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Viego Ability (LoL): Sovereign's Domination

Sovereign's Domination Viego

Viego Ability: Sovereign's Domination
The souls of enemy champions that die within 3 seconds of being hit by Viego become wraiths. Viego can attack wraiths to possess them, restoring 2% (+2.5% per 100 bonus attack damage) (+2% per 100 ability power) (+5% per 100% bonus attack speed) of enemy's max health and gaining access to their non-ultimate abilities, attacks, and items for 10 seconds. During this time he replaces their ultimate with a free cast of his own and gains 10% movement speed towards enemy champions.

Viego's Abilities

Viego Ability: Sovereign's Domination	Viego Ability: Sovereign's Domination	Viego Ability: Sovereign's Domination	Viego Ability: Sovereign's Domination
Sovereign's Domination	 is used by Viego

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