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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

How to position when behind/against powerplay

Yo. Didn't intend to write this publicly but I figured I might as well. Strategy blog about positioning when your team is behind or against a powerplay such as elder dragon or baron. Harder to apply in soloQ but pings exist and these mistakes happen more commonly in soloQ but also awfully often in premade flex games.

This mostly applies when your team has no control over the map anymore. The enemy team has the initiative to make something happen. Often means being thousands of gold behind in the game, enemy team having early-mid game comp against late game team or enemy team having baron or elder dragon powerplay.

Using images might be easier to understand the situation so in this case for example, baron is down and almost every lane has lost first turrets.

Baron plays are so efficient in soloQ for example because people don't understand what they are supposed to do or rather, many will try to do something which leads to problems. Everyone (hopefully) knows the general idea which …

Dealing with Invades

This is going to be a somewhat short look at the subject because there are a lot of factors involved and it is going to be from a defensive perceptive as I don't have a lot of experience with offensive invades.

Getting mass invaded by 4 or more of the enemy team is a separate topic. Usually look and see how much CC the enemy team has or if they have a Thresh, Braum, or

Thoughts on Climbing

Finally made it out of Silver and into Gold for the first time ever. I started playing late Season 2 - Started playing ranked Season 4. Silver 2 was the highest I've been ranked in any previous season.

Note this is my experience. The formula for you might be different.

Game knowledge (including mechanics)
Playing champions you click with
Short circuiting losing streaks

Every piece of knowledge about the game or game theory adds up to gestalt that lets you develop a formula that increases your odds of winning. The most mechanically sound player is going to struggle when they run into the limits of their knowledge.

It is a layer cake and the reason you experience so much variance in your games even when the participants are of roughly equal skill level is that they all have different and incomplete pieces of the puzzle that is League in their heads.

You've got the kickass laner that rotates to your lane only to dive your lane opponent under their turret while t…

Some Jungle Tips

Watched a couple of Edge's recent videos, specifically the 7.4 Rengar and 7.4 Kindred vids. Jungle focused, which is what I want.

Edge - YouTube

This is a bit of an amalgamation of things that he said in the videos and other things that relate or tie together from other sources.

As an assassin sometimes you just have to kill whoever is out of position on the edge of a team fight. You don't always have to dive hip deep into a fight (something I can take away for

The og Jungle Dragon

I have been having some good success with Shyvana out of the jungle of late so I wanted to talk about what is working for me.

For starters Shy was my main for the majority of last season though I backed off on her after patch 6.6 when they nerfed Twin Bite which hurt her dueling and slowed her clear speed a bit. They also lowered the amount of stacks you could get from the Rift Herald from 2 to 5 for

It Began With Lady Luck... and Mowen

I first set out to write a guide with the goal of proving my friends wrong. They got a good chuckle when I said I wanted to write a guide for League, and I have to admit I honestly had no expectations myself. A week or two later, however, the first iteration of "Ye Olde Pantheon Top" was published to MobaFire.

Months passed. I dropped by every once in a while to make updates, but I wasn't what you would call an attentive guide creator. The guide accrued some comments and votes, and I soon reached the milestone of 10,000 views! I started paying more attention to the guide. I taught myself to use GIMP from scratch and banged out some passable banners for my guide sections. More views came. What do you know, I said to myself, people actually give a sh*t about the stuff I wrote on here!

Fast forward to January 2016; the guide had around 1 million views, and I was content to update every month or so. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, I got an email from MobaFire: you've won a prize in the G…

E Max Nasus

Some impressions from my foray into E, Spirit Fire, max Nasus.

The point of the build is, IMO, twofold.

1) It lets you lane and possibly have kill pressure in some match-ups that are impossible if you are trying to Q stack.
2) A Q stacking Nasus is stuck wherever he is stacking, which can lead to the "never leaves Top lane Nasus syndrome" that prevents many Nasus players from impacting the rest of the map. E max for wave clear alleviates this problem by giving you a way to quickly clear a wave.

To be clear, you do stack, you just don't prioritize it over lane pressure.

Jungle: Should I?

I've been doing some work trying to understand the game beyond just clearing your own jungle.

In most games on Blue side you will start Red to get a leash from your Bot lane. Then you will do Wolves and then Blue. Gets you level 3 and gets your two buffs. And on most viable champs it leaves you in a healthy enough position to gank, countergank, or invade.

In probably 75% of my games on Blue side if I drop a Stealth Ward ward in the tri-bush after blue I will save my Top laner from getting ganked and also be in position to countergank. If however, I do Gromp before Blue I will be late to the party. So, instead of doing Gromp before Blue, I go up and drop that ward. If your laner is pushing you might even want to hang out right near Top lane for a couple of seconds. If the enemy jungler doesn't show then go eat scuttle ****. Then go check the enemy raptors to see if they are still up. If they are still up you may have finished fast enough that your Top laner is now getting gan…

Example game of Jungler's thought process.

Soup. A blog about jungler's thought process that goes out to laners too as understanding how a jungler thinks helps you out in lane.

I will use this game as a reference.

Going into the game, both junglers are probably thinking the same thing: top lane is a big factor for the game. Top laners should expect first gank or at least the possibility of a gank happening to top lane. Fastest ganks happen around 3:15 and later ones around 3:45 (knowing where the jungler started helps a lot when predicting first gank). So you can expect a gank to happen to top lane so go and ward for the gank.

On a side note here, you can also expect a jungler to gank your lane if your about to lose the first tower of the game because the gold amount is huge.

As a jungler you want to gank for the lane that will snowball the game and carry the game. The lane you want to gank also depends on the game flow and on the champions/comp you have on your team. Initially when the game started, I wanted to gank top …

A guide to jungle routes

Hello again. (Skip intro if you're just interested in jungle routes). This blog was originally supposed to be part of the jungle tips and tricks but I would have needed to change the format completly so I decided to create a completly new blog.

Jungle routes are really important to not fall behind in levels or gold, especially early on. The first clear can set you really far behind or really far ahead in some cases. Planning your first clear ahead is a good way to be 1 step ahead of the enemy jungler which will turn into free ganks or jungle camp advantages.

I have talked about jungle efficiency and this is basically what this blog is all about. Knowing what your champion is capable of and what you're supposed to do is a big part of choosing a jungle route. Only after that you should be thinking about more advanced routing like planning which lane or objective you want to pressure. Choosing the right jungle route is all about efficiency. You want to lose as much time as possible betw…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide