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He has strong short trades, you have to try and force an all-in when you go in.
The only way to win short trades is when he wastes spells on the wave.
You run him down with Kraken+ghost
Runes: Tempo
Farm matchup.
You can try to burn her mana before her first/second back but post-6 she has 3 flashes on a 2minute cooldown.
In low elo you can try to force some trades, try to dodge her charm.
Runes: Tempo + resolve
Ban her, or pray you are not against a good akali.
Farm matchup
Runes: tempo.
Go ignite always against her
Rare pick toplane but she exists.
Farm matchup, try not to die, run her down with ghost if she overextends and she doesn't respect you.
Otherwise, just pray for crits
Runes: Tempo + resolve (you can sorc if you are confident)
Look to build rage, if she plays behind and doesn't contest you building rage then you won the lane, you beat her in the sidelane.
Also you simply beat her 1v1 around level 6, if you are healthy enough and she pushes your lane, you can run her down with ghost around levels 4-6.
You MAY win early if you build rage correctly l1 and crit, kite her while her shield is up, you can also position in front of her around level 2-3 when she has her E, so you will block it and she won't be able to escape (or will have to flash)
This matchup is very dependant on elo, before diamond players will grief hard on this champion, just run her down.
Be careful early against her as she can burn your hp, once you get Kraken you murder her.
Runes: Tempo + resolve,, never forget boneplating.
Thanks god nobody plays her top nowadays.
Fleet resolve + doran shield, she won't poke you much in early so this is your chance to run her down if she doesn't respect your damage, has mana problems until her first back.
Otherwise soak xp try to farm as much as possible while being as healthy as you can.
Pray for ganks.
Walking meat.
Build a bit of fury and kill him.
If you are not behind then having Kraken = you win any trade or fight against him.
Dodge his Q means a free kill.
Press your damn R
Lethal tempo
This is a very annoying matchup.
Just try to play as safe as you can, aa+e out trade pre-6, you outscale this matchup, and you can kill him too, just don't try to all-in a Darius lv1.
Punish him if he is wasting his Q/W on the wave and you have enough health and fury.
Respect his damage and champion and outscale.
Runes: Tempo (sorc).
I always go ghost, ignite if you are confident you can cheese him l2
Very annoying to play against.
Don't get hit too often by her Q (vital) and hug the wall on her R time.
Try to farm and punish her when you can, the typical AA+E does the trick, she is really squishy early on.
If she W's you and you get hit, run and pray. You can fight her if you are in the middle of the lane with your R popped, but ideally, you can to make her waste her W and allin
Runes: Tempo +IGNITE!!!
Garen is a tricky matchup, you have to never underestimate Garen, but to always punish him.
Always go ignite, simply because if he does and you go ghost, you will die early on.
Do extended trades. (E over him, kite him, don't let him Q you then run away)
You have the better champion.
Kraken = gg
Super duper annoying. Coinflip game
Usually he shouldn't be able to kill you, play safe, farm it out, punish him when you can (if he wastes E, or is too cocky)
Really annoying.
I personally just go ignite nowadays to snowball on him. He is really squishy early on.
Don't attack him if he Q's you, walk towards his turret if you are trying to allin him.
Be sure to hit W post6
Don't fight with him early on, you will beat him easily with Kraken.
Try to farm mostly, I didn't match against trundle many times, however, level 4 is the time where you may kill him.
tempo ignite is super nice, however, ghost is better to run them down.
Annoying champion, I barely trade into him early on.
Unless he is bad just try to farm, you win level 6 if you play it well.
Try to burst him down before you have to use R, if you dodge his cc (dash) you 100% win.
Your ulti counters his.
Punish him early.
phase rush is very annoying, so you will have to make him use his pool and phase rush (lvl3-4) and then deny creeps/force a kill if he doesn't respect you.
If you are even in cs mid-game you MAY kill him if you play well, late-game he is a monster
tempo ghost (you can go ignite if you want, it's really good. I just prefer ghost)
Beads for sustain and quick trades (aa+e)
Otherwise (longsword +pots) you can just farm it out and wait for your Kraken...
It can either be an annoying matchup or a walk in the park
If you play this matchup well you will almost always win 1v1.
be sure to ignite him before he uses his W.
Take short trades (aa+e) or 2aas if he doesnt go resolve.
Widdle him down and kill him. (his passive gives him armor while he fights, dont do long trades).
tempo resolve +ignite.
Can be super frustrating if he stuns you with his Q's.
However, he has 0 sustain, abuse that.
Tempo ghost
Super annoying matchup.
You can try to go ignite and try to cheese him, if he doesn't respect you he will ALWAYS die early.
His jump is on a higher cooldown than your E.
Try not to fall behind and you are fine, Kraken = you slaughter him.
If you are behind farm as much as you can, try to push him and not let him group as he is a strong teamfighter, outrotate him
Ban the fucker
He is not hard to beat in the early game, but his counterstrike ability will negate your existence mid-late game.
You should win the early game AA+E early trades, your E is on a shorter cooldown than his E, you simply win early fights if you don't grief too hard.
Try to not let him get ahead by getting free kills. Run down his team with your lead
Unskilled champion. Wait what?
tempo ignite
Hard counter.
Farm and try to be useful.
Ban her if your team hovers another champion with dashes.
You can try and cheese her early, if you don't want to risk being low hp and her tping back, just go ghost and farm.
win the macro game
tempo ignite
Super annoying to lane against.
Will be behind cs.
Ask for help from your jungle and you will stomp her.
Ghost tempo always, you can run her down if you are healthy enough with your ghost r up.
*can go beads
Same as Quinn.
Super annoying champion to lane against.
Easy if you have a decent jungler and she has TP.
her condemn is on a higher cooldown, however, be careful when you farm to not get poked too hard.
Exhaust vayne will hurt but you can still win.
Ghost on her if she Q's into you and you are healthy enough
tempo ghost
Contrary to the popular belief, Shen hard counters you.
Grasp Shen beats you in the early game, and can win your botlane some decisive fights.
You may beat him after level 4 if you play well.
Try to keep him in lane and low hp, if he R's on someone just push as fast as you can, if he dies bot without TP and R it's over
tempo ghost
Dr. Mundo
Annoying matchup. He is super tanky.
He is one of the champions you should look to ban.
If you are against him, fear not, as soon as you get Kraken and you are not behind you demolish this Rock.
If he misses E on your (or you dodge it) he is a walking rock.
Try to push him in when you can, he has mana issues.
If your team is full ad dodge
Riven matchup is super easy until you reach higher elos, all riven players until master are monkeys.
This lane is dictated by how well she playes, when she makes a mistake you punish it. You win levels 1-2 unless she has ignite(lmao?), you run her down with ghost at lvl 4, 6, etc if you are healthy enough and not behind.
Let her push you in a bit so you have more room to walk her down.
Be careful of her level 3, it's when she is the strongest in the laning phase, don't get baited.
You get outscaled in this matchup if you don't have any kind of lead, if you don't have a proper AP champion in your team, she will go goredrinker hydra into dd and tabis. You won't exist, you stomp her with a lead.
Tempo ghost
Amazing champion to have in your team.
He CCs you right click.
Good cc
Amazing cage, a good cage will let you slaughter everyone. Press your ghost bro
Good synergy if she hits her E 5Head
Jarvan IV
His R is amazing for you. Also nice cc on eq
If he's in the enemy team you're bound to suffer
pray she can hit her R on enough people, otherwise super weak with you, she is squishy, her damage is Okay
Can be either IDEAL or NONE, if you are not premade you will cry
Same as Kayle
Strong champion, strong R
Lovely cc
Fear to everyone
Good synergy, decent ulti to help you kill people, buffs you pretty well and the heal is nice
Amazing champion to have in your team.
He CCs you right click.
Good cc
Amazing cage, a good cage will let you slaughter everyone. Press your ghost bro
Good synergy if she hits her E 5Head
Jarvan IV
His R is amazing for you. Also nice cc on eq
If he's in the enemy team you're bound to suffer
pray she can hit her R on enough people, otherwise super weak with you, she is squishy, her damage is Okay
Can be either IDEAL or NONE, if you are not premade you will cry
Same as Kayle
Strong champion, strong R
Lovely cc
Fear to everyone
Good synergy, decent ulti to help you kill people, buffs you pretty well and the heal is nice
I only play Tryndamere most of the time because he is so fun to play with. I can consider him my one-trick pony, however, I am learning Darius and other champions currently.
This is one of the accounts that I played on
Why should you play tryndamere?
Tryndamere is one of the most fun champions to play in the game (and the most annoying to play against).
He is a carry champion that will surely get you out of elo-hell. If you play tryndamere correctly it's close to impossible to not reach diamond.
Pros and Cons
+ Good base stats. + Can come back into the game easier than most champions. + Insane carry capacity. + Fun to play. + Has no mana. + Amazing 5 seconds of undying ultimate. is and will always be a good pick in soloq, he is worth playing and learning. He is easy to learn and hard to master. Ghost makes him unbelievably strong in team fights if you play correctly.
- Weak against CC. - Easy to counter if you blind pick him. - Gives little to no value when behind, due to having no CC. - Early crits are somewhat RNG. - Hard to master. - Expensive items.
You need to have patience with this champion. At first, it will look like it is super easy to play and you don't even need a guide, but as you climb you will see that tryndamere is getting harder and harder to play.
Make mistakes, test your limits, come back to the guide, watch streams and improve.
The best tryndamere skin is Sultan Tryndamere, it is not a personal opinion, it has the best animations but it also looks nice and feels smooth.
The ranking on the skins should be something like this: Sultan > Highlander > King/Blood Moon/Beast Hunter/Viking > Chemtech > Basic > Demonblade > Nightmare.
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