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Recommended Items
Runes: For The Brave
+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order Just Do This
Traveler's Call (PASSIVE)
Bard Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
The scariest thing for a bard is another bard.
Bard is strong with everyone.
Bard is strong with everyone.
Champion Build Guide
This is my first guide, and I could go over more stuff in detail, but I'm lazy and slow, so it'll take some time. As far as what this guide is good for, it's for having fun and some actually being good. I know you can listen to higher ranked people like lathy and get what's going on there, but they won't know the secret skills to tilt the heck out of lower ranked players.
THIS GUIDE IS NOT FOR HIGH ELO. I plan on playing how I do as I climb the ranks, but I cannot recommend how I play to players who are above me, as that would be conceited and dumb.
Also it's really fun. That's the main reason.
Secondly, shut down the enemy's mental state.
Thirdly, win.
Seems pretty simple, but how do we do that? I'll get to it later, so for now let's cover what Bard can do and how it works.
Passive - Traveler's Call
So, basically he grabs thingies and goes places. These restore mana, so wait till you're low on mana early game, and later on you can use them. Mid and late game, use them to craft the fastest paths through the jungle for roams and vision control.
Q - Cosmic Binding
This gets a little funky, but try and poke with it. I don't have any magic tips to fix it, so take what you can from it. You need practice for landing those stuns, although I will say if you can meep auto first, do it. Slows them so it's harder to hit ya know?
W - Caretaker's Shrine
Leave these around lane when you leave, other than that save it in teamfights to speed up an ally in a tense situation or give a little bit of healing.
E - Magical Journey
Use this to help your jungler to gank, and escape from a sticky situation in jungles and lanes. You can go into the alcove and tunnel from the alcove to your tower, so practice that too.
Tempered Fate
Okay real quick, let's appreciate the name of this ability because it's SO COOL. Okay, now that that's done, there are two ways to use it. If you trust your team, try and manipulate stuff for them. Take towers down, set up drag for steal, zone enemies, even save them. If you don't, catch enemies and cause their end. That simple.
2. Leave Ws all around different lanes when possible. The healing isn't a ton, but it can help make a difference.
3. Roam when your adc is safe, and don't leave them out to dry. If you need to go top to contest rift or make a big play, communicate that you won't be there for a little bit. This helps with tilt bigtime.
4. Have fun. Bard is a fun champ and League is a game, so enjoy your time. If you're too stressed, go into norms and go bard top or somethin idk. Just don't put yourself under too much pressure.
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