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MOBAFire Blog Feed

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AP-Rengar: OP?

Hello Mobafire!

Sry for writing you so late, I really wanted to post something about that issue on thursday, but there were problems with my laptop, and yesterday the server failed. So I tested AP-Rengar today, and I wanna tell you if he's good or not.

Here's the answer: He IS GOOD! AP-Rengar has a very strong early game, I don't know why, but with a good partner you can easily get first-blood (If you're bot, I didn't test solo top yet, i will do it later)! In the later game, you need a good team (You need a good team everytime...). In team fights, Rengar can make much Damage with his "W"-skill, his shout. Also he is able to slow and/or stun an enemy. I had some really great games with him now, the scores are satisfactory (They are not VERY good, because i had hard enemies and also I have to make my item build perfect...). So in more or less 1 hour I will start testing AP-Rammus and practising AP-Rengar and trying to win solo-top.

So see you later!

Ranked Day 12

Game 33: Zed Mid (Purple Side)

Matched against a Cassiopeia, took wraiths level one, got two quickly and tried to go aggro but she knew what was coming and instantly backed off and put damage on me. Friendly Zac came to gank, Vi counter-ganked, and Zac's passive proc'd. Everyone escapes with no Summoner's and really no HP. Zac comes right back and I get FB. Keep laning, and right when I hit 6 I go all in and kill her, surviving with 50 HP. I die when Zac comes to gank and Vi counter-ganks again. I die again on a DC. Bot lane did really well, we have Dragon control throughout the game. We push hard, take lots of turrets, and eventually win a fight and take inhibitor. I can burst their carries throughout the game, and Zac and I zone both their carries out most every fight. We Baron and get ace'd after Graves gets caught by a Cassiopeia ult. Keep pushing, catch them out and GG the game. In promotional!!

End Result: Victory Qualified for Gold III Promotional Series 8/7/10 21…

Sooo, I just fudged up most of a game, until the end

tl;dr: I jungled Taric for the first time ever in my first game in Silver II. I pulled 0 ganks and my teammates *****ed at me, but we still won because Taric is op and doesn't care how bad I am at jungle.

So yeah, some ppl duo'd bot and kicked me out of support and into the jungle. Now, putting me in jungle is just a horrendous idea. I don't play it ever, so it's no surprise that my instincts are god awful. And then the only jungler I'm halfway comfortable with (


Guess i will start making some guides. After playing LoL for a while i find theory crafting / teaching others is just as fun as playing the game. Anything to have less noobs in mah ranked games lol!

I'm going to start with my favorite champions:
Signed Tanky/AP
Twisted fate APC
Sivir ADC (upcoming visual upgrade woot)

Wow! What a hole!

I have been going through some phi-LOL-sophy fever after reading this Pro guide that was commented to me on the discussions of my Rammus guide.

Man, I feel I'm just like toddler at playing LoL, wow, What a Hole in my mind!

Now, I am trying to study some Rammusology, by reading and studying other pro guides and discussions 'bout Rammus, testing more ways on how to play

Ranked Day 11

Game 31: Zed Top (Purple Side)

First SoloQ game in quite a while. Jungle got called so I filled into top. I don't really like to first pick Wukong, and I feel like Zed is a stronger pick anyways, and much safer, better farmer, and really fits my playstyle of assassin top laners who can get in a out of fights quickly. Started Red Elixer/Ward/HP Pots vs Gangplank, and he started the same. He went instant aggro on me, and I kited him back to my tower. We both drank our pots, which saved both of our lives. He was really harassing me, forcing me to farm from distance, and back earlier than I wanted too. We fought again at 6, and killed each other. Akali took the top turret, I rotated Mid, killed Lux, and Akali killed Gangplank. Enemy Draven started to intentionally feed, and we won the game. Pretty decent game, just need to continue to work on my mechanics.

End Result: Victory +16 LP 53->69 9/3/4 208/177

Game 32: Jarvan IV Jungle (Purple Side)

Man I controlled this game extre…

Need a new background :O

Greetings ladies and gentlemen :D

I want a new background, but I have a hard time finding a good one D:
If you could find something for me, I'd appreciate it :D
It must meet the following criteria:
* It needs to be a huge picture
* It must be "summer"ish
* It must be just as pretty as the one here or even better :D

Thank you, and have a nice day :D

Blog stuff

Is it just me or more views on personal stuff than elo climbing and game related?

Well i'm kind of bored so i guess i'll run some diary like dunno wtfbbq thing here... Just for teh fun :P

Oh yea and sorry for delay on signatures x_x i'm waiting for some SSD and new HDD to arrive. My current HDD (the other 2 died T__T) is on the verge of death... sometimes it sounds like a horde of grasshoppers chirping, sometimes it gets stuck and my comp freezes for a second or 2. Really annoying when it happens while playing...

So windows installation here i come!!! TONS OF UPDATES!!!!!!

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide