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Weekly Diamond Jungle Musings - Patch 3.8 Jungle...

Hey guys Lasty back again, sorry for this post coming a day late. My computer was in the shop. I'm experiencing some FPS drops in team fights so I had a Solid State Drive installed blah blah...Anyway this week we are going to look at the upcoming jungle changes and how this will effect the current meta. I'm going to keep this post fairly short because last weeks post was a HUGE wall of text.

For those that haven't seen the changes yet I'll just sum it up. All the camps will now spawn at 1:55. The Blue/Red buffs now give 275 XP up from 220.

So what does this mean for the current Jungle Meta and why the change?

Lets first focus on why they implemented this change. Basically at high levels of play Blue side was getting a huge advantage because their bot lane could do the golems. This wasn't a huge issue in low elo because players didn't know to start golems, or if they did, they didn't know how to capitalize on the advantage. At high elo you literally have to lane swap on purpl…

State of Co-op vs. AI

I've gotten a few friends into LoL recently, and I played some bot games with them to try and teach them the basics in a stress-free environment. Last-hitting, pushing, jungle timers, harassing, building/counterbuilding, teamfighting, global objectives, etc.

Unfortunately, those matches proved to be far less educational than I assumed. In fact, I can conclude that playing bot games inevitably makes you worse at LoL, for a plethora of reasons that I will highlight below:

Lack of proper matchmaking discourages teamwork

Matchmaking for Co-op vs. AI depends not on any form of elo/MMR, only by summoner level. This means that even if you're in Diamond, queueing for Co-op vs. AI may as well match you with a Rumble who starts Mana Manipulator and feeds first blood in 2 minutes. Granted, this barely matters since you can carry 1v5 against bots, but it's not very conducive to establishing a teamwork environment; since you have zero confidence in the abilities of your teammates, every game t…

From Community to Business: MOBAFire

Alright, so a couple of things have happened lately, and then I'm not talking about this guy's blog (right -_-) but I'm talking, of course, about the way Yannis gave a definition to MOBAFire I did not hear before. Sure it might me being incredibly naive but there's something more serious going on in my opinion. Also, don't get me wrong, I'm just trying to understand what is happening to this community I'm part of just in the same way as mankind is trying to unveil the mysteries of the universe. I'm not hating in any way, okay maybe a little but still that shouldn't supress the actual message that much. If it does, apologies are made for the fact that you can't let anything go.

So pretty much what I'm trying to do here is starting a quest, and not one to retrieve the holy grail or to take an all-powerful ring to a volcano but merely a quest to discover what happened. What exactly do I mean? Well How did we go from this:

jhoijhoi wrote:

Top Lane First Look: Aatrox


Aatrox is a close range melee carry that has a playstyle comparable to Jax or Xin Zhao. Aatrox has good AD scalings with a massive amount of sustain. Aatrox can play as an assassin or as a sustained bruiser. In lane Aatrox has a weak waveclear but a strong sustain. His Q is both his engage and disengage so that should be baited out when looking to gank him. He relies on AS for alot of his effects therefore a frozen heart or randuins is a good counterbuild item for him.


(Passive)Blood Well- Aatrox's abilities cost health to cast. When using an ability, Aatrox stores 70% of the health cost into a blood well. Upon taking fatal damage, Aatrox becomes invulnerable for 1.5 seconds as he recovers all the health in his blood well.
Aatrox's Blood Well has a base amount equal to 35% of the maximum. When out of combat, the well will deplete at a rate of 3% per second down to the base amount.
While Blood Well is on cooldown, Aatrox will not accumulate blood.

This passiv…

LoL Maths~ Marks for Support Thresh (Answer to...

What's up MobaFire people ?!

After OTGBionicArm released his pr0 Thresh Guide, me and a bunch of people started debating on what were the best Marks for Thresh on his stream. Here are the suggestions that were made:

AD Marks are the best because: It allows him to harass hard during lane phase and since his Flay's passive scales so freaking well with AD, it gives him really good damage, even at late levels
+8.55 Attack Damage

Armor Pen Marks are the best because: they also allow you to harass during lane phase and give more damage on champions than AD marks and also scale better into late game.
11.52 Armor Pen

Magic Pen Marks because even though

The "Solo Queue" Attitude

You queue up for a game of ranked, and immediately request mid. You're fourth pick, but no one else seems to want to go mid. So it comes to you and you lock Kassadin. That's when fifth pick decides that now is the time to say "I go mid". Try as you might, you can't seem to convince him that you called before him, and picked before him, and last pick always is support anyway. So you say fine, 2 mid, and try to get one of your teamates to dodge. No one does, and you play a game with 2 mid, constantly telling the enemy team to report your lanemate.

You've Decided To Not Win That Game.

Yes, the other guy was in the wrong initially. But by stooping to his level, by refusing to adapt, and by stirring trouble within your team, you've changed your chances of winning from 10% to 1%. Kassadin support is awful (Trust me, I've been in that situation). But two mid where both players are actively trying to screw each other over, not to mention an abandoned adc, is worse. To a certain degree, you d…

Weekly Diamond Jungle Musings - When to Take the Buffs

Hey guys, Lasty back again with another Jungle blog. Today we are going to look at the all powerful Red and Blue buffs. When should you be selfish with them, and when should you dish them out to your teammates. The answers may surprise you, let me know what y'all think in the comments section!

BLUE Buff: Blue buff gives energy/mana regen and cooldown reduction to the person that kills it. Blue buffs after the first one are generally donated to your mid lane so that they can sustain their mana in lane etc. Lets get the obvious ones out of the way so we can focus on some times to take blue that might not be so clear.

#1 Your mid laner doesn't use mana ex: Zed, Katarina, or Kennen. In this situation feel free to take all the blues. If you chose a champion like Zac or Lee Sin you may want to give the blues to your top/adc/support if one of them is doing well.

#2 Some people if they counter-jungle the enemies first blue will then donate their blue to the mid laner. This isn't ac…

Throatslasher's S3 *DIAMOND* -SOLO QUEUE- Tier List...

Tier 1: Hecarim, Nautilus
Tier 2: Xin Zhao, Jarvan IV, Nasus, Volibear, Sejuani, Elise(^)
Tier 3: Vi, Udyr, Nocturne, Lee Sin, Amumu, Zac
Tier 4: Kha'Zix, Shen, Fiddlesticks, Dr. Mundo, Shaco, Kayle, Cho'gath, Pantheon, Trundle, Taric, Rammus, Olaf, Skaner, Warwick, Jax, Maokai, Zed
Tier 5: Rengar, Master Yi, Shyvanna, Malphite

Renekton Tier: Renekton
Tier 1: Rumble, Nidalee(AD), Shen, Elise, Jayce, Riven, Zac(*)
Tier 2: Lee Sin, Jax, Kayle, Nasus, Teemo, Singed, Vladimir, Zed, Irelia, Kennen(KOREA BUILD), Cho'gath, Vlad
Tier 3: Malphite, Darius, Kha'zix, Wukong, Fizz, Tryndamere(AP), Olaf, Yorick, Trundle(*)
Tier 4: Volibear, Tryndamere(AD), Garen, Jarvan IV, Akali, Rengar, Nidalee(AP), Xin Zhao(vv), Katarina(v), Kennen(AP)(*)
Fiora Tier: Fiora, Poppy, Gangplank, Vi, Pantheon

Tier 1: Anivia, Ryze, Twisted Fate, Lux, Kassadin, Diana, Fizz(^^)
Tier 2: Ahri, Cassiopeia, Gragas, Katarina, Orianna, Kha'xiz, Nidalee, Jayce, Zed, Swain, Syndra, Pantheon, Rumble, Cho'gath,…

Top Facts: Quinn

Champion Overview:

Quinn is an early game ranged carry champion. Quinn is a decently strong pick in the top lane due to her early damage, and range abilities as a top laner, as well as her mobility at level 6. Quinn as a top laner can be used if your team has a good frontline. Quinn has a strong ability to zone out most top laners early and try and snowball off the lane. Quinn also has an AMAZING kit when it comes to denying an enemy champion CS. With the combined use of denial and early strength Quinn can help put her team in the position to win the game.

Skills Overview:

(Passive) Harrier-Valor marks a nearby enemy with Vulnerability for 4.5 seconds. If Quinn attacks a vulnerable enemy, she deals 15 + (10 * level) + (50% bonus AD) bonus physical damage. This cannot occur again for 10 seconds, or 3 seconds if Quinn triggers the vulnerability. Valor will first prioritize Quinn's most recent attack target. If Quinn has not attacked anyone recently, Valor will target nearby low

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide