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Jayce Build Guide by Twogrand

Top [UPTODATE] [TwoGrand Grandmaster elo] [S14] [TOPLANE] Jayce Build Path, Guide And Tricks Mostly

Top [UPTODATE] [TwoGrand Grandmaster elo] [S14] [TOPLANE] Jayce Build Path, Guide And Tricks Mostly

Updated on June 28, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Twogrand Build Guide By Twogrand 97 8 301,103 Views 7 Comments
97 8 301,103 Views 7 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Twogrand Jayce Build Guide By Twogrand Updated on June 28, 2024
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Bikkalum | February 2, 2024 4:52pm
Eclipse and Sky have been great on Lee sin so I wanted to see if anyone has tried it on jayce since hes so reliant on autos and getting in close just like lee, and I'm glad its working for you, tried it in Mid and felt good, nobody really expects the shield/heal combo on 4s CD

But do you see this build actually sticking or its just a cheese build? I have yet to see a single pro/high elo player use sundered sky, and rarely eclipse. Whats making them do full lethality/same build as season 13?
Twogrand | February 14, 2024 11:53am
this was the best buiild for a minute but since sky just got nerf 10 ad its really not that good for us anymore for 3.1k gold so sadly not anymore im working on updating it
desch3445 (2) | April 21, 2023 5:24am
I am in fear for The Hammer Bible's life 'cause I never thought an actually good Jayce player would make a guide on him TWOGRAND I BEG YOU SPARE ME T_T
Twogrand | April 21, 2023 9:40am
HAHAHA im sorry my fellow jayce friend, I still think your guide is amazing i just wanted to do something for super new players <3 youre still the best ^.^
Body Those Fools (3) | April 10, 2023 1:10pm
Awesome and very detailed guide, going to refer to this whenever i lock in Jayce!
Twogrand | April 10, 2023 7:30am
Hey everyone im new to this and didnt see many jayce guides out there so if you have any improvement let me know and ill try my best to improve it <3
RedPandaNommy | April 10, 2023 11:50am
Best Jayce guide I've ever seen, I might have to try Jayce again.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author
Jayce Guide
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[UPTODATE] [TwoGrand Grandmaster elo] [S14] [TOPLANE] Jayce Build Path, Guide And Tricks Mostly

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