonic Embrace
This is kinda the last item thing. The damage and health are nice. This is not an important thing but very good.
6. Boots of Swiftness
You need the speed so it's very helpful. Also works well with getting chimes.

This is a dumb build with a lot of damage with magic or crit. For not building healing you have a fair bit of it and a great amount of CC. I hope you have fun with my build. If you liked it or have any opinions leave a comment.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SuperChicken144
SuperChicken144 Bard Guide
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