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Ekko Build Guide by setsoona

Jungle The Ekko Syndrome Guide No One Asked For

Jungle The Ekko Syndrome Guide No One Asked For

Updated on August 11, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author setsoona Build Guide By setsoona 10 2 18,023 Views 0 Comments
10 2 18,023 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author setsoona Ekko Build Guide By setsoona Updated on August 11, 2022
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Runes: The Standard Ekko Syndrome

1 2 3 4 5 6
Dark Harvest
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Ingenious Hunter

Magical Footwear
Cosmic Insight

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
I mean you're jungle, you know this
LoL Summoner Spell: Chilling Smite

Chilling Smite

LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

The Ekko Syndrome Guide No One Asked For

By setsoona
Ekko Syndrome Video Guide
What is Ekko Syndrome
Ekko Syndrome is a common problem amongst the Ekko community where once the Ekko player engages a fight, they must at all cost proc their passive, Ekko Syndrome Drive or ES-Drive ( Z-Drive Resonance if you wanna get technical).

The damage, sound, movement speed and even the sight of the little circles exploding is addictive enough to get you hooked, like an Ekko player's own version of crack. Because of this, expect a lot of your Ekko players (me included) to int their *** off just to get that sweet sweet passive proc
Can Ekko Syndrome be cured?
Unfortunately, there is no cure to Ekko Syndrome. Most of Ekko's damage comes from the ES-Drive so you're kind of forced to develop it to maximise his kit and be able to escape after one shotting the enemy ADC for the 12th time. Scientists are looking at ways to counter the effects of Ekko Syndrome while still allowing Ekko to maximise his dps however, most methods are either ineffective or situational.
What if I play Ekko without using the ES-Drive
Haha you actually called it the ES-Drive. The problem with not utilising the ES-Drive is that you miss out on the huge damage, mobility and survivability that makes Ekko... Ekko.

Although he requires to be very close to enemies which can make him a target to get CC locked, the risk compared to the potential damage and ways you can utilise the ESD and his kit like his Parallel Convergence and Chronobreak to get in and out safely while CCing the whole enemy team and blowing up any squishies that so much as exist near you.
So how do I play the Ekko Syndrome
Well if you want to become addicted to one shotting ADCs and running out like you just saw a spider on your wall because of some circles, I will teach you the way.

This will be mainly referring to the Assassin Ekko build because Bruiser, KR and... Attack Speed Ekko are more builds for fun and you should definetely not use them in Ranked unless you want to get reported and lose LP.
Jungle Pathing
Ekko like most junglers nowadays is a 5 camp clearer.

On Blue side you'd go
Red buff > Raptors > Wolves > Blue buff > Gromp > Gank/ Rift Scuttler

On Red side you'd go
Blue buff > Gromp > Wolves > Raptors > Red buff > Gank/ Rift Scuttler

Pretty simple right?

I'd say ganking is essential in Ekko's gameplan because you need some early gold to snowball early. Getting Blasting Wand and Dark Seal early can singlehandedly win you the game. Gank before or after scuttle. IF possible gank both mid and a side lane to maximise map pressure and gold income.

Personally, I don't like invading early unless it's clear I am safe to do so because one death on Ekko early can really mess you up so be careful.
How Do I Gank on Ekko
Very simple. Press W and Ekko Syndrome them. I'm not kidding it's that easy.

Landing Parallel Convergence or even them being threatened with the stun on W will 9 times out of 10 lead to a kill (preferably you taking it) or a summoner being burned. If they flash after being stunned then you can use the MS from the ESD to chase after them alongside your Phase Dive for gap closing and Timewinder for the slow although W is the main thing that will highly increase your odds of a successful gank.

Level 6+ landing Parallel Convergence isn't as important because you can just dive them and Chronobreak out but making a habit of landing Parallel Convergence is a good skill to have on Ekko.

tl;dr just W
What do I do when I'm ahead?
A fed Ekko is a permaganking Ekko. You take the camps on your side then gank. You can have so much pressure because you are a very mobile and high burst jungler that can force summs or a bad recall with every gank all with relative safety. Make them scared to walk up and have them dread the sound of the Parallel Convergence flying into their face.

If you can't gank then you can also try invading if you have ult and an item advantage over the enemy jungler. That way you have complete control over the side you're on, being able to do dragon or herald while the enemy team struggles to contest it.
What do I do when I'm behind?
Farm. Unless there's a free gank or objective to take, all you can do is farm. Ekko is very reliant on getting Blasting Wand and Sorcerer's Shoes to be able to dish out his ESD burst damage effectively. Without them his damage kind of sucks. It still hurts but isn't enough to carry the early - mid game.

If you're behind and want to get back in the game then get items so you become a threat again. At this point you're playing PvE and fighting every camp and taking every wave (if the laner gives consent) that you can to get back in ASAP.
Ekko Combos
Ekko's Combos are relatively easy and straight forward. Most of his difficulty comes from utilising his W and ult properly and engaging at the right time (like don't jump on the tank just wait for the ADC to walk 2cms forward).

His main combo you'll be using early game is
E > Q1 > Eauto > Auto > Q2
( Phase Dive > Timewinder 1 > Phase Dive auto > auto attack > Timewinder 2)

This combo you Q during your E dash animation to get the slow and just maximise DPS. Now what do I mean by Q1 and Q2 you may be asking.

Ekko's Q hits two times, once when you throw it out and a second time when it's recalled back to Ekko. When you auto to get the ESD proc, you should use the movement speed to have the enemy inbetween you and your Q so when it recalls, they are also hit by the second instance of Q damage. Most of the time you'll be running behind the enemy so the Q hits, you can get autos in and they have to literally walk by you to escape.

A variation of this combo with protobelt/rocketbelt is
E > Q1 > Eauto > Rocketbelt > Auto > Q2
( Phase Dive > Timewinder 1 > Phase Dive auto > Hextech Rocketbelt > auto attack > Timewinder 2)

Rocketbelting after Eauto resets your auto, allowing you to get the damage and MS from rocketbelt and most importantly resetting your auto timer. This increases your dps and is the bnb combo for procing your passive and fueling your newly found Ekko Syndrome. It also makes it easier to land your Q2 and get in an extra auto or two.

Using W with Ekko can be used for 4 things: engaging fights, for the shield, for vision or to setup for your ult. The last one is what I'll be focusing on.

A combo utilising the W is
E > W > Eauto > Q1 > Auto > Zhonyas > Wstun > R
( Phase Dive > Parallel Convergence > Phase Dive auto > Auto Attack > Zhonya's Hourglass > Parallel Convergence stun > Chronobreak)

You can animation cancel Parallel Convergence with Phase Dive the same way you can with Timewinder. This combo takes long enough for your Chronobreak to catch up so you hit them with the ult the moment you come out of Zhonya's Hourglass. The W stun and shield also procs while you're in zhonya so they should be stunned after you come out of zhonya (because that's fair I guess). This combo is very risky as you have no means of escape so be careful when using it.

A fun fact is that you can W during your R ult path so your Ekko shadow doesnt have to be exactly on the W, the trail just has to go through it to proc it.

You can do this to engage on any adc that thinks you're backing away then ult back onto them and burst them with your oombo and utilising the W and ESD to escape.
Late Game Ekko?
Late game Ekko is all about abusing the ESD to get a pick on a squishy target and then run out the fight before you get caught with CC or burst. Ekko falls off at this stage of the game like most assassins so try not to get too cocky if you were ahead in the mid game. Play hide and seek with the enemy team and jump anyone that you can one shot that gets into range of you then back off and wait for your cds. Repeat until you win or die trying.
Wow you actually read this
If you made it to the end, congratulations! You now understand how to develop a chronic Ekko disorder like I have.

Genuinely though thanks for taking a look at this guide. I made this guide as mainly a joke but if I managed to help you someone then I'm glad I was able to help and hope you enjoy and carry as Ekko. This is only the bare surface of Ekko and should probably look at other guides from actual good Ekko players if you wanna properly improve and learn the more advanced mechanics and stuff but other than that I'm outta here.

Peace out Ekko Syndrome victims
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