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I have found troll votes on the site, can I get...

Creator: Matt January 27, 2011 1:21pm

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Crazy Smurf
Crazy Smurf's Forum Avatar
Dec 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 21, 2011 7:03am | Report
DEWO wrote:

You made a new topic about it and eventho you got instructed to visit this thread you still didnt get the idea.

Let me clear it for you:

Nothing will be done against this user. By clicking Comment to vote you forced him to write an explanation. He didnt want to. So he did a meaningless comment. His right. And i will say it again and again

Okay? Since when "dsdjskljl" isn't a troll vote? "By clicking Comment to vote you forced him to write an explanation. He didnt want to. So he did a meaningless comment." So what the hell, I simply don't get this logic, if I can call this logic. Each person who wants to downvote a guide may just write "XYZ" and put -1? Strangely, I've visited Mods from, which is a really large forum, each of them said me it's obviously a spam and troll vote, because it wasn't even based on any explanation. If posting random things just in order to downvote everything I want is not trollin neither spamming then I really don't know, whether every type of comment is allowed here or not... Especially when the vote comes from the user registered on the same day as my guide was posted. About your opinion of the score issue. That's obvious it's from people to people, but it's also obvious that people won't care about your work if you get downvoted because someone just liked to post a random comment without saying what I did wrong. Not be stingy, but MOBA staff should really think about their own rules, as it allows trollers and spammers to walk freely...
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Jul 29th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 21, 2011 7:13am | Report
The opinions on Naruto-Boards doesn't affect MOBAFire, and are void. They handle things differently.

You're forcing feedback by using comment to vote, and some of the users doesn't want to comment and just vote. So because you had comments forced, he decided to give you some random **** in the comment and leave his vote. It's not censured because that vote represents his opinion, and an opinion isn't trolling, is it?
Crazy Smurf
Crazy Smurf's Forum Avatar
Dec 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 21, 2011 7:23am | Report
Scrax wrote:

The opinions on Naruto-Boards doesn't affect MOBAFire, and are void. They handle things differently.

You're forcing feedback by using comment to vote, and some of the users doesn't want to comment and just vote. So because you had comments forced, he decided to give you some random **** in the comment and leave his vote. It's not censured because that vote represents his opinion, and an opinion isn't trolling, is it?

So anyway Voting System, which was designed to avoid hating/trolling votes simply is being avoided by random comments? That's cool, I'd really like to see more reasoning for any comment, too bad I can't set that rule. Conversation's over, looks like I'm not going to visit this forum anyway, too bad.
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Jul 29th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 21, 2011 7:29am | Report
1) It DOES reduce the random down-votes. 2) It's not avoided, because they are just expressing their opinion through a vote. Their comment is random because you forced it. 3) Yes, conversation is over. I'm sorry you won't be spending more time here, it's always sad to lose a member.
<Retired Moderator>
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Feb 15th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 21, 2011 7:31am | Report
1st of all i didnt say it WASNT a troll vote. I said nothing will be done about it.
On most "vote" things on the internet you wont get the luxury of taging 1 box to force people to leave a comment why they voted that way. We have this here on MOBAFire, but this isnt made for forcing ppl to leave you a 10 word pages of describing why som1 didnt like your build.

You are thinking about it in a wrong way. In your suggestion you would only get +1 votes. All otehr -1 votes will be troll votes. Dont expect all users to leave a well descripted reasoning on the vote.

We do not tolerate spammers for sure. But if som1 only wanst to vote, and you forced him to write stuff... he wrote... "sojnfso". You can translate it into "i just wanted to vote" comment.

As Scrax said, MOBAFire does not have any connection to naruto forums and what rules take effect there.

Before the comment2vote system got implemented you would get a -1 vote and that is it. Now you have the luxury to see that the person that didnt like the build/guide didnt have anything to say.
Sometimes you will get a well descripted -1, and sometimes you wont.

And again, if you wrote a guide, focus on helping ppl instead of trying to get a perfect score or to punish som1 that didnt like the build.
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Thanks to jhoijhoi for the sig!
Crazy Smurf
Crazy Smurf's Forum Avatar
Dec 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 21, 2011 11:53am | Report

Now compare this -1 Vote to the one from Page 2.
I can clearly understand and respect the one from Page 2, he told me what he didn't like, okay, it's cool with me. But since when writing ,./ which is a keyboard order on the day he just registered isn't a spam vote... Not to be *****y, but I really don't like your sense of "justice"... Or maybe something's wrong with me when the build has only positive recievers and suddenly someone bumps in with a -1 and no reason stated, just because he liked to do so. I know, I know, you're not going to take any actions, it wasn't neither spam nor troll voting, yeah MOBA, keep on sitting with these rules, keep on that... because I really want my build to be seen by more players, I'm clearly doing it for the score and obviously I don't want to advice other people on how to play Fate, sure thing.
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wRAthoFVuLK's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 21, 2011 12:47pm | Report

Now compare this -1 Vote to the one from Page 2.
I can clearly understand and respect the one from Page 2, he told me what he didn't like, okay, it's cool with me. But since when writing ,./ which is a keyboard order on the day he just registered isn't a spam vote... Not to be *****y, but I really don't like your sense of "justice"... Or maybe something's wrong with me when the build has only positive recievers and suddenly someone bumps in with a -1 and no reason stated, just because he liked to do so. I know, I know, you're not going to take any actions, it wasn't neither spam nor troll voting, yeah MOBA, keep on sitting with these rules, keep on that... because I really want my build to be seen by more players, I'm clearly doing it for the score and obviously I don't want to advice other people on how to play Fate, sure thing.

I have gotten many troll votes, everyone has. Your guide seems to be doing very well, don't get a hernia over it.

You are misunderstanding some things. Do you realize how popular this website is? How many people post comments and votes every day? Release guides and builds every day? If the mods (and there are two of them. two people.) have to respond to your request for removing a vote, wouldn't that mean everyone else should be able to have their's removed as well? Do you realize how many requests DEWO and Jebus would get (let alone the ones they have already gotten)? Besides doing everything else that mods have to do, locking threads and updating databases just to name a few, this would be a ridiculous amount of work for them. Trolls will be trolls, there are trolls everywhere.

I forgot who said this, I think Matt or DEWO, but it was something like:

if someone gives you a -1 for "I like pancakes", obviously they like pancakes enough to not like your guide.

If their reason for -1 is, if your case ,./, then maybe they don't like the guide because their finger slid on the bottom right portion of the keyboard while reading it and there happened to be a knife there and they chopped their finger off. o-o

But...yea. I'm sorry this has happened to you, but it has happened to everyone.

Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
Crazy Smurf
Crazy Smurf's Forum Avatar
Dec 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 21, 2011 12:56pm | Report

I have gotten many troll votes, everyone has. Your guide seems to be doing very well, don't get a hernia over it.

You are misunderstanding some things. Do you realize how popular this website is? How many people post comments and votes every day? Release guides and builds every day? If the mods (and there are two of them. two people.) have to respond to your request for removing a vote, wouldn't that mean everyone else should be able to have their's removed as well? Do you realize how many requests DEWO and Jebus would get (let alone the ones they have already gotten)? Besides doing everything else that mods have to do, locking threads and updating databases just to name a few, this would be a ridiculous amount of work for them. Trolls will be trolls, there are trolls everywhere.

I forgot who said this, I think Matt or DEWO, but it was something like:

if someone gives you a -1 for "I like pancakes", obviously they like pancakes enough to not like your guide.

If their reason for -1 is, if your case ,./, then maybe they don't like the guide because their finger slid on the bottom right portion of the keyboard while reading it and there happened to be a knife there and they chopped their finger off. o-o

But...yea. I'm sorry this has happened to you, but it has happened to everyone.

Finally someone who didn't go all formal and rule-like... I'd like to apologise for somehow naming their job "fruitless", but I can't really understand this system, maybe it's just me, but it seems wrong in some ways for me, nothing is perfect to begin with, eh. Sorry for that action, if you want to keep these posts as an "answer" to any other people who may understand this my way then do so, if you want them deleted, I won't be mad. Edit: Looks like I started to care a bit way too much about that guide, damned ambitions...
- Witcher 1 and 2 Collecter Editions - Best RPGs in tha World -
<Altruistic Artist>
wRAthoFVuLK's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 21, 2011 1:08pm | Report

Finally someone who didn't go all formal and rule-like... I'd like to apologise for somehow naming their job "fruitless", but I can't really understand this system, maybe it's just me, but it seems wrong in some ways for me, nothing is perfect to begin with, eh. Sorry for that action, if you want to keep these posts as an "answer" to any other people who may understand this my way then do so, if you want them deleted, I won't be mad. Edit: Looks like I started to care a bit way too much about that guide, damned ambitions...

It's no problem, soooooo many people, including myself when I was new to this system, thought it was kinda flawed that these votes can just sit around. But, when you think about it, there isn't much that can be done realistically.

And don't get mad at DEWO, he can get heated up some times, but he means well :)

Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
Xandriah's Forum Avatar
Jan 4th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 21, 2011 1:57pm | Report
It's worth a shot to fix it, but a friend of mine posted a great Evelynn build and one of his friends thought it would be funny to downrate and post this vote... not because he disliked the build, or hell, had even looked at it.

It's a great build and I find it really unfair that it got downvoted because of this :/

PS: I'm pretty sure I posted this on the wrong thread. :x

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