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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Project Teemo

The time has finally come. I have managed to get handle of almost 30 level account which has basically nothing at the moment. The account has around 16 champions and no runes, but I'll just buy up the runes and level up to 30. Then the project start.

I will be playing only Teemo from unranked to (goal elo) diamond. Propably won't reach that far but who knows. It doesn't matter to which lane I go as long as I have Teemo picked. Top, mid, jungle.. support. I won't stop climbing on main account, but sometimes it's good to take a break and have fun where this account steps in.

Propably making competitive scene thread and try out how the project

Ryze guide updated-ish

I'm in the process of updating my ryze guide. I've updated the build and masteries and some of the text. I just keep finding little things to change and hitting publish. If you want to read the completed thing, check it periodically. Only major change I need to make is focusing it more towards top and cleaning up matchups.

Happy Ryzing, and also, he's t1 enjoy

Guide: Stop the recalls!

Yo fellows of Mobafire. It's been a while since last blog, because I've been thinking of something productive to write about. I have finally found the subject I want to talk about and open the world of. The idea I got from previous game. I'm talking about stopping enemy from recalling, why and when ?

So stopping the recall means you just stop enemy from going to base to replnenish health and mana or stopping them from buying items. I see no reason to give enemy a free recall to base when you can make them pay with death or minions. A basic example will help:

So in my previous game we(my bot lane) are forced to go back to buy Vampiric Scepter. I use The Culling to clear the wave and go back to buy now when I believe I will loose the least minions. When I come back from lane I have big item advantage over enemy

Nidalee guide for season 4

So I've been doing some thinking, some playing and a little bit of everything. I know I had said I was going to update my bruiser Nidalee guide for season 4. I generally like to keep promises, I hate breaking my word, but it's not going to happen. There are a number of reasons why, but the main reason boils down to Nidalee simply being terrible for top lane. I could say that I've lost motivation and it would be somewhat true, I could say I haven't really played top much this season and that would also be true, but more than anything, the real reason is

An Open Letter to People that play in tournaments

Hey guys, my name is C4 Lasty and I actively play in LoL tournaments. I've competed in everything from Go4lol to little 10 team Z33k tournaments. I actively play in the tournament hosted by this site; the Mobafire Community Cup. I've won the tournament on this site twice. I have been noticing a disturbing trend amongst people/teams that play in tournaments. Namely people seem to be really upset about facing strong teams especially in early rounds.

Let me explain why this is actually a positive. If your team consists primarily of players that have achieved Platinum or lower in solo que it is very unlikely that your team is going to win a Summoners rift tournament. You may ask yourself, 'why should we play in the tournament then?!'. The answer is that you can achieve goals from participating in tournaments besides 'winning the whole tournament'. If you are a primarily Platinum or lower team you should have a few goals in mind going into the tournament. These include, seeing ho…

An open letter to middle schoolers

Dear people/children aged 1-15;

Mobafire is a cool site! You can come and shoot the breeze about league and all kinds of things.

However, there is a TIME and a PLACE for making posts asking for advice on middle school problems. (EG:

The place is off-topic, and the time is never. I can see a disturbing trend arising where very young people pour their hearts out to complete strangers. This is really bad, and we don't care.

I was 14 once, and although the internet was in its infancy, I posted a bunch of silly and embarassing things. All of those things I posted are now on websites that don't exist. Fortunately, they're gone forever. You may not be so lucky.

When you begin to feel angsty, or there's a situation you don't know how to handle, GENERAL DISCUSSION AND BLOGS ARE NOT THE PLACE TO DO IT. I feel embarassed FOR you and my face hurts from face palming. If you really need to turn…

Mids you shouldn't be playing in ranked

Tier list is coming. In the mean time, here are some ap champs you should never play in mid, and possibly just never ever if you want to climb. Most of these will be 'duh', but some might surprise you. Let me know your opinion in the comments.

Disclamer: With dedication and hard work, you can climb with these champs. Your climb will be much more difficult, but there is at least 1 mordekaiser main in diamond 1. There aren't any underpowered champs, but some champs definitely have stronger kits than others. Also this is my opinion.

List w/ quick explanations;

Swain - He's not a mid anymore. Practically every mid champ outranges and dumpsters him. Play someone else

Brand - Ziggs is way better

Now what do you want?

So, did the runes guide. It's on rising if you haven't checked it out.

What guide do you guys want? Give me some ideas. I'm down for champions or general, preferably general since I've already written guides on my mains. Do you want more guides for newbies?

Let me know, I'm out of ideas for guides :/

S4 Changes and Reflection

So I've taken some time to look into the Season 4 changes, but also experience the changes and play through them. I wanted to share my observations and some possible issues, maybe even some solutions to some problems I see:

1. Right off the bat a major concern has to be pink wards. Controlling them is nearly impossible, even if you're winning lane. Giving pink wards 2 extra health is pretty minor in the grand scheme of things, although increasing the health wouldn't be that beneficial and might be detrimental to gameplay. I think pink wards should be given Evelynn treatment in the sense that you can only see them within a certain radius, that would cut back on the ease of killing pinks. I feel that in a lot of ways right now pinks are a massive waste of an investment, which is saying a lot considering they only cost 100g and supports have more access to gold.

1a. The obvious problem with pink wards is a champion like Evelynn. Eve is OP and it's not her fault, the problem is Riot …

First Look Yasuo


Yasuo is a close range assassin/AD caster style of champion. His gameplay involves a good amount of maintenance work to be pulled off. I feel like he will be one of those "Yasuo main" kinda champions where the people that play him well, are the ones who play him alot. His kit involves alot of mobility as well as ability management. If played well though he offers an INSANELY fun gameplay experience with a strong kit.

Skills(Most of these are current numbers from the RoG patch notes):

Way of the Wanderer (passive) Resolve: Moving grants Yasuo Flow, which is tracked on his resource bar -- moving faster grants more Flow. At maximum Flow, damage from a champion or monster grants him a shield for 2 seconds. Intent: Yasuo's Critical Strike chance is doubled.

This passive has 2 parts. The first part is a shield that he gets after he has charged his flow gauge to 100% which he can do by moving around. The values of the shield are typically around 20% of your max h…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide