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+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Draw a Bead (PASSIVE)
Tristana Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Check the Matchups Chapter for all the matchups
Champion Build Guide
Increases Tristana's attack range by 8 every time she levels. At level 18, Tristana has 136 bonus range on her autoattacks (661 total range). |
| Cooldown: 20 / 19 / 18 / 17 / 16 | Cost: NONE | Rapid Fire grants you attack speed, you combine this with your E ability to attack 4 times in a row on an enemy to blow the explosive charge up that deals extra damage. |
| Range: 800 | Cooldown: 22 / 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 | Cost: 60 | Rocket Jump's cooldown resets on kill or assist or whenever Explosive Charge detonates at maximum stacks on champions. This will allow for some high level mechanical outplay |
A very good tool to use as an all in ability that slows the enemy or an escape ability from when you are getting ganked or need to escape.
| Range: 525 / 661 | Cooldown: 16 / 15.5 / 15 / 14.5 / 14 | Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 MANA | Explosive Charge|Every basic attack, Rocket Jump or Buster Shot against a target with Explosive Charge adds an additional stack that increases Explosive Charge's final explosion damage by +30%, stacking up to 4 times (+120% damage). The Explosive Charge will detonate immediately upon reaching maximum stacks. |
This is your main damage that will allow you to kill your opponents, without this you are very weak, in combination with your Q ability you win against most other ADCarrys in a 1v1.
| Range: 525 / 661 | Cooldown: 120 / 110 / 100 | Cost: 100 MANA | Buster Shot deals 300 / 400 / 500 (+100% of ability power) magic damage and knocks surrounding units back (knockback scales with level) |
This ability you can use it two ways, first way is to use it as a form of execution ( when you play enough to know your damage), you can combine your rapid fire & explosive charge ability where you can leave your explosive charge stack at 2 or 3 then use your buster shot to knock them away giving them no chance to retaliate and at the same time get them low enough that your will slowly tick until it explodes and kill your enemy. The other way is a form of self peel, as we know this ability allows us to knock enemies back, meaning we can use it when we are under threat, like being ganked by a jungler or midlaner we can use this as a way to ensure we are safe.
Let us talk about the most important ability to understand in Tristana's kit, her rocket jump. There is a mechanic where you are actually able to tank the CC and still be able to jump away. CC types like roots, stuns and charms will not cancel your jump so you do not need to time it like you would need to with other CC type but once you land to your jump location you will still be affected by whenever CC hits you. However, you need to be mindful when you cast your jump as displacement CC types (hooks, knock-ups and knock-backs) like Alistar's Q and W and Thresh's Q and E as theses CC types will cancel your jump. You have a short casting time at the beginning of the spell, and this casting time will complete no matter what. This means that, during these few frames, you'll be able to get hit by CCs without canceling your jump. You have to time it perfectly, casting your W right before the CC hits you. This is extremely difficult to do I recommend asking a friend and going to practise tool to try it out until you are comfortable, otherwise you can limit test in normal games and do not be afraid to die.
There are quite few ways you can immediately use rocket jump again whilst it is on cooldown. Getting a kill or assist will reset the cooldown. Planting Explosive Charge E Ability on an enemy and autoattack that one target 4 times in a row and the bomb will explode, then immediately it will reset the cooldown. Getting a kill means you immediately have a free escape mobility ability to use. You can jump in, get your 4 stacks on the Explosive Charge and get another jump to gap close towards your enemy, finish him off and get a 3rd JUMP to get out ! So now you are able to plan ahead to make use of this double jump to outplay your enemies !
If you do not know already, Lee Sin love to ward hop behind enemies and kick them into his own team, making him unable to escape but only accept death as their fate. If Lee sin can do it so can Tristana BUT the main difference here is, Lee Sin can do it instantly whilst Tristana has a slight wind up time which the enemies can sometimes react to. The general idea is to get behind the enemy and then use your Buster Shot to knock your opponent towards your own team, blocking his only escape route. There are few times to go about this, you can either Rocket Jump behind your enemies then using Buster Shot to knock em towards your team. The other way, a little more difficult, is pretty much the exact same, you jump in but this time lets say you were in front of your enemies and not behind them, so you need to figure out a way to get even further deeper. You can cast Buster Shot and then immediately cast Flash behind your opponent so that the Buster Shot changes direction, making the enemies unable to react and knocking the enemy into your team.
Unfortunately, this is one of those matchups where no matter what you do, you will lose, you lose any trade as he will simply heal back to full and if you try to all in him, you lack the damage to burst him whilst he will outdamage you. One common theme that Draven players do is that they will most likely int or have high deaths. So play safe, farm up during laning phase. And on the off chance that, you have a giga smurf support, landing sick engages, do not be afraid to jump in and follow up. |
Ezreal is super weak early but he will try to poke you during laning phase and eventually out-scales you. Pre 3 items you should really be farming him, there is no way he would ever win, jump in and blow him up. Not much to say here. In the later stages, you have to fully commit onto him or do not bother hitting him at all as he will kite you and make you look like a fool. |
Similar to Ezreal, Jinx will out-scale you if you are both at 3 items. Pre 3 items she is like a minion to you, jump in and blow her up at any chance you have, you will become giga fed if jinx does not respect you. But in late game, her auto attacks do so much more than your entire combo, so try to play with your team and not overly focus on jinx. |
Kai'sa is quite an even lane but ultimately she will outscale you in the very later stages of the game when she goes for the full ap build. The main way to outplay her is to dodge her W ability which is her highest damaging ability and you will come out on top. Also save your own W to reposition against her R. Later on in the game, try to play to your range advantage as she will dive on you and pop you quite easily. |
Similar to Ezreal and Jinx, Miss Fortune is just another big minion for you in the early stages of the game, by landing ontop of her you will slow her down, combine it with the explosive charges you will blow her up as she cannot run away unless she has flash. After 3 items you may want to think twice before you jump into her, because it will be very close even if you land everything. She scales very well and does much better in teamfight due to her ultimate. |
Kalista is similar to Draven, where at all stages of the game she will out damage you, there really isnt much to say, you can still win this if you have the better support matchup as this lane is not as oppressive as Draven. Focus on yourself and play slow during teamfights, do not put yourself in a situation where the Kalista can 1v1 you. And at the later stages of the game you will be able to outrange her enough to kill her before she reaches you. |
Vayne is quite different from the rest, she is not particularly strong but with an enchanter support she is beyond broken. Pre-level 6 you will pop her as long as you avoid her E ability which pushes you back and if you stand close behind a wall it will stun you. So avoid that and you will win 100% of the time. Post-level 6 it becomes very tricky because she will now have invisibility which will make it difficult for you to stack your explosive charges. I would avoid her at all cost after level 6. |
Sivir is another big minion for you, and she does not actually outscale you until she has 100% crit, meaning at full build will she then outscale you. A very straight forward matchup. You can blow her up at any stages of the game if you find yourself in a 1v1 against her. |
Senna is a very easy matchup for you, do not be afraid to go all in and blow her up, she is very easy to kill for you. She will outscale you if you are not ahead early on, the moment her manamune finish stacking then it will become very difficult for you to kill her as she heavily outrange you with her passive stacks. |
Similar to Senna, twitch has a weaker laning phase than senna and is very easy to burst down, until twitch finish stacking his manamune he will never actually outdamage you, if he decides to go for the standard blade of the ruined king build he will never beat you in a 1v1 until he has 6 items and he still needs to use his R. At late game wait for his R then you can kill him easily. |
Varus is very similar to Ashe, someone that will outtrade you without anyway for you to retaliate, avoid trading with him, and try your best to dodge his Q poke that he will charge up. You will however, win an all in when there is nobody around before level 6. After level 6, be more conserved due to his R that will instantly stack up his passive allowing for very high burst damage. Again you can flash or use QSS to completely negate his ultimate to outplay him. |
Xayah is another unique matchup, the main thing to watch out for is her feathers, whenever she uses an ability, all her autoattacks will leave behind a feather, and when there are 3 or more feathers stacked up she can root you in place and it does super high damage. During fights, save your W to dodge her feathers and if she uses her E early to retract all the feathers you can all in her as she will have no way to stop you. |
In the video above I talk about the following concepts:
- Respecting Fog of War
- Hitting/Starting Objectives without a Reason
- Dealing with Assassins
- Knowing what good fights to take and what bad fights to avoid
It is recommended that, you take one of those tips and attempt to apply it in your next game to reap its benefits. Make sure you only do one at a time if it is too overwhelming, otherwise you will not learn from it. Even playing in a normal game will help, it need not be ranked.
In the video above I talk about the following concepts:
- Level 2 Power Spike
- How to punish your enemies with this power spike, or respect it and back off of it
- Knowing how many minions it takes to reach level 2 first in a duo lane
- 3 Clips of 3 Different ADCarry; Tristana, Caitlyn and Ezreal show casing what we have mentioned above.
Make sure you test this out in a normal game first before attempting it in ranked. It is okay to make mistakes, go all out and learn from your mistakes. Best to record with some sort of software so you can go back and watch your own replay to analyse what has happened.
This video is not owned by me but I think it is very well detailed on how to teamfight in general as a carry.
- Direct Initiate
• Create fight or flight response.• Go in 1v5 if you have to.
• Carries DO NOT go in.
- Follow Up Initiate/Hit Tanks
• Tank pressure backline, or tankline.• Forces everyone to use cooldowns/abilities
• Carries stay OUT until tank cooldowns/abilities are used.
- Hit Tanks
• Hit tanks after tank cooldowns/abilities are used.• Forces out backline cooldowns/abilities
• Carries in range of 1 person.
- Kill Backline
• APC flash on backline or finish off tanks.• ADC can dive if no enemy burst cooldowns/abilities are up.
• Tanks can make a flash play.
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