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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard Runes
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order standard
Garden of Thorns (PASSIVE)
Zyra Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
she out trade you in lane with her q, so poking is sort of useless, you have to all in or you lose game late. she out scale zyra. never all in far from your adc stay near him and punish her bad positioning.
land one E and enjoy the coin clink sound.
land one E and enjoy the coin clink sound.
Champion Build Guide
1- it is very very ....very common to have low IQ angry fat kid playing ADC, where he stand in melee range to talon and die instantly and deals no damage in team fights.
2- Also very common to have a midlaner with 9k damage in 30min game.
3- you will not climb with enchanters or guardian champs like (lulu, nami, janna, rakan, braum)
4- you have to make plays like a midlaner ( high damage, all in burst damage, initiate fight)
5- it is easier to root enemies in this elo because they dont dodge your skill and miss position alot.
6- to climb in low elo you have to win your lane and win teamfights no matter how good or bad your vision score is, and to win a teamfight you have to deal massive damage and kill their threats and it is very common to see enemy adc with in range to your Root+ult.
Zyra Combo
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