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Natuhlee's Sig Shop

Creator: Natuhlee December 10, 2013 12:45pm
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<Altruistic Artist>
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Dec 10th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 10, 2013 12:45pm | Report

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<MOBAFire Mother>
jhoijhoi's Forum Avatar
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 10, 2013 10:21pm | Report
Welcome to MobaFire! ^^

With regards to your pop-outs, maybe try applying an inner 1px stroke to your renders so they aren't so pixelated? Love your current signature though, very creative :3
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

♡ sig by thenamelessbard ♡
<Altruistic Artist>
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Dec 10th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 11, 2013 9:44am | Report
jhoijhoi wrote:

Welcome to MobaFire! ^^

With regards to your pop-outs, maybe try applying an inner 1px stroke to your renders so they aren't so pixelated? Love your current signature though, very creative :3

Yeah noticed how they looked meh when I posted them. I was used to a white forum so I never really noticed till now XD. But thanks for the advice I will most certainly try that. And thank you!

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Thyone's Forum Avatar
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Dec 10th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 12, 2013 6:36am | Report
•Specific Champion? Thresh
•Pop Out?: NO ty
•Border: Yes
•Color Theme: That Thresh sickish green I love so much
•Any Text?: "Me mad?... Quite likely"
•Anything Else: Nothing fancy or complicated, would love a thresh signature, love playing him so much. I would love that so much n.n
<Altruistic Artist>
Natuhlee's Forum Avatar
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Dec 10th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 13, 2013 11:10pm | Report
Thyone wrote:

•Specific Champion? Thresh
•Pop Out?: NO ty
•Border: Yes
•Color Theme: That Thresh sickish green I love so much
•Any Text?: "Me mad?... Quite likely"
•Anything Else: Nothing fancy or complicated, would love a thresh signature, love playing him so much. I would love that so much n.n

Thanks for posting! I will get on that tonight, it should be ready soon.

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<Altruistic Artist>
Natuhlee's Forum Avatar
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Dec 10th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 14, 2013 4:36pm | Report
Thyone wrote:

•Specific Champion? Thresh
•Pop Out?: NO ty
•Border: Yes
•Color Theme: That Thresh sickish green I love so much
•Any Text?: "Me mad?... Quite likely"
•Anything Else: Nothing fancy or complicated, would love a thresh signature, love playing him so much. I would love that so much n.n

All right, here you are:
Me mad?... Quite likely.

Hope you like it!
If there's anything you'd like adjusted or altered just let me know. I can also make it so it'll appear more centered opposed to the far left if you'd prefer that. Also only bordered two sides cuz I thought it looked better but i can completely border it if you want. Let me know watcha think.

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-NA- Veng Lmfao
<Altruistic Artist>
-NA- Veng Lmfao's Forum Avatar
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Jul 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 14, 2013 5:15pm | Report
It looks good but, it's too big to fit in as a signature.
You should really make it no bigger than 500x175, otherwise some of it gets cut off.

Make them 500x150 (so if you're like me), you can fit other things underneath it.
Eg buttons, thank you messages, links, etc.

This image here will have some of it cut off.
<Altruistic Artist>
Natuhlee's Forum Avatar
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Dec 10th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 14, 2013 6:19pm | Report

It looks good but, it's too big to fit in as a signature.
You should really make it no bigger than 500x175, otherwise some of it gets cut off.

Make them 500x150 (so if you're like me), you can fit other things underneath it.
Eg buttons, thank you messages, links, etc.

This image here will have some of it cut off.

Yeah I was wondering about that. Thanks for letting me know. I sized the width down to 500, but the height is still past 150 (200 something). If Thyone wants to put stuff under it I can make the height smaller, just rather not do all that editing till I know for sure. But thank you! Something I needed to know for sure.

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<Altruistic Artist>
Natuhlee's Forum Avatar
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Dec 10th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 14, 2013 6:20pm | Report
whoops forgot to put the new one in that comment, here we are:

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Emi's Forum Avatar
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Aug 21st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 17, 2013 9:54am | Report
•Specific Champion? Could I have multiple ones, please? :3 Lulu (Winter Wonder), Zyra (Haunted), Morgana (Ghost Bride), Nidalee (Headhunter), and Thresh (Just classic ^_^).
•Pop Out?: No thank you :)
•Border? Nah
•Color Theme: Blue/green/turquoiseish (In this regard, I was hoping maybe you could use the skins for the champions? :3)
•Any Text?: Don't touch my carry.
•Could the height be less than 150, please?

As I'm sure you can see, I'm a support main. I saw your Thresh one, and I really liked it, so I'm gonna give you a chance ;D
Thanks to Ubnoxius for the sig!
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