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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Oblivion's Log

NOTE: This is a personal log. This only contains information that I have done for each day that I participate in the MOBAFire community, featuring work that I have done on my guides, new posts I have made, etc.

I am only using this blog as a journal, to hold all my activities in, any comments made that are not by me are most likely going to be deleted, sorry :(


Hi! Hi!~

Yo! Been a long time since I've done a blog post in here. If you feel like learning what I've been up to and how I've been keep reading. If not sorry to waste your time with my boring blog post haha. be honest I haven't been feeling that well the past 2 weeks. Didn't have any internet for 1 week which sucked hard. It sucked especially hard for me. When I'm at home and I don't have anything to do I start..thinking about stuff and when that happens I think about good and bad stuff..normally I just find ways to distract myself and not think about the bad stuff but this time I couldn't.

So yeah for a while I was really bored and sorta down (still am). Thankfully I found something that rally cheered me up. Katawa Shoujo. It's basically a game/visual novel where you just read the story and along the way you sometimes make decisions that affect the story and how it turns out in the end. The story itself is about a guy who has a heart attack and transfers to a school for disabled s…

Great News!

Today, I bring FANTASTIC news!

I recently had the bread and butter of my guide removed (about 1/3 of the guide), which was my matchup section.
Today, I found the word document with the codes and have put it BACK INTO THE GUIDE!

*Round of applause*

Enderstar Gaming Renovations: What has changed?

Monday March 25th, 2013:

Alright everyone, I know that anyone coming here from Enderstar Gaming’s youtube channel probably has some questions that they want answered about why nothing has been posted over the last few months. I will say it all again on the next episode of every series, but I thought I’d say it here first.
Over the last few months, everyone from Enderstar Gaming has been very busy with their personal lives, including me. Schedules have been tight, and nothing is too clear at the moment. However in the meantime, we’ve been working to improve the quality of our channel, live stream, and other things. These changes aren’t complete yet, but when they are, they will result in a much better entertainment experience.
So what does this mean for you? Let me start listing things off and explaining.

The You-Tube Channel:

For anyone saying that the background isn’t too good, we all agree with you, and don’t like it ourselves. Sadly, we have no artists in Enderstar Gamin…

The new and improved team!

With a an entirely new roster, team OTS(Order of the Sationable) has jumped into a 1-1 records in tournament play. With Apollo managing the team rather than playing, and a few positions swaps between the first and second team has created a great combo of talent, dedication and great play from team OTS.

Ranked Day 6

Game 22: Jarvan IV Jungle

What a dumb game. Locks in mid Master Yi, then doesn't want to lane versus Kassadin go he goes top. "Don't worry I'm good." All ins level 1, forced to recall, teleports back in and gives First Blood. Mid Lux had 75 cs 25 mins in. I get Vayne to 6/0, but she is really bad positioning and can't carry. Enemy team was really bad as far as I could tell, but nothing we could do with a non existant Lux and Master Yi.

End Result: Defeat -18 LP 79->61 4/1/13 201/175

Game 23: Jarvan IV Jungle

Exact same score, different results. I told the team to group, and we grouped very well, roaming as 5 and picking up objectives. Short game, dominated not through skill, but through teamwork. Great game props to my whole team.

End Result: Victory +16 LP 61->77 4/1/13 202/175

Ranked Day 5

Game 18: Kassadin Mid

Had a decent jungler, but Mid and Top were both really bad. I didn't do very well either vs Elise, but only died to ganks and in fights. Lame game all around.

End Result: Defeat -18 LP 79-61 199/174

Game 19: Jarvan IV Jungle

Had a Garen who just didn't know what he was doing. Started with a Doran's Blade and gave First Blood at lvl 1, died three more times before 6. Mid got crushed as well. Bot lane did fine, but it was way too late by that point. Hopeless game.

End Result: Defeat -21 LP 61->40 0/1/4 199/175

Game 20: Taric Support

Had a really good team, won all lanes and pretty much facerolled the game. Got decent ganks, but didn't really need them, was a pretty passive lane just farmed it out and let the other lanes destroy. Easy game.

End Result: Victory +17 LP 40->57 0/3/12 200/175

Game 21: Taric Support

Had a beast of a Talon on our team, made plays all game and carried it. Nautilus was decent but had a bad gank where enemy Shen ult'ed in a…


I'm going to stop wasting my time on this ungrateful, slobbering, knuckldragging "community". I decided a year ago to come and try to better the info on this website. With the trollvoting on my recent guide, I'm done. Enjoy silver kids ***********ing silver kids.

If you want advice or help, pm me i will still maybe check those and swing by solo if for my latest and greatest guides.


Rotten community

I've probably had the worst weekend in LoL since I started 2 years ago. I have no idea why on weekends everyone is plain rude starting from hero picks and then it culminates into 2 people afking, because they thought our mid was feeding - he had 4 deaths and the rest of us had 3 excluding top lane. They hated mid from the start, because he instalocked. That means I got 3 idiots in my team.
Is it ok to complain about having 2 afk ******s in my team? Is it ever justified to flame teammates, even if they go afk at lvl 5 in a ranked match, because the enemy jungler ganked before our jungler did and flame the rest of the 15 minutes until we are forced to surrender? Probably not and that makes 4 ******s in my team the game those two people went afk.

That's my weekend. Friday I got Ryze who went afk after the enemy jungler ganked him at lvl5. Afterwards he laughed at us in base saying we won't win and that he won't play with people that aren't on his skill level. (So you wanna go back to br…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide